HB Accounts for Jun 1939

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Revision as of 21:30, 5 March 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Date Cash Rec'd Paid
3 E.H.B. 19.80
3 J.E.B. 9.90
9 J.E.B. 7.70
10 E.H.B. 19.80
16 J.E.B. 7.90
17 E.H.B. 19.80
23 J.E.B. 7.70
24 E.H.B. 19.80
Brot. fwd. 56.47
Total expenditures 136.66
--> 112.60
Balance Dr. 80.53

June Expenditures

Cash Paid
Gas. 3.00
Church 4.35
Clothes 2.79
Rent 17.00
B.&L. 5.00
Electric .75
Groceries 25.88
Gas. .84
Miscell. 68.29
Jane Church 1.75
House Furn. 7.01


Starting in June 1939, Herman began breaking expenditures out as a separate table because he had insufficient room on the ledger pages in the journal to do them inline as before.

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