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[[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]] [[Image:JirotheHero.jpg|thumb|This is what JirotheHero actually looks like]]
== IHOP ==
== Boobies ==
'''Cancer''' is a class of [[disease]]s or disorders characterized by uncontrolled [[cell division|division]] of [[cell (biology)|cells]] and the ability of these cells to spread, either by direct growth into adjacent tissue through ''invasion'', or by implantation into distant sites by ''[[metastasis]]'' (where cancer cells are transported through the [[bloodstream]] or [[lymphatic system]]). Cancer may affect people at all ages, but risk tends to increase with age. It is one of the principal [[causes of death]] in [[Developed country|developed countries]].
There are many types of cancer. Severity of symptoms depends on the site and character of the malignancy and whether there is metastasis. A definitive diagnosis usually requires the [[histology|histologic]] examination of tissue by a [[anatomical pathology|pathologist]]. This tissue is obtained by [[biopsy]] or [[surgery]]. Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location, and [[Cancer staging|stage]]. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of [[surgery]], [[chemotherapy]] and [[radiation therapy|radiotherapy]]. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for the type of cancer pathology. Drugs that target specific cancers already exist for several cancers. If untreated, cancers may eventually cause illness and [[death]], though this is not always the case.
The unregulated growth that characterizes cancer is caused by damage to [[DNA]], resulting in [[mutation]]s to [[gene]]s that encode for [[protein]]s controlling cell division.  Many mutation events may be required to transform a normal cell into a malignant cell. These mutations can be caused by radiation, chemicals or physical agents that cause cancer, which are called [[carcinogens]], or by certain viruses that can insert their DNA into the human genome. Mutations occur spontaneously, and may be passed down from one cell generation to the next as a result of mutations within [[germ line]]s.  However, some [[carcinogens]] also appear to work through non-mutagenic pathways that affect the level of [[Transcription (genetics)|transcription]] of certain genes without causing genetic mutation.
Many forms of cancer are associated with exposure to [[environmental factor]]s such as [[tobacco smoke]], [[radiation]], [[effects of alcohol on the body|alcohol]], and certain [[virus]]es. Some risk factors can be avoided or reduced.
== Boobies ==
Today, the Greek term [[carcinoma]] is the medical term for a malignant tumor derived from [[epithelium|epithelial]] cells. It is [[Aulus Cornelius Celsus|Celsus]] who translated ''carcinos'' into the [[Latin]] ''cancer'', also meaning crab.
[[Galen]] used "''oncos''" to describe ''all'' tumours, the root for the modern word [[oncology]].<ref name="Moss-Galen">Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D ''Galen on Cancer - How Ancient Physicians Viewed Malignant Disease'' 1989 [http://www.cancerdecisions.com/speeches/galen1989.html Speech]</ref>
[[Image:cancer_vs_crab.jpg|thumb|right|Breast cancer in a mastectomy specimen (top). The cancerous tumour (pale yellow) resembles the figure of a crab, giving the disease its name.]]
[[Hippocrates]] described several kinds of cancers. He called benign tumours ''oncos'', [[Greek language|Greek]] for swelling, and malignant tumours ''carcinos'', Greek for [[crab]] or [[crayfish]]. This name probably comes from the appearance of the cut surface of a solid malignant tumour, with a roundish hard center surrounded by pointy projections, vaguely resembling the shape of a crab (see photo). He later added the suffix ''-oma'', Greek for swelling, giving the name ''carcinoma''. Since it was against Greek tradition to open the body, Hippocrates only described and made drawings of outwardly visible tumors on the skin, nose, and breasts. Treatment was based on the [[humor theory]] of four bodily fluids (black and yellow bile, blood, and phlegm). According to the patient's humor, treatment consisted of diet, blood-letting, and/or laxatives. Through the centuries it was discovered that cancer could occur anywhere in the body, but humor-theory based treatment remained popular until the 19th century with the discovery of [[cell (biology)|cells]].
