User:Supreme Overlord of the Universe/Pet Gafna

From Biowiktionary

Shortcut: User:SOOTU/Rahi
Guinea Pig
Title  Faithful Companion and Pet
Job  Being a Rahi
Mask  That would be her FACE
Tools  Teeth and Claws
Status  Alive and Well
Favorite Food  Cucumber, as far as I know. border=1 align=right cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=250 style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em; background: #ffffff; border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" Cocoa
Guinea Pig
Title  Faithful Companion and Pet of my Sibling
Job  Being a Rahi Pet
Mask  That would be her FACE
Tools  Teeth and Claws
Status  Alive and Well
Favorite Food  Cucumber, as far as I know.


I have 1 cute GUINEA PIG! This female animal, a Guinea Pig called Joy, shares a home with another female Guinea Pig, called Cocoa.


Cocoa is a brown Guinea Pig with a caramel tint. She lives with Joy, my albino Guinea Pig.

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