The Chronicle of Foundation

From Bosworth

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It is early 2007 and the people of New Brittania are fleeing the continent of Benacia as the empire of Númenor collapses, Prince Vincent of Franklin (Prince of Ithlien) is preparing to follow his people back to the western islands from whence they came. Unlike the rest of the Royal household (who had set off a week before) he was to travel with his servants and army commanders on one of the last ships to leave former Númenor: the HNBMS Comet. The Comet was infact quite a large and sturdy ship, holding in all around 1500 people including some of New Brittania's top army commanders. Riots saw the ship off as she sailed from Isenford May 30th into the western sunset, Prince Vincent took one last glance at the people desperately trying to escape the pier before turning his back to Benacia and disappearing below decks.
It is early 2007 and the people of New Brittania are fleeing the continent of Benacia as the empire of Númenor collapses, Prince Vincent of Franklin (Prince of Ithlien) is preparing to follow his people back to the western islands from whence they came. Unlike the rest of the Royal household (who had set off a week before) he was to travel with his servants and army commanders on one of the last ships to leave former Númenor: the HNBMS Comet. The Comet was infact quite a large and sturdy ship, holding in all around 1500 people including some of New Brittania's top army commanders. Riots saw the ship off as she sailed from Isenford May 30th into the western sunset, Prince Vincent took one last glance at the people desperately trying to escape the pier before turning his back to Benacia and disappearing below decks.
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By ''King Edward''
By ''King Edward''

Current revision as of 16:46, 26 August 2008

The Chronicle of Foundation

It is early 2007 and the people of New Brittania are fleeing the continent of Benacia as the empire of Númenor collapses, Prince Vincent of Franklin (Prince of Ithlien) is preparing to follow his people back to the western islands from whence they came. Unlike the rest of the Royal household (who had set off a week before) he was to travel with his servants and army commanders on one of the last ships to leave former Númenor: the HNBMS Comet. The Comet was infact quite a large and sturdy ship, holding in all around 1500 people including some of New Brittania's top army commanders. Riots saw the ship off as she sailed from Isenford May 30th into the western sunset, Prince Vincent took one last glance at the people desperately trying to escape the pier before turning his back to Benacia and disappearing below decks.

It was a four day journey from Isenford back to the Home Islands, however on the forth day of plain sailing something went wrong. Prince Vincent was called to the bridge and informed that all power had been lost from the engines, when asked why the ship was still moving the captain reported that the vessel was in a strange current which was carrying it westward. It was around now that Home Islands came into view upon the horizon, however the Comet for once lived up to it's name and continued to move onwards at high speed. All efforts to restart the engines failed, as did the radios, so red flares were fired and they hung in the sky above the vessel: however no help came. Hours went by, however still no other ship appeared and as night came the lights from the shore faded to nothing and New Brittania was lost into the darkness.

The desperation of their situation was not lost upon Prince Vincent who spent all the hours of darkness and most of the next day up to his elbows in petrol and oil in the engine room as they grappled with the engines however they still refused to start. The Captain of HMS Comet spent his time in the bridge, trying desperately to find out where the currents might take them however he to had too admit defeat. After a meeting that evening the Prince informed the assembled generals that they would simply have to wait until the ship found land and then stay there until help came: which he assured them it would. With this in mind the generals reluctantly agreed, little did they know that as they spoke every patrol plane in the New Brittanian Airforce was searching for them and the Emergency Executive was working around the clock to try and find the King's missing son.

Yet more days passed without any sign of land or rescue and the Prince became doubtful that they would live, although he did a good job of hiding it from everyone else so spirits didn't hit rock bottom. Food ran short, as did tempers as the cramped conditions of the ship caused frustration amongst the stranded passengers. However eventually salvation came. At sunrise one day (everyone onboard having lost track of time) the ship suddenly struck something solid. The passengers woke with the strange movement of the ship and rushed out onto the deck to be met with an awe inspiring site: land.

The HNBMS Comet was now wedged in a sandbank in a river delta and all around them was land, green grass and trees stretching out into the distance. Some of the passengers fell to their knees and sobbed as they heard the noise of birds singing on the banks, for they knew they had found their salvation and would soon be found and rescued. After little hesitation the ladders were lowered over the side of the ship and one by one the passengers climbed down and found themselves knee deep in mud before wading to the shore. The immidiate thought of many was to find food, which was plentiful and readily availible. So life improved dramtically as shelters were put up and the New Brittanians began to enjoy their peaceful lives on the shore of the strange river, some to the extent that they even forgot they werent meant to be there at all. A community sprang up on the river bank and more and more elaborate homes were built as months went by and men began farming inland areas where the flooding river had made the land fertile and prosperous. Prince Vincent had fitted into this the role as leader well and some had begun to considering him as King of the community and using his middle name. So King Edward ruled over the people in peace and he began to forget all about the home island or even his Father King Jeremy, until one day he was reminded.

King Edward was woken in the early morning by one of his servants. The King lived, unsuprisingly in the largest of the many houses which had sprung up on the riverside and as he existed through the great doors his servant pointed out into the river. Initially King Edward's eyes fell on the HNBMS Comet still stood in the sand, however soon he realised the Comet was no longer alone. HNBMS Electra was floating nearby and its decks were crowded with sailors, some of whom were boarding landing craft, others meanwhile gazed in wonder at the small town and waved to the tiny figures of their Prince and his servant.

King Edward continued to watch as a small boat made its way to the shore and landed, a number of sailors including an Admiral stepped out onto the grass and made for the King. The Admiral turned out to be Lord Packard of the New Brittanian Navy, who revealed he had been searching for Prince Vincent for nearly a year and was there to take them all home to civilisation once more. However, much to Lord Packard's suprise, Prince Vincent declined the offer explaining that they had found a simple life here and wished only to know where they were and he would be content. King Edward then uttered the famous words, "From disaster has come prosperity, from dispair has come joy and from a Prince has come a King. Here we shall build a nation to last a thousand years, may these days be blessed with all the virtues of a Kingdom of heaven."

After being resupplied from the land the Electra set sail once more, their search having suceeded but their mission failed. It was on the same day that King Edward finally announced the official creation of the Kingdom, Bosworth: a nation built upon simple joys and freedom for all.

By King Edward

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