Though treatment remained the same, in the 16th and 17th centuries it became more acceptable for doctors to [[autopsy|dissect bodies]] to discover the cause of death. The German professor [[Wilhelm Fabry]] believed that breast cancer was caused by a milk clot in a mammary duct. The Dutch professor [[Francois de la Boe Sylvius]], a follower of [[Descartes]], believed that all disease was the outcome of chemical processes, and that acidic lymph fluid was the cause of cancer. His contemporary [[Nicolaes Tulp]] believed that cancer was a poison that slowly spreads, and concluded that it was contagious.<ref name="Marilyn Yalom">
Marilyn Yalom  "A history of the breast" 1997 Publisher: New York : Alfred A. Knopf
ISBN 0-679-43459-3</ref>
With the widespread use of the microscope in the 18th century, it was discovered that the 'cancer poison' spread from the primary tumor through the lymph nodes to other sites ("[[metastasis]]"). The use of [[surgery]] to treat cancer had poor results due to problems with hygiene. The renowned Scottish surgeon [[Alexander Monro]] saw only 2 breast tumor patients out of 60 surviving surgery for two years. In the 19th century, [[asepsis]] improved surgical hygiene and as the survival statistics went up, surgical removal of the tumor became the primary treatment for cancer. With the exception of [[William Coley]] who in the late 1800s felt that the rate of cure after surgery had been higher ''before'' asepsis (and who injected bacteria into tumors with mixed results), cancer treatment became dependent on the individual art of the surgeon at removing a tumor. During the same period, the idea that the body was made up of various tissues, that in turn were made up of millions of cells, laid rest the humor-theories about chemical imbalances in the body. The age of [[cellular pathology]] was born.
When [[Marie Curie]] and [[Pierre Curie]] discovered [[radiation]] at the end of the 19th century, they stumbled upon the first effective non-surgical cancer treatment. With radiation came also the first signs of multi-disciplinary approaches to cancer treatment. The surgeon was no longer operating in isolation, but worked together with hospital radiologists to help patients. The complications in communication this brought, along with the necessity of the patient's treatment in a hospital facility rather than at home, also created a parallel process of compiling patient data into hospital files, which in turn led to the first statistical patient studies.
Cancer patient treatment and studies were restricted to individual physicians' practices until [[World War II]], when medical research centers discovered that there were large international differences in disease [[incidence]]. This insight drove national public health bodies to make it possible to compile health data across practises and hospitals, a process that many countries do today. The Japanese medical community observed that the bone marrow of bomb victims in [[Hiroshima]] and [[Nagasaki]] was completely destroyed. They concluded that diseased bone marrow could also be destroyed with radiation, and this led to the discovery of bone marrow transplants for [[leukemia]]. Since WWII, trends in [[cancer treatment]] are to improve on a micro-level the existing treatment methods, standardize them, and globalize them as a way to find cures through [[epidemiology]] and international partnerships.
[[Cell division]] or cell proliferation is a physiological process that occurs in almost all tissues and under many circumstances. Normally the balance between proliferation and [[programmed cell death]] is tightly regulated to ensure the integrity of organs and [[tissue (biology)|tissues]]. Mutations in [[DNA]] that lead to cancer disrupt these orderly processes.
The uncontrolled and often rapid proliferation of cells can lead to either a [[benign]] [[tumor]] or a [[malignant]] tumor (cancer). Benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body or invade other tissues, and they are rarely a threat to life unless they extrinsically compress vital structures. Malignant tumors can invade other organs, spread to distant locations ([[metastasis|metastasize]]) and become life-threatening.
A few types of cancer in non-humans have been found to be contagious ("[[parasitic cancer]]"), such as [[Sticker's sarcoma]], which affects [[dog]]s.  The closest known analog to this in humans is individuals who have "caught cancer" from tumors hiding inside organ transplants.<ref>{{cite web | title=Study Finds That a Type of Cancer in Dogs Is Contagious | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/10/AR2006081001535.html | accessdate=2007-01-19}}</ref>
[[Image:Cancer smoking lung cancer correlation from NIH.png|thumb|300px|right|The incidence of lung cancer is highly correlated with smoking. Source:NIH.]]
The most consistent finding, over decades of research, is the strong association between [[tobacco]] use and cancers of many sites. Hundreds of epidemiological studies have confirmed this association. Further support comes from the fact that [[lung cancer]] death rates in the United States have mirrored [[tobacco smoking|smoking]] patterns, with increases in smoking followed by dramatic increases in lung cancer death rates and, more recently, decreases in smoking followed by decreases in lung cancer death rates in men. Lifestyle choices cause cancer: tobacco, diet, exercise, alcohol, tanning choices, and certain o_oually transmitted diseases are the major risks. "Most cancers are related to known lifestyle factors."<ref>Update: Is There a Cancer Epidemic in the United States? American Council on Science and Health, 1995.</ref>
There is also a growing body of research that correlates cancer incidence with the lower levels of [[melatonin]] produced in the body when people spend more time in bright-light conditions{{Fact|date=February 2007}}, as happens typically in the well-lit nighttime environments of the more developed countries. This effect is compounded in people who sleep fewer hours and in people who work at night, two groups that are known{{Fact|date=February 2007}} to have higher cancer rates.
