1997 PDB candidates

From Bolivian Politics

*** this is a work in progress ***


President and vice president candidates

  • Antonio Eudoro Galindo Anze
  • Ricardo Angel Cardona Ayoroa

Senate candidates

The following is the list of Senate candidates. Senators are elected based on the plurinominal (or presidential) portion of the ballot (see electoral system). Candidates recruited from other parties or organizations are marked in parentheses. Unelected candidates are in italics.


  • Jose Luis Baspineiro Castro
  • Oscar Espinoza Garvizu

La Paz

  • Justo Ramos Osinaga
  • Benito Suarez Antonio


  • Abdon Ugarte Palacios
  • Guillermo Flores Ayaviri


  • Mirtha Norah Barrios Arandia
  • Bertha Vda. De Echenique


  • Elena Calderon De Zuleta
  • Vito M. Uribe Reyeros


  • Jaime Valverde Sossa
  • Elia Silva Arancibia

Santa Cruz

  • Miguel Ayoroa Montaño
  • Ana Maria Costas Campos


  • Miriam Duran De Oliva


  • Jose Tomas Beltran Arias
  • Marcial Lenz Villegas

Plurinominal candidates

The following is the list of plurinominal candidates to the House of Deputies. Plurinominal deputies are elected based on the plurinominal (or presidential) portion of the ballot (see electoral system). Candidates recruited from other parties or organizations are marked in parentheses. Unelected candidates are in italics.


  • David Baptista Velasquez
  • Juan Luis Ovando Subia
  • Reyna Olimpia Espinoza Trujillo
  • Rene Gareca Hurtado
  • Lucio Oliva Daza

La Paz

  • Nora Paula Santos De Sosa
  • Julio Pozzo Medina
  • Anibal Ferrufino Ordoñez
  • Alberto Vasquez Rodriguez
  • Alberto Arellano Salinas
  • Lourdes Espejo
  • Franz Orozco Padilla
  • Jorge A. Ferrufino Castro
  • Ruth Garcia Davila
  • Winston Rodriguez De La Cerda
  • Marco Antonio Vallejos Ayala
  • Isabel Andrade Andrade
  • Olga Contreras De Leon
  • Victor Montaño Melgar
  • Marcelino Limachi


  • Antonio Eudoro Galindo Anze
  • Joaquin Ballesteros Pereira
  • Rita Ruiz Garcia
  • Napoleon Araujo Doffigny
  • Elizabeth Alarcon Rodriguez
  • Ricardo Corrales
  • Alberto Sade Arriaga
  • Roberto Borda Rocha
  • Ruth Miranda
  • Luis Salinas


  • Angel Cardona Ayoroa
  • Martin Gutierrez Salmon
  • Carmen Miranda De Trincado
  • Telesforo Figueroa
  • Kattia Choque Villegas


  • Juan Carlos Zuleta Calderon
  • Ramiro Canaviri
  • Delfina Lima Picachuri
  • Edgar Chacon Arancibia
  • Maria Dolores Reyes Torrez
  • Freddy Vera Duran


  • Miriam Caceres Vas Werner
  • Alberto Lopez Lopez
  • Virginia Soria Urquizo
  • T. Willma Canedo Maroz

Santa Cruz

  • B. Guido Guardia Flores
  • Jaime Q. Hevia Y Vaca Perez
  • Yolanda Amelunge Nogales
  • Oscar Salvatierra Mendez
  • German W. Alpire Mercado
  • Teresa E. Zelaya Cuellar
  • Lucia Menacho Garcia
  • Maria Paz


  • Tito Orlando Guzman Lopez
  • Yumo Emilio Viri
  • Lorena Otha Ariñez


  • Jose Tomas Beltran Arias
  • David Leon Justiniano

Uninominal candidates

The following is the list of uninominal candidates to the House of Deputies. Uninominal delegates are elected by plurality from single-member districts (see electoral system). Candidates recruited from other parties or organizations are marked in parentheses. Unelected candidates are in italics.


  • C.01 - Juan Luis Ovando Subia
  • C.02 - Prudencio Arroyo Montalvo
  • C.03 - Cesar Vela Flores
  • C.04 - Primo Vasquez Yelma
  • C.05 - Jose Leon Ferrufino
  • C.06 - Gerardo Mamani Kaune

La Paz

  • C.07 - Raul Catacora Cordova
  • C.08 - Franz Arturo Teran Armaza
  • C.09 - Eduardo Carlos Lopez Vargas
  • C.10 - Tito Orlando Guzman Lopez
  • C.11 - Franklin Abdon Reyes Aguilar
  • C.12 - Rene Poma Cute
  • C.13 - Jorge Escalier Rodriguez
  • C.14 - Zenon Campero Maldonado
  • C.15 - Oscar Garcia Suarez
  • C.16 - Teresa Almendro Zeballos
  • C.17 - Raimundo Machaca Yana
  • C.18 - Macedonio Jemio Mendoza
  • C.19 - Miguel Delgadillo Cervantes
  • C.20 - William Franz Villagra Alvarez
  • C.21 - Isaac Cecilio Chavez Guibarra
  • C.22 - Jose Avalos Laramani


  • C.23 - Luis Alberto Arevalo Tineo
  • C.24 - Mario Rodolfo Borda Pisterna
  • C.25 - Jose Rafael Gutierrez
  • C.26 - Zenon Peredo Sierra
  • C.27 - Rogelio Vargas Ortuño
  • C.28 - Alberto Diaz Romero
  • C.29 - Valentin Rocha Fuentes
  • C.30 - Hilario Vallejo Angulo
  • C.31 - Hilarion Rojas


  • C.32 - Cesar Cardona Egüez
  • C.33 - Juan Carlos Leon Justiniano
  • C.34 - Jenny Miriam Elias Cabezas Villa
  • C.35 - Ezequiel Chambi Quispe
  • C.36 - Francisco Gutierrez Escobar


  • C.37 - Juan Carlos Zuleta Calderon
  • C.38 - Marcela Morales Velazques
  • C.39 - Panfilo Anavi
  • C.40 - Elvira Araoz Santa Cruz
  • C.41 - Raul Matos Quezada
  • C.42 - Alberto Benegas
  • C.43 - Harry Rosas Ramirez
  • C.44 - Willy Alfaro Carballo


  • C.45 - Rodolfo Luis Paz Pantoja
  • C.46 - Angela G. Miranda Mauric
  • C.47 - Gualberto Gareca Cavero
  • C.49 - Jose Barron Peredo

Santa Cruz

  • C.50 - Yolanda Amelunge Nogales
  • C.51 - Rosa Argiro Tomone
  • C.52 - Benigno G. Guardia Flores
  • C.53 - Luis Rojas Caballero
  • C.54 - Luis Vargas Limalobo
  • C.55 - Adrian Salmon Camacho
  • C.56 - Maria Teresa Linares Torrico
  • C.59 - Maria Pura Campos De Carrillo
  • C.60 - Nancy Mabel Salvatierra Vaca


  • C.61 - Juan Alberto Cuevas Laura
  • C.62 - Emilio Viri Yumo
  • C.63 - Rosario Bertiz Leon
  • C.64 - Raul Alberto Rodriguez Choque


  • C.66 - Dulfredo Cardenas Berrios
  • C.67 - Zoila Araujo De Gonzales
  • C.68 - Sofia Aguirre Vallejos
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