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Chutespeak, or Treespeak, is a type of speech developed by Le-Matoran. They use it for speaking. A list of Treespeak is located in the category link below.
- Air-fly - Flying with the wind or bird-riding
- Akilini-head - Dolt (later adapted into Kohlii-head on Mata Nui)
- Bad-worse - Even worse
- Bald-land - Open country
- Battle-flight - Bird-mounted battle
- Bog-foot - Slow
- Buzz-flying - Flying with an insect-like drone
- Cliff-bound - Trapped on a cliff
- Cloud-sneaking - Under cover of the clouds
- Crash-bang - Loud noise
- Crave-need - Needing something badly
- Dark-time - A dangerous or sad time
- Dark-wet - Dank
- Dark-serious - Really serious
- Deep-sleep - A very deep sleep.
- Deep-think- To think about something deeply
- Deep-wood - Deep in the jungle
- Down-tree - Lower in the tree or at the base of the tree
- Duty-quarrel - To quarrel about one's duty to Mata Nui
- Ever-flee - Flee
- Ever-quick - Very fast
- Faith-trust - Faith and trust
- Far-distance - A long distance
- Fast-chase - Chasing at high speeds
- Fire-spitter - Ta-Matoran (Often, when used by non-Le or Ta-Matoran, used as an insult to Ta-Matoran)
- Foot-walk - To walk
- Ground-path - A land-based road or path
- Hammer-swinger - Po-Matoran
- Happy-cheer - Making you happy
- Happy-plan - A good plan
- Hard-fall - Fall, a fall from great heights
- Hard-luck - Ill fortuned
- Heart-promise - Solemn promise
- High-branch - High in the trees
- High-flying - Airborne
- High-jump - Leap
- High-lifting - Elevating
- Keenshot - An accurate shot
- Know-nothingness - Don't know anything
- Late-knowing - Ignorant until too late
- Leaf-dawn - Springtime in the Le-Koro seasonal calendar
- Leaf-runner - A swift traveler through the jungle canopy
- Life-dawn - Youth
- Loud-talk - Talking very loudly.
- Low-duck - Crouch
- Makuta-son/s - Rahkshi
- Near-close - Very close
- Not-never - Never
- Oak-new - Brand new
- Old-bone - Old, Wimpy (?)
- Open-eyed - Awake
- Over-rock - Over the rocks
- Quick-[?]: to do something quickly. Ex: Quickthink, quick-pull, quick-leap, etc.
- Quick-dodge - Difficult to strike
- Quick-return - Return fast
- Quick-soaring - Fast-flying, in the air.
- Quick-speed - Godspeed
- Rama - Nui-Rama
- Rapid-quick - Really really fast.
- Record-keeper - Onu-Matoran
- Same-hearted - Of the same heart, used when Lewa expresses his pain over the loss of Ta-Koro
- Sand-twister - A tornado of sand; a dust devil
- Second - Disk-throwing bird-rider, seated behind the pilot
- Seek-find - Search for
- Singsong - A positive term. (Tamaru uses it in MNOG1 in "singsong Le-Koro")
- Slow-[?]: to do something slowly. Ex: Slowthink, slow-dodge, etc.
- Slow-think - Stupid, Dumb
- Sorry-bad-story - Bad news
- Sun-soaring - Flying above the treetops
- Talk-meeting - A council, meeting, or gathering
- Thought-plan - Very well thought out plan
- Toa-heroes - Toa that are heroes
- Toa-villains - Toa that are villains
- Top-leaf - As high as the treetops
- Tree-bound - Unable to fly
- Tree-bright - A sentimental term for Le-Koro, seen through the leaves from below with the sun above
- Tree-launch - Take to the air on bird-back
- Up-tree - Higher in the tree
- Vines-man - A skilled vine-swinger
- Way-finder - Navigator
- Wind-fly - Means the same thing as "Air-fly"
- Wind-riders - Bird-riders
- Wind-riding - Flying
- Wind-sprint - Move quickly (?)
- Wrong-quarrel - To do something that angers another
- [?]-bones: to die as a result of [?]. Ex: Rahi-bones, lava-bones, Makuta-bones, etc.