
From Biowiktionary

Protodermis is the most common substance in the BIONICLE Universe. It is what makes almost everything known, except:

  • Real Water found in the Endless Ocean.
  • Real Ice: Frozen water from the Endless Ocean.

There are many types of protodermis:

  • Liquid Water-like Protodermis: Substance that acts like H2O in it's liquid form. Found in all underground water bodies.
  • Frozen Water-like Protodermis: Substance that acts like H2O in it's solid form. Found in any Ice Region, or anywhere where there is ice underground.
  • Solid Metal-like Protodermis: Substance that acts like Metal in it's solid form. What makes armour in all Biomechanical creatures, and what makes tools.
  • Liquid Metal-like Protodermis: Substance that acts like Metal in it's liquid form. Found in Ta-Metru.
  • Crystal-like Protodermis: Substance that acts like Crystal. Exerted from The Shadowed One's staff, and made when 6 Toa from Po-, Ko-, Le-]], Onu-, Ta- and Ga- Toa combine their elemental powers and launch them at the same time.
  • Protosteel: A very strong type of Protodermis, capable of ripping through Brotherhood of Makuta armour. Found in Ehlek's Tri-Talons.
  • Energized Protodermis: A special type of Protodermis, energized with some kind of mutagenic agent, but not Hordika Venom or the Pit Mutagen. It has the capabilities to transform anything into anything else, with the exception of Zamor Crystals and a special type of Protodermis used to make vials. It seems to have some connection to destiny, transforming anyone destined to transform, and destroying anyone who isn't.
  • Purified Protodermis: A special type of protodermis that has 1 of 8 powers, that can be combined to make others.(see Kanoka for more) Is used to make Kanoka and is therefore what is used to make Kanohi.
  • Tissue-like Protodermis: Makes all living tissue in any living being.
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