
From Breakcore

Revision as of 23:03, 25 March 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)



someone ate some kind of music that's not afraid to point fingers at people who are serious fucking morons. this by no means is limited to any genre - such as "breakcore" "government" "idm" or what have you. myspace is lame and owned by people interested in marketing you as the pedestrian you probably are. today someone walks into a wall, but was it to be on purpose?

empowering is pretty cool

   if you dont like what we do.. submit songs\\art that you made. make fun of yourself and win a prize


plague called paycheck
polygon lobster jetpack


http://www.dramacore.com/001.txt smallcover.jpg 5 tracks - 4:43 mins length plague called paycheck - we're both unpublished ex lovers http://www.dramacore.com/dramacore001plague.zip 9.7mb @320kbps.mp3

http://www.dramacore.com/002.txt polygonlobstercoversmall.jpg 11 tracks - 12:20 mins length polygon lobster jetpack - advent serious http://www.dramacore.com/dramacore002lobster.zip 11.5mb @128kbps.mp3

http://www.dramacore.com/003.txt customersmall.jpg 9 tracks - 15:08 mins length customer - video insanity ep http://www.dramacore.com/dramacore003customer.zip 7.1mb @64kbps.mp3

http://www.dramacore.com/004.txt stayhomesickandplayvideogam.jpg 6 tracks - 7:42 length ate bit - stay home sick and play video games http://www.dramacore.com/dramacore004atebit.zip 13.8mb @320kbps.mp3

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