Main Page
From Brackbillwiki
Welcome to the Brackbill Wiki! The purpose of this site is to collect information (mostly textual) about the Brackbill family of Lancaster County and its extended relatives (Sheaffers, Hersheys, Leamans).
What's here
- Herman Brackbill Journals, 1937 – 1940 (work in progress)
- Letters and Papers (work in progress)
- Past Brackbill Reunion information (work in progress)
- Eva Sheaffer Journal, 1949 – 1951 (work in progress)
- Online resources about the Brackbill family (work in progress)
- People, Places, and Organizations - short articles about places referenced in the journal articles and other artifacts
How to use this site
You do not have to have an account on this site to read information. If you'd like to edit the content of the wiki, please create an account for yourself using the Log In link at the top right. That way, we know that it's family members that are adding content.