A cancer may be suspected for a variety of reasons, but the definitive diagnosis of most malignancies must be confirmed by [[histology|histological]] examination of the cancerous cells by a [[anatomical pathology|pathologist]]. Tissue can be obtained from a [[biopsy]] or [[surgery]]. Many biopsies (such as those of the skin, breast or liver) can be done in a doctor's office. Biopsies of other organs are performed under [[anesthesia]] and require [[surgery]] in an [[operating room]].
The tissue [[diagnosis]] indicates the type of cell that is proliferating, its [[histological grade]] and other features of the tumor. Together, this information is useful to evaluate the [[prognosis]] of this patient and choose the best treatment. [[cytogenetics|Cytogenetics]] and [[immunohistochemistry]] may provide information about future behavior of the cancer (prognosis) and best treatment.
Cancer [[Screening (medicine)|screening]] is an attempt to detect unsuspected cancers in the population. Screening tests suitable for large numbers of healthy people must be relatively affordable, safe, noninvasive procedures with acceptably low rates of [[Type I and type II errors|false positive]] results. If signs of cancer are detected, more definitive and invasive follow up tests are performed to confirm the diagnosis.
Screening for cancer can lead to earlier diagnosis. Early diagnosis may lead to extended life. A number of different screening tests have been developed. Breast cancer screening can be done by [[breast self-examination]]. Screening by regular [[mammogram]]s detects tumors even earlier than self-examination, and many countries use it to systematically screen all middle-aged women. Colorectal cancer can be detected through [[fecal occult blood test]]ing and [[colonoscopy]], which reduces both colon cancer incidence and mortality, presumably through the detection and removal of pre-malignant polyps. Similarly, cervical cytology testing (using the [[Pap smear]]) leads to the identification and excision of precancerous lesions. Over time, such testing has been followed by a dramatic reduction of [[cervical cancer]] incidence and mortality. [[Testicular self-examination]] is recommended for men beginning at the age of 15 years to detect [[testicular cancer]]. Prostate cancer can be screened for by a [[digital rectal exam]] along with [[prostate specific antigen]] (PSA) blood testing.
Cervical cancer screening via the [[Pap smear]] has the best cost-benefit profile of all the forms of cancer screening from a public health perspective as, being a cancer, it has clear risk factors (o_oual contact), and the natural progression of cervical cancer is that it normally spreads slowly over a number of years therefore giving more time for the screening program to catch it early. Moreover, the test itself is easy to perform and relatively cheap.
For these reasons, it is important that the benefits and risks of diagnostic procedures and treatment be taken into account when considering whether to undertake cancer screening.
Use of [[medical imaging]] to search for cancer in people without clear symptoms is similarly marred with problems. There is a significant risk of detection of what has been recently called an ''[[incidentaloma]]'' - a benign lesion that may be interpreted as a malignancy and be subjected to potentially dangerous investigations.
[[Canine cancer detection]] has shown promise, but is still in the early stages of research.
Cancer can be treated by [[surgery]], [[chemotherapy]], [[radiation therapy]], [[immunotherapy]], [[monoclonal antibody therapy]] or other methods. The choice of therapy depends upon the location and grade of the tumor and the [[Cancer staging|stage]] of the disease, as well as the general state of the patient ([[performance status]]). A number of [[experimental cancer treatment]]s are also under development.
Complete removal of the cancer without damage to the rest of the body is the goal of treatment. Sometimes this can be accomplished by surgery, but the propensity of cancers to invade adjacent tissue or to spread to distant sites by microscopic metastasis often limits its effectiveness. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is often limited by toxicity to other tissues in the body. Radiation can also cause damage to normal tissue.
Because "cancer" refers to a class of diseases, it is unlikely that there will ever be a single "[[cure for cancer]]" any more than there will be a single treatment for all [[infectious disease]]s.
The growth of some cancers can be inhibited by providing or blocking certain hormones. Common examples of hormone-sensitive tumors include certain types of breast and prostate cancers. Removing or blocking [[estrogen]] or [[testosterone]] is often an important additional treatment.
[[Clinical trial]]s, also called research studies, test new treatments in people with cancer. The goal of this research is to find better ways to treat cancer and help cancer patients. Clinical trials test many types of treatment such as new drugs, new approaches to surgery or radiation therapy, new combinations of treatments, or new methods such as [[gene therapy]].
A clinical trial is one of the final stages of a long and careful cancer research process. The search for new treatments begins in the laboratory, where scientists first develop and test new ideas. If an approach seems promising, the next step may be testing a treatment in animals to see how it affects cancer in a living being and whether it has harmful effects. Of course, treatments that work well in the lab or in animals do not always work well in people. Studies are done with cancer patients to find out whether promising treatments are safe and effective.
