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BS01 Game Team Wiki: Game Ideas
From Bs01 Game Team
A place to put additional game ideas. In the title of a section, put your game title and your name.
Contents |
Vakama's Shadow (KolSkywalker628)
I got the idea for this while thinking about Tuyet's success in DM. What if Vakama had worked with Teridax? What if Vakama took over the whole Brotherhood using the Mask of Time? The Order of Mata Nui was prepared for such an eventuality and had a Toa Team ready for Vakama's possible betrayal (meaning a new cast of characters). Together, the Toa Salus attempt to infiltrate the Brotherhood and end Vakama's reign. Thoughts? Kol628
New Sectra VS Alliance of Vandals (Neostriker/MX)
I got this idea after I noticed that some of the Wiki staff had begun to retire. A game choosing new members of the Toa Sectra after some of them retire to become Turaga. You (the player) are one of the new Toa Sectra appointed from the editors. Since many of the core members of the Sectra have retired, Spammers and other types of Vandals band together because they see that Wiki defense could possibly be at an all time low. The Alliance of Vandals is formed and they're waging war against Wiki-Nui. A working title for this one is: The Great War of Wiki Nui: Sectra VS Alliance of Vandalism.
Hmm. Nice idea. It would be presumptive to choose new staff now, though... Exo Malakai
Wiki Nui: Return of the Vandals (Mix)
I got this idea about a sequel for all three of the Liberation of Wiki Nui games. After the defeat of all the enemies that attacked Wiki Nui, it seemed like a golden age for Wiki Nui. But some residents of Wiki Nui have been disappearing, and some have come to believe that the evil Dr.Kaboomsky has returned. However, no messages from Kaboomsky have been found. Soon, residents realize the Wikicon has already gone up to 4. Then, Wiki Nui is attacked. The leader of the army and kidnapper of the residents of Wiki Nui is revealed to be The VandalMaster, a corrupted maniac and former resident of Wiki Nui. But when it seems that all is lost, a group of Toa have come together to defeat the Army of Vandals. Mix 13:32, 13 July 2008 (PDT)
LOWN Startie cutscene
First i would like to say that i kinda ripped this off o' The Matrix :D
A Sectra rescues one of the main characters, TNU, Exo, Shine, ect
Then the Sectra,tells you about all the vandal's ect that are going around Wiki Nui
Then he gives you 3 kanoka. So the Blue kanoka represents Going to be a sectra and fighting the vandal dude
The red kanoka means that you work for Evil and then you blast the Toa then run away
Green kanoka means that you don’t want to do anything so you get your mind wiped then go back to work. Until the Wikicon reaches a 4 then you get recruted into the Sectra or the Vandals. and that's it.
Nice idea. We may adopt this in another game... Exo Malakai
Super BIONICLE (Aqua I)
I know the name sucks, I really can't thing of anything. Anybody wanna help on that aspect?
Anywho. Game begins with LEGO's sales dropping with BIONICLE suffering the most. Meanwhile, Binky (with all his computer-related knowledge and wotnot) notices game producers' profits are going up tenfold. He realises all the BIONICLE fans are switching to other obsessions such as the NINTENDO Wii, X-box and the like. In a desperate attempt to save LEGO, he creates a virtual BIONICLE world parodying many classic video games with his computer expertise.
You play as a young girl called Sam Usaran who is one of the last true BIONICLE fans. After learning of Binky's plans through the now abandoned fansite BZPower, you believe he's gone mad and it's these radical changes to BIONICLE that are chasing fans away. You enter the BIONICLE world in an attempt to destroy it from the inside. Upon arriving, you discover you have been transformed into a Toa of Lightning and carry a large gauntlet to channel your powers (surely your name, gender and new appearance's similarity to that of Samus Aran is just a coincidence?) and embark on your journey.
Enemies include Dermis Koopas, Toa Mario & Luigi, Ussalchu, Makuta Sonic, Kanohi Spyro and Snake Nuva. You also come across the odd ally who might assist you for one level or give you new powers, these include Toa Link, Peach Nui, Toa Chief and Hapori Vader.
What do you think? :D --Aqua I (Talk/Contributions)
Showdown in the Skies
OK. So I totally got this off the new Bionicle Vehicle sets. XD
Please Note: If the Liberation of Wiki Nui ends with Completely wiping out the Spammers, Newbz, and etc., then there would be NO WAY that this plan would go into action.
After Liberation of Wiki Nui (or attack of the dupes or the revenge of the server), The Toa win the battle, and the Spammers, Newbz, and etc. retreat to the catastrophic island of Chakta Nui (yup, the same island Toa Takarii is from). Meanwhile, back in Wiki Nui, the Toa gather an army of Toa and Matoran, make battle vehicles, and TEAM UP AND BATTLE FOR POWAH!!!
You can play as any Toa or Matoran (there will be a total of 127 Toa and 193 matoran), riding on a Vehicle that was assigned to the Toa or Matoran. The Spammers, Newbz, and etc. would have their vehicles too, and you would have to battle them. And to make it more challenging, you would also have to brave the cataclysmic storms and volcano-eruptions of Chakta Nui.
There would be the Toa Sectra and the Toa Abolitioni. I will make sprites of the other Toa and Matoran. I will also have the job of designing the battle vehicles.