Lily Forward

From Brass Goggles

Lily Forward, Chief Engineer on HMAS Steel Breeze

Lily Forward was born into an upper-class Vancouver family and was expected to act as an upper-class lady. However, she knew her destiny lay elsewhere, especially when she began to display a remarkable talent for engineering. She had a special skill in the designing of small parts and in the theories of micro-connectivity. Unfortunately, she was never able to get the scientific community to take her seriously. This continued until shortly after her fourteenth birthday.

When HMAS Steel Breeze limped back into harbour, after the disaster at the Yellow Fortress on Unalaska, it was found that First Mate Elisha Kettell was dying, having been torn to pieces by a cannon shot. Lily took this as her chance to demonstrate her fine tuned mechanical limbs, which she attached to Kettell. They worked better than any made before. The Vancouver Engineers' Society was in awe and Captain Ned Canning asked her to join the crew. She is energetic and lighthearted, often frustrating the more serious Kettell when she frequently operates on him. Her life goal is to create the first perfectly functioning humanoid. She has the parts and skills, but no means to make the thing think and move.

She is related to famous London Factory owner Matthew Forward - he is her uncle.

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