Psychic vampire (Daisie)

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Okay. Many if not all of the people aware of Daisie will be aware that she is played by the same person who played Yvaine, and if they were hitherto unaware of this, they should be fairly quick to see why so many of us run shrieking like little girls when she hoves into view.

From the beginning:

Daisie-mun is what LaVey terms a "psychic vampire"; that is, she depends on the approbation of others for her own self-worth, and demands that they pay attention to her all the time, and if they even consider thinking about disagreeing with her, she is deeply hurt and offended and becomes hostile towards them. Added to this is a strong streak of overbearing deus-ex tendency, plus your basic Sue affinity for the Healing Power of Love.

She thrives on angst. Thrives on seriously unfunny, not particularly entertaining angst which forces those RPing with her into situations which don't work well with their characters, don't amuse them, and aren't enjoyable to play. If and when she is approached OOC about these interactions, she becomes actively hostile (again) and claims that everybody hates her and that she is only trying to be what people wanted from her character, and so on, and so on.

In more specific cases: I am not the one to go into detail about the absolutely hideous trainwreck she caused with a larger group of interconnected characters, as I was not involved and only know a little about it, but I can certainly vouch for her inability to take a hint that her characters' Healing Powers of Love and Self-Sacrifice and Understanding are not required and in fact not wanted in the situation at hand. One of my characters was going through one of his typical cyclic angstfits (and here I must insert a disclaimer that I am perfectly aware my characters are all wangsty Sues, and happily accept that a lot of people are going to want to run the hell away from them, and I do not mind this, nor do I expect or request that everybody love them and want to play with them), and Yvaine immediately suckered on to him not unlike a blonde starry-eyed limpet and refused to leave him alone. More recently in Sages I have seen her swoop down on some poor unfortunate n00b who had decided to make a dramatic and/or bloody entrance, enfold the newcomer in her gentle embrace, and proceed to suck him into her convoluted and dysfunctional family system -- after, of course, nursing him back to health. Then, within about a month and a half, she has either adopted children with the newcomer (or been adopted by them), has married at least one other person, and has maneuvered one of her spouses into a position where the only option available to him is to dump her adorable and wibbly little butt because she has made it impossible for him to do otherwise.

Then she posts a terse and stoic message and waits for her harem of admirers to offer hugs and cookies, so she can refuse them wearily and wipe at her eyes.

All of this may be seen as the height of hypocrisy coming from someone who plays a Sue herself, and a medical Sue at that, but I do have to thank Daisie for one thing: she has made me significantly more aware of my character's suedom, and I find myself making a conscious effort not to barge in everywhere and offer to OMG HEEEEAL people -- and to be aware of how my character interacts with others, and to pick up