Fleet, Ships and Weapons

From Browndwarf

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Current revision as of 02:51, 24 April 2008


[edit] The Fleet

+The Langley (Flagship)

+Mako (Rika-Carrier)

+Duke (Rika-Supply)

+Washington (Sagara)

+Kyrie (Sagara)

+King George (Sagara)

+Virral (Rika-Transport/Colony)

+Viin ([[Rika]-Carrier)+Graan (Rika-Transport/Colony)

+Fiirr (Rika-Transport/Colony) KIA [was the ship involved in the incident 5 years ago (2196).

+Kyrral (sagara) KIA 2146

+Kirra (Sagara) KIA 2146

+Faarrla (Rika-Carrier) DESTROYED 2150 core-instability

+Ziire (Sagara) DESTROYED 2199 hull breach due to rouge asteroid

+Inarra (Rika-Specmod Carrier, supports 5 squadrons of 15 Friiza Snubs.)

[edit] Weapons

The weapons created by the Zeranati are simple but effective, they prefer a short-sword at their side and a slug-thrower rifle in their hands. For space operations they will use laser weapons only because they work in space unlike their rifles.

==Rifle:== fully automatic, explosive tip rounds, similar to a M2HB, except lighter and easier to control.

==Laser weapons:== nicknamed "Iarumas" a weapon that must cool down if it overheats, usually happens if fired too quickly. Primary fire launches single laser beams. Secondary fire activates Overcharge mode, which causes massive damage but instantly overheats the weapon. disliked due to the over heating problem, which is currently being researched.

=="Eixor's paw":== A plasma cannon that will put a 100x100 meter hole in reinforced armor. fires at a rate of 10 shots within an hour. any more and it will overheat and foul the systems used for firing it.

==Kilo cannon:== a rapid fire (once every second) laser cannon that is used as a suppressive fire weapon, its size however prevents it from being used on land. it will put a 1x1m hole in reinforced armor. can be fixed or placed on a ball turret

==Special-K:== a Gatling gun version of the Kilo, 25 barrels that allow for anti-missile defense and dog fighting but little more as it is low powered to prevent meltdown. usually kept on a ball turret for a larger field of fire. Commonly loaded under the wings of the Friiza class snub fighters

==Hoksas:== Space-borne 10m diameter missiles armed with 1 megaton thermonuclear warheads, the missile's design allows for hull breech followed by detonation, the missile itself is lightly armored so if they don't overwhelm a ships defensive turrets they are ineffective.

==Tamaki:== Guided Space-borne 1m diameter missile armed with a .5 kiloton mini-nuke. Usually kept in 50 round pods the size of a standard Hoksa. The weapon is used primarily by Inu class Corvettes, occasionally used in its pod form as a scatter shot from a Hoksas Tube, and has been adapted by some of the Marines for Surface warfare.

==Harconnan:== a land-based magnet-launched artillery piece usually mounted on T-13's turret

==Hornet's Nest:== more or less a Mini-gun that fires explosive rounds.

==Hell's Mouth:== a medium sized plasma cannon used for land warfare

[edit] Ships

All of the ships in the RP.

[edit] Big Ships

All the big ships.

[edit] The Langely

"The Langley" :The fleet's flagship. crew of 1000, 1000 marines, 1 flight of "Friiza" class Snub Fighters and their crews (20 fighters and 40 crewmen), and 500 passengers (civilians) Very big, rivals most Rika's. Heavy Armor and an EM Sheild. +armament+ "Eixor's Paw" (Forward facing, can swivel at a 15 degrees to the left or right of its rest postion ) 50 Kilo Cannons (half sphere turrets in a line across the sides and bottom.) 150 Special-K Turrets (half-sphere turrets, interspaced between the Kilo's) 200 Hoksas Tubes (placed much like the SSBM bays on a sub. internal loading, 600 in internal stores not counting the 200 still in the tubes.)

[edit] Rika

Rika class: Carrier/transport/supply, Extremely large, Lightly armored and carries a EM shield, very fast due to the large amount of engines. It has a crew of 1000.

carrier configuration; carries 5 squadrons of Inu class corvettes. (15 per squadron)
transport configuration; carries 1000 fully equipped marines along with a 250 man engineering/colonization team to set up forward bases and outposts. plus supplies to maintain their numbers.
Supply configuration; carries enough supplies to maintain 5 Sagara Class ships for a year. Used for fleet operations only. ((yeah its that big.....))

+armament+ 500 Special-K turrets (all on turrets, think sea urchin for placement. as it relies primarily on others ships for defense)

[edit] Sagara

Sagara class: front line battle cruisers. medium vessel, heavy armor and EM shield, Capable of carrying 500 fully armed marines, tanks and APC's included, crew of 500. +armament+ "Eixor's paw" (forward facing) 30 Kilo cannons (20 forward, 8 rear, 2 on topside turret.) 100 Hoksas (kept in internal launcher tubes that load from the inside. carries an additional 300 in ammo stores) 100 Special-K turrets (50 on each side)

[edit] Small Ships

The smaller ships.

[edit] #Inu class: Corvette

Inu class: Corvette, Extremely fast, minimal armor, no shield, no flt drive, relies on a Rika for interstar-system travel. crew of 10 plus 5 marines. The ship itself small and fragile for a front line warship. Alone they are pretty weak, but in a squadron of 15 they can bring down almost anything but a capital ship with minor losses. Can escape gravity wells with moderate effort, and are commonly called upon as drops ships and heavy fire support for surface operations. +armament+ 6 Kilo cannons (forward facing) 2 Special-K turrets (one on top on on bottom) 4 Tamaki Pods (carried under wing)

[edit] #Friiza class: snub

Friiza Class: Snub Fighter, extremely fast, very agile, moderate armor, no flt drive, deploys only from the flagship, The Langley, and one specially modified #Rika, The . -Crew: 2; Pilot [officer] and a Gunner [occasional officer, but normally an Airman(enlisted) ] - Intended purpose is to intercept missles and other snubs, and as anti-corvette forces. +Armamet+ 2 Special-K's (half sphere of movement on top of ship. controlled by gunner.) 1 Kilo Cannon -or- 1 Tamaki Pod (underbelly, forward facing, controlled by pilot)

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