History of the NPO

From Breanet

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[edit] The origins of the Order

See main article: The origins of the NPO

The Order had been established in NationStates’ most populous region, the Pacific, as a result of the August Revolution in 2003. On August 28th Emperor Franco led the revolution to take control of the Pacific; his army fought with the power of their convictions, which proved to be the strongest NS had ever seen. After days of conflict, Franco and his army were victorious and declared the New Pacific Order. Even there it was controversial and opposed, but the Order was ever victorious.

[edit] Francoism

See main article: Francoism

While the name of Franco may now be unfamiliar to some, the foundations of the New Pacific Order - are still based on the work done by Comrade Franco during his 11 month reign. The sense of discipline, of respect, of decency, of order and of excellence; these are things that Comrade Franco carved out of pure chaos three and a half years ago.

He founded a society hitherto unseen in the world, defeated its many enemies and it is the NPO’s honour to carry on that legacy perpetually into the future; always advancing his dream, always building order out of chaos.


[edit] Before the Order Cybernations

See main article: The NPO in Cybernations

The Cyberverse was officially launched on February 6th, 2006. Nations trickled in slowly because there were no promotions anywhere. People who found the game found it randomly, likely through Google. In this era, there was only one significant event, largely because the game had not actually developed into anything significant its self. Depraved and a few others founded the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, but it was not a modern alliance in any sense of the word. It had a charter and an off site where the main business was to talk about the game. The Imperial Nations Coalition was also founded by Ninja, and the two alliances ended up in war.

Though it was the first war, it was not important or even a real war. INC had the number advantage on GATO and pressed it, but was unable to obtain victory and the two ended in stalemate. Eventually peace was declared. However, when it is said that INC had the number advantage, what it means is that GATO had about 14 people, and INC had 20. When we say they fought to a standstill, it was because that was the only way the game could be fought. There was no tech to steal, infra was not destroyed, there were no tanks or cruise missiles or airplanes, there wasn’t even an anarchy because government had not been installed to the game. The only function of battle was to destroy the opposing nations soldiers, whereupon they would build new soldiers and destroy the other nation’s forces. The two sides reached peace because there was no point to continue. The only reason this matters is that Admin changed the game around to make it more comprehensive and interesting. It is also the only war of any merit where the NPO was not involved..

[edit] The Order and Cybernations

See main article: The Order and Cybernations.


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