Call out
From Brokenlightbulb
BrokenLightbulb Studios is now progressively becoming more active, with new opportunities and ideas surfacing much more. With this new activity and inspiration, I would love to invite anyone who think they'd be able to participate in making the BrokenLightbulb Studios community larger and even more abundant.
Game design expertise isn't a top priority, but if you or you have a friend with programming expertise, I would love to hear from you.
Right now I'm interested in anybody with any knowledge on anything. I Find myself asking random questions that hinder my progress without me knowing the answer. If you are a photographer, or interested in street researching for us in your spare time, that'd be positively wonderful as well. Since you'de be researching at my request, I'd love to pay, but I Have little to no cash. I will however not forget about you when I do.
I would really enjoy seeing BLS Finally become something, and right now, all I need is more minds who wish to contribute, or just chat and hang out.
If you're interested, add #Broken_lightbulb on or preferred)
Hope to see anybody soon,