
From Boxtheweb

LiveLines is an extension for FireFox that lets you add feeds from a page automatically to a feedreader. FireFox has this ability premade, but it only lets you add the feeds (from the feed icon in the lower right corner of the status bar) to live bookmarks. LiveLines extends this capability to let you add feeds to other feedreaders. Follow these steps to make it work for BoxtheWeb:

  1. Install LiveLines
  2. Open it's settings window (Tools > Extensions, then click on the LiveLines entry and click the 'Options' button)
  3. In the 'RSS Feeds' pane (this works for ATOM feeds too, don't let the title fool you) you can have more than one feedreader checked and then your feeds get added to more than one feedreader. Uncheck everything except 'Add to a web-based reader'
  4. Paste the following into the 'Subscription URL' box:^U&width=400&summary=on&newbox=1
  5. From the 'Open subscription page in' dropdown box select 'New tab in foreground'
  6. Click 'OK' and close the extensions dialog
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