Patients who take part may be helped personally by the treatment(s) they receive. They get up-to-date care from cancer experts, and they receive either a new treatment being tested or the best available standard treatment for their cancer. Of course, there is no guarantee that a new treatment being tested or a standard treatment will produce good results. New treatments also may have unknown risks, but if a new treatment proves effective or more effective than standard treatment, study patients who receive it may be among the first to benefit.
Due to its importance to life, blood is associated with a large number of beliefs. One of the most basic is the use of blood as a symbol for family relationships; to be "related by blood" is to be related by ancestry or descendance, rather than marriage. This bears closely to [[bloodline]]s, and sayings such as "blood is thicker than water" and "bad blood", as well as "[[Blood brother]]". Blood is given particular emphasis in the Jewish and Christian religions because ([[Leviticus]] 17:11) says "the life of a creature is in the blood."
In many [[Indigenous Australians|indigenous Australian Aboriginal peoples']] traditions [[ochre]] (particularly red) and blood, both high in [[iron]] content and considered [[Maban]], are applied to the bodies of dancers for ritual.  As Lawlor states:<blockquote>
In many Aboriginal rituals and ceremonies, red ochre is rubbed all over the naked bodies of the dancers.  In secret, sacred male ceremonies, blood extracted from the veins of the participant's arms is exchanged and rubbed on their bodies.  Red ochre is used in similar ways in less secret ceremonies.  Blood is also used to fasten the feathers of birds onto people's bodies.  Bird feathers contain a protein that is highly magnetically sensitive. 
<ref>Lawlor, Robert (1991).  ''Voices Of The First Day:  Awakening in the Aboriginal dreamtime.'' Page 102-3. Rochester, Vermont:  Inner Traditions International, Ltd.  ISBN 0-89281-355-5</ref></blockquote> Lawlor comments that blood employed in this fashion is held by these peoples to attune the dancers to the invisible energetic realm of the Dreamtime.  Lawlor then draws information from different disciplines charting a relationship between these invisible energetic realms and [[magnetic fields]].  Iron and [[magnetism]] having a marked relationship.
Among the [[Germanic tribe]]s (such as the [[Anglo-Saxons]] and the [[Norsemen]]), blood was used during the sacrifices, the ''[[Blót]]s''. The blood was considered to have the power of its originator and after the butchering the blood was sprinkled on the walls, on the statues of the gods and on the participants themselves. This act of sprinkling blood was called ''bleodsian'' in [[Old English language|Old English]] and the terminology was borrowed by the [[Roman Catholic Church]] becoming ''to bless'' and ''blessing''. The [[Hittite language|Hittite]] word for blood, ''ishar'' was a cognate to words for "oath" and "bond", see [[Ishara]].
The [[Ancient Greece|Ancient Greeks]] believed that the blood of the Gods, ''[[ichor]]'', was a mineral that was poisonous to mortals.
In [[Judaism]], blood cannot be consumed even in the smallest quantity ([[Leviticus]] 3:17 and elsewhere); this is reflected in Jewish [[diet (nutrition)|dietary]] laws ([[Kashrut]]). Blood is purged from [[meat]] by [[salting (food)|salting]] and soaking in water.
Other rituals involving blood are the covering of the blood of [[fowl]] and [[game]] after slaughtering ([[Leviticus]] 17:13); the reason given by the [[Torah]] is: "Because the life of every animal is [in] his blood" (ibid 17:14), although from its context in [[Leviticus]] 3:17 it would appear that blood cannot be consumed because it is to be used in the [[sacrifice|sacrificial service]] (known as the ''[[korbanot]]''), in the [[Temple in Jerusalem]]. Blood (the blood of a lamb) was also the means for atonement of sins for the Jews.
[[Vampire]]s are mythological beings which live forever by drinking the blood of the living. Stories of creatures of this kind are known all over the world. European versions of this myth are mostly inspired by folklore based on the stories regarding [[Vlad Dracula]].{{Fact|date=February 2007}}
In Chinese culture, it is often said that if a man's nose produces a small flow of blood, this signifies that he is experiencing o_oual desire. This often appears in [[China|Chinese-language]] and [[Hong Kong]] [[film]]s.
This is also evident in [[Japan]]ese culture and is parodied in [[anime]] and [[manga]]. Male characters will often be shown with a [[nosebleed]] if they have just seen a female [[nude]] or in little clothing, or if they have had an erotic thought or fantasy.{{Fact|date=February 2007}}

Current revision as of 05:28, 23 October 2008


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