Main Page
From Brass Goggles
Come one, come all to the BrassGoggles æthernet catalog and reference lodger! Its electronic pages teem with information and grows by the second, much like a spoiled child with a carriage full of rocket pops.
Feel free to add pages for your characters, items, stories, anything! Instructions for doing so are below. The wiki 'tis but a baby.
Brass Goggles
Brass Goggles Users ~ Personas ~ Organizations ~ Events ~ Inventions ~ Writing ~ Tutorials ~ Music ~ The Steampunk Archetype Fashion Guide ~ Glossary, Including Translations Between Various Brands of English
Portrayal & Fiction
Personas ~ Crews ~ Fictitious Organizations ~ Portrayal Stories ~ Locations
Play WoW? Check out Brass Goggles on World of Warcraft.
It would be appreciated if you directed yourself to the Geographical Section of BrassGoggles and placed a marker beacon on your position on the Frappr Map. You can then find Steampunks near to you more easily and we can get a better sense of the diverse community that Brassgoggles is.
Things to do: Create categories for the main sections below, and file the appropriate pages into them.
Creating New Pages
To create a new page, you can do one of two things:
- Link to your page from another page, by typing [[title of your page here]], then clicking upon the link.
- Type in the title of your page in the search box, click "Go", then click the text that says "this exact title" upon the resulting page.
- Read the User's Guide for other usage and configuration help.