Brackbill Reunion, 1956

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Tenth Annual


Sunday, July 1, 1956
Time --- 2:00 P.M.

PROGRAM -- 2:30 P.M.

Paradise Community Park

Lancaster, Pa.


Officers of the Brackbill Clan

Moses H. Brackbill, Paradise, Pa.

Vice President
I. Lee Brown, Paradise, Pa.

Recording Sec.
Doris Brackbill Brown, Paradise, Pa.

Corresponding Sec.
Martin H. Brackbill, Bausman, Pa.

Walter Denlinger, Ronks #1, Pa.

Martin Brackbill, Jr., New Cumberland, Pa.


Sunday, July 1, 1956

The meeting of the Tenth Brackbill Reunion held Sunday July 1, 1956 in the Paradise Community Park was opened by singing "America". The devotions were in charge of the Rev. Amos Souders.

The president, Rev. Moses Brackbill was in charge of the meeting and gave the address of welcome.

We were entertained with special music by the male chorus of the Leacock Presbyterian Church.

Benjamin R. Brackbill was in charge of a memorial service for the following: Mrs. Magdalina Brackbill Buckwalter, Kinzers RD and Miss Mary Brackbill of Intercourse.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and approved as read.

The treasurer's report was given by Walter Denlinger and an offering was taken which amounted to $38.36.

The new officers which were nominated by the committee and duly elected are as follows:

  • President - Rev. Moses Brackbill
  • V. President - Lee Brown
  • Rec. Sec. - Doris Brown
  • Corres. Sec. - Martin Brackbill
  • Treasurer - Walter Denlinger
  • Historian - Martin Brackbill Jr.

The speaker of the day was Mr. Herman Brackbill, President of the Pennsylvania Christian Endeavor Union, who gave us a brief talk on the origin and organization of Christian Endeavor and the work it is doing today. He stressed in particular the work of Solomon Dorisawmy who is supported by Pennsylvania Christian Endeavors. and the need of the churches working together especially in the mission field.

The Historian, Martin Brackbill, Jr. gave a brief resume of family history and answered questions. He also distributed mimeographed copies of "The Biography of the Brackbill Family."

There were 70 persons registered.

The meeting was adjourned by singing "Blest Be the Tide That Binds". Most of the group remained to eat their picnic lunches and to fellowship together.

Respectfully submitted,
Doris Brown
Recording Secretary

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