Marauders VS Dolpins

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The first war!
== FIGHT! ==
'''CRüSäDER:''' ''{teleports in with a flash of ice-blue light}'' This'll be a piece of cake.
'''EKUL:''' ''{Trash Can fades in. Ekul jumps out, ready}'' Bring it on!
'''CRüSäDER:''' ''{puts an indestructable but temporary shield around him and Ekul}'' Where are those wimps? Or wimp? Or whatever?
'''EKUL:''' Is this some kind of pseudo, not being here challenge?!
'''CRüSäDER:''' Probably. In a day, we're gonna win by default.
'''DOLPINS:''' YAY!! KETCHUP!! Get the french fries! ''{many of the dolpins army hold up fries, the fries get splatted with ketchup, and the dolpins then eat them}''
'''CRüSäDER:''' Bring it on! ''{charges toward Dolpins with his Soul Eater blade out}'' Graaaaagh!
'''DOLPINS:''' ''{The Kingdom Hearts 2 Organzation XIII battle music plays, dolpins grabs 2 sticks and they turn into keyblades}'' You will go together! ''{charges towards Crusader and hits him with both keyblades, and then luanches him into ekul}''

Current revision as of 09:11, 20 November 2010


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