Bluesockapedia:General disclaimer

From Bluesockapedia

  • Think before following a link - chances are the article it leads to is disturbing in someway. If you're reading the disclaimer then chances are you're the kind of person who should stay away from Red Socking and Andy's Underwear as these articles and those related to them are off a graphic, sick, twisted nature and quite frankly are rather odd.
  • Bluesockapedia will not be responsible for any mental scarring - we cannot accept liabilty as we are too busy dealing with our own pyschological issues.
  • The truth presented here is a distinctive kind of truth, for more details on the truth see this article.
  • Feel free to edit articles or add your own - that's what bluesockapedia is here for, but if you upset the Ninjas they will kill you and cut you into tiny pieces before throwing you to Rich Costey who will sock you for all eternity.
  • Bluesockapedia will not be responsible for any death suffered at the hands of Ninjas.
  • Nor will it be responsible you being cut up into tiny pieces at the hands of said Ninjas.
  • Or pirates.
  • Bluesockapedia is not responsible for any socking you recieve from Rich Costey.
  • Nor is Bluesockapedia responsible for any socking you recieve from anyone.
  • It's not responsible for putting the idea of red socking your woman into your mind either.
  • Or blue socking.
  • Or brown socking.
  • We didn't start the fire.
  • It was always burning as the world was turning.
  • I'm a firestarter. A twisted firestarter.
  • This isn't actually a disclaimer.
  • This isn't even a serious wiki. It's just for fun. We're bored and disturbed, please donate to our charity that can be found in the Off Topic Mega Thread.
  • Why are you still reading this?
  • James smells.
  • Whoever smelt it dealt it
  • Whoever said the rhyme, did the crime
  • Then we both did it!
  • Shiny Toy Guns are amazing. Fact of life, my friends.
  • They smell too.
  • The rest of the band do. Except for Carah, she's so fucking adorable.
  • She only smells when she opens her legs.
  • And even then it's like roses.
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