Back Story

From Browndwarf

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Current revision as of 02:31, 24 April 2008

In 2000 A.D. As Humanity Celebrated the new millenium, A Somber Cermony was prepared and performed. A Shadowy Organization had been going around the world adopting orphaned children. These children could now bee seen inside of small egg shaped canisters, asleep. The canisters were slowly and carefully being loaded into several large rockets. Over seeing this were two figures, One was dressed in a white lab coat, thick round glasses and the standard shirt, tie and slacks of your average scientist. To the man's immediate left was what appeared to be a woman, she had tan skin, dark as though she had spent a millenia on the beach sunbathing. She was dressed in a black flowing robe and upon her head was long flowing crimson hair was a circlet of otherworldly flowers woven through the hair. The "woman" spoke, "I know that this a heavy burden, but I have seen many civilization identical to yours fall, or destroy themselves. The creator's vision was corrupted, and sadly your race is the result. You rise to power, then collapse, then from the ashes civilization is born, only to destroy itself later. An endless cycle, one that we hope will change with this grand offering you have provided." The man looked at the woman, "Offering? this is what we are giving you? Sacrifices to your 'creator'? I will not stand here as you take these poor children only to give them up in some bizarre ritual!" The woman blinked a few times, shocked and confused by what the man said. She paused for a moment then replied, "Oh no no no, These Children are going to be the cradle, the ancestors, the first ones of a new human race. We have no intention of killing them, we will teach them. They will learn what your people have refused to learn." "What have we not learned?" "Humanity"

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