Steam London

From Brass Goggles

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(The Bohème Back in London)
(Persons of Importance to the Plot)
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[[Charles Tayle]] and the British Secret Service
[[Charles Tayle]] and the British Secret Service
Various Russian Agents
Various [[Russian Agents]]
==Other Persons Involved in the Affair==
Officer Upjohn
Crew of HMAS ''York''

Revision as of 04:55, 16 September 2008

(Just to warn you this game is big and complicated. My summery is just a quick and dirty thing that needs to be updated.)


early plot

Bracer roams the roofs of London while Demetri Rousselle gets very lost and falls a sleep on a bench. Horatio runs from a fire and tries to wake Demetri but it doesn't work. Ajax Callaghan fresh from a bad business meeting demands to know what caused the blaze. Hiram plays cards and sets up a meeting with Chen-yu.

Geirulf spears apples and Van Ottens watches the fire from above. Demetri wakes shakily as Ajax desides to enter the fire and Scott Coolige tries to drunkenly investigate. Horatio and Demetri try to stop him as Ajax rushes in to the the blaze. Hiram sends the fire brigade and the local boss is replaced.

Ajax grabs his dead partners love notes to his sweetheart in Liverpool and tools. He makes it out and collapses. Hiram and Chen Yu make a deal for influence and power. Ajax is revived by the power of whiskey and they deside to go to a bar. Horatio leads them to Bucer's Quill. Hiram's boys ham fisted-ly try to find out what caused the fire and almost cause a riot in the bar but after some tenseness they back off.

Horatio is on a mission to find a certain text. He mentions Moriarty and gets a lesson in how London really works. A Member of Parliament is found dead. Wyatt tries to stir up a revolution. Ajax and Demitri leave to go get what Ajax saved from the fire. Scotland Yard performs an autopsy. Hiram goes for a walk and kills a hired killer.

Horatio says he is looking for a study of true resurrection undertaken some 2000 years before Christ achieved the same feat. Two time travelers argue and time goes funny for a bit(I think). Demetri knows of Horatio's book and it may be in his own university. Horatio, Scott and Demetri are thrown out of the bar by it's fearful owner. Russians were behind the hired killer and they are old foes of Hiram's. Horatio decides to go to the university for himself. Edward the manager of Bucer's Quill and Demetri fight. Agrippa looks for his lost student and Demetri and Scott go to find Horatio.

Underwood looks for work. Von Watt chases some one and causes time hiccups. Demetri is suddenly home later he sends out a interesting extract from a diary.

The Bohème leaving London

The Bohème, having nothing to do and looking for adventure and employment. After a brief stay in the local pub Ben Hudson gathered a small crew. Consisting of Leonard Fulmineus an accomplished inventor on the run from an evil brother, Jessica Butcher a conspiracy theorist and very good pilot and Mr. Oliver Newton-Chance a rather tall albino who has a miniature analytical engine that can connect to the global aetheric web.

They were were contacted by the enigmatic and dangerous Hiram, who sent us on an errand - to pick up a small parcel from a shady associate in China. In return, he promised us a Maxwell's Demon Program for an analytical engine, which would allow us to create a contraption of huge efficiency. While they were deciding weather or not to take on the job a large, darkly clad man with a muffler wound over the lower half of his face dropped off an unconscious redhead and insisted she go with them.

The route was planed with five stops in Gibraltar, Cairo, Kabul, Lucknow and Mandalay before reaching our goal in Shenjing but before they could get out of dock they were fired on by Russians. Apparently they don't like us working for Hiram. Lilli woke up and gave security hell while Leonard was frustrated by the sudden additional armerments taking up space. Lucky the damage was repaired quickly and soon the Bohème was in the air and on its way to Gibraltar.

The Bohème in Gibraltar

In Gibraltar we picked up Dr. Lakshmi Marleybone-Smythe who needed to go to Calcutta. The captain got a really neat weapon from Hiram, Lilli went shopping and Miss Butcher got zapped in the middle of the night. Lilli, Oliver and Leonard subdued the miscreant that attacked Miss Butcher. He turned out to be Russian but vanished when they tried to get information out of him.

In the air over North Africa Lakshmi figured out what Lilli was drugged when she came aboard and found something odd about the hair the Russian had left behind. They landed in Cairo Aeroport, dealt with a very scary lift and spread out in to the city.

The Bohème in Cairo

Oliver and Lilli went to the newsstand. Lilli found out some distressing news from home. While she was taking about going to Austrian consulate they were drugged and taken away to the private museum of Dr. Habib. At the museum they were questioned about the Orb of Nuut, The Obelisk of the Portal and the Casket of Opening of witch they know nothing. With some very quick thinking Oliver with the help of one of Hiram's local agents known has Mr. Umbrella and Henri Rousselle they manage to escape.

Lakshmi goes to do some shopping in the souk and gets tackled by the tiny inventor Emmaline Lighton and her invisible partner Professor George Lewistine. Emma and George are on the run from a Capitan Hieronymus of the Eastern Star who wanted to do dastardly things with their technology. Lakshmi KOs the man that was following them and gets their whole unbelievable story. She learns that George was disembodied, forced in to the realm of aether in a lab accident and he and Emma have formed a kind of symbiotic relationship. Lilli and the others show up and tell of their adventures. George knows about Orb of Nuut to the surprise of everyone but him. When the rest of the crew leaves Emma goes with them back to the ship while Lakshmi goes to meet the captain.

Back in London a vampire named Underwood is given the task of steeling the Black Prince's ruby from the State crown in the Tower of London the by Lamont a Changeling in the service of Hiram.

Captian Hudson is led on wild goose chase and then goes to meet Lakshmi for tea. The Dr. revels Lilli's connection to the Thugee cult and that the hair from the Russian miscreant was artificial. With more questions than they started out with they head back to the ship to find Oliver burned by a spontaneously combusting hair and Emma, Mr. Umbrella and Henri Rousselle all on board.

Captain Hudson explains they are running behind and will have to miss out on stopping in Lucknow and Mandalay. Emma and Mr. Rousselle join the crew, Mr. Umbrella bullies Lilli around then leaves and her father is reviled to be one of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's top intelligence officials. Lakshmi sets up courier and reminds the captain that they are headed for the tallest, wildest and most pirate-infested mountains in the world. Emma plans engine upgrades and swaps cabins with Lilli who was upset at Mr. Umbrella. Lakshmi has lots of pretty guns, is aristocrat and may be able to call in a favor from some one named Rahmat Saleh.

George makes a connection between the flaming hair and warehouse arson, Lilli makes shopping lists and Miss Butcher is sure a vast conspiracy is behind it. Emma brings the captain a dead bird with a note, George says something stupid and Mr. Umbrella reappears and is yelled at. Lilli helps a crying Emma and Miss Butcher reveals a pirate attack. We all have fun repelling borders and Leonard is shot but Lakshmi patches him up. Cairo goes to pirate-ey hell around us and we look for a way out.

The docking arms are removed with lost of care, steam and yelling. They fly out of the airport but Lakshmi's harness fails and she is plucked from the sky by Ben. They all pile back inside and discus what to do when they reach Kabul. Lakshmi gives Emma something to change her hair color so she can hide from Captain Black.

The Bohème in Kabul

They land very early in the morning when most of the crew is still asleep. Emma landed the ship while Ben spoke to an old friend. Emma landed the ship, made breakfast and handed off a very volatile shopping list to Ben and Lakshmi. While they explore the market Patrick O'Landery get invited aboard after Emma mistakes him for one of her employer's men. They are both passionate engineers so they get along well but Emma keeps George a secret afraid Patrick would think her mad. While they are getting acquainted Lilli gets in a fight with one of the real employer's men and uses a ring to vanish back to her ancestral home. Emma is mightily confused by this but takes Patrick to the engines were they happily work the day away. Meanwhile the real supply runner shows up and Emma sends him off after scolding him.

As Patrick and Emma are working Fabrice Grecko (A well trained assassin posing as a pilot) And Jack Dervish (her target looking to get to India and save a friend) come to The Bohème to look for a job and passage respectively. At first Patrick is suspicious but Emma is friendly and invites them inside. They sit and get to know each other when the supplies show up. Disgruntled by his earlier treatment the runner decided to muddle the supplies. Packing the crates like this oranges, a pair of pants, A large block of soap, engine degreaser, Two small containers of volatile chemicals dangerously close to being knocked over or crushed, a small barrel of drinking water and a random assortment of bolts and nuts in the bottom rather than following any normal separations. Seeing that this is going to be a big job she sends Patrick and Miss Grecko on to finish the engine work while she and Mr. Dervish worked on cleaning the shipping disaster. While they are separated Emma and Patrick both ask about the blood stains on their clothes from an earlier run in with a sniper after Jack. Mr.Dervish's answer helps cement his place in Emma's good graces.

Patrick finishes his work and is very hungry so Fabrice and Emma make dinner and the secret of George comes out. At first Emma is sure her new friends are going to think she is mad as she tells her story but then she thinks of a way to prove it. Emma rummaged in the pouches of her make shift tool belt finally pulling a small sealed glass tube filled with unknown chemicals and encased in brass bands. It was slightly smaller then her thumb but she treated it like it might explode at any moment. She closed her eyes and pulled a pin. There was a piercing white light that faded in to a cool blue as the reaction stabilized then she removed one of her aetherphones and snapped it in to place near the top of the tube and the other near the bottom. Emma tunes it in to George unsure if the others can hear him. To her shock and joy they can and for the first time in a very long time she is able to talk to George in public without people looking at her funny. George uses his new found way to communicate to antagonize Patrick and his nickname of monkey is born.

Ben and Lakshmi finish shopping and go to visit his friend Saeed's family. They get there just in time to delver a baby and have tea.(Not in that order tho) They leave for another meeting but this one isn't near as pleasant. Rahmat Saleh controlled most of the criminal element of Kabul and Lakshmi warns Ben that their safety won't be assured during the meeting. They pose as a married couple and sit down to a rather tense negotiation. Thought flattery and threats in equal measures they get ammunition and a promise of help thought the mountains. As they walk back to the ship Lakshmi reveals her families criminal roots and Ben speaks of his feelings for the open sky.

As the crew of the Bohème is waiting for the captain to come back they receive a frantic call from Capitan Linkletter of the Æthercutter. He is on a crash course with their docked ship and he has no way of steering. Emma launches the ship to save them all but feels very guilty because she is technically stealing the ship. Thankfully they are able to bring both ships in safely even if it does get the yelled at by some very angry people at the port authority. Emma is able to talk them out of fines but they still aren't happy.

Captain Hudson and Lakshmi arrive back just as dinner is being served. Emma falls all over herself trying to apologize for her actions but the captain forgives her straight away. As they meet the new crew Mr. Dyke & Kabuki who had been mentioned in a letter sent by carrier pigeon back in Cairo come stand at the bottom of the gangplank.

Meanwhile in London

The Bohème in the Hindu Kush

Patrick and Emma were working on fixing the aether stacks when Trip came to offer help. Emma went off with him and George riled up Patrick to pull a prank on him. While looking for some notes Emma and Trip talk ending in what is most likely her second kiss. While this is going on Nathanial and Charles are fighting. Nate ditches Charles, steels his airship and charges off to get Trip.

George was not happy at all about the kiss and Emma came to apologize for leaving Patrick to do the repairs but she was so embarrassed it took a while for her get the words out. A truce between Patrick and Trip led to some teasing and all three of them going out to patch the skin tougher. As they dangle over the side Nate catches up to them sees Emma with Trip and Patrick and suspects the worst. In London Charles gets a second ship to chase Trip and Nate.

Nate hails The Boheme, saying he is looking for a criminal and Emma lets him aboard. That turned out to be a very bad idea as Nate grabs her convinced he is saving her from kidnappers. Emma tries to reason with him but it don't work and she can't get loose. Trip sticks to his story of a stranger with his face and frees Emma from the mad, ranting Nate. While they subdue him George comes back with bad news. They are flying into a Russian led ambush.

They tossed the ranting Nate in to The Boheme's brig and took up weapons. Everyone ran to man the cannons as the first ships approached. Twenty smaller lighter ships were being led by five big strong slow ones. Three of the little ones attacked us and Patrick managed to shoot one of them down while almost being knocked off the ship. Trip picked him up and noticed an absolutely terrifying sight - air krakens had come to investigate.

Nate's ship was distroyed by the kracken and The Boheme had to avoid them and the pirates. Patrick gets Emma to make some very powerful shells to take out the larger ships with, but while she is working on them The Boheme is boarded by pirates. She finishes them and they get passed off to Trip as the first boarding party attacks. The fight is going well when a booming voice from a kracken ship hybrid stops everyone in their tracks.

The Bohème in China

The Bohème in Rome

The Bohème Back in York

Persons of Importance to the Plot

The Crew of the Boheme

Emmaline Lighton

Professor George Lewestine

Captain Ben Hudson

Patrick O'Landry

Jennifer Sheenan

Thomas William Taylor the Third

Dr. Lakshmi Marleybone-Smythe

Allies of the Boheme

Captain Adriana and the Crew of the Angelus

The Crew of the Hattori Hanzo

First Mate Elisha Kettell and the Crew of the Steel Breeze

The Villians

Capt.Hieronymus Black and the Crew of the Eastern Star

Charles Tayle and the British Secret Service

Various Russian Agents

Other Persons Involved in the Affair

Officer Upjohn

Crew of HMAS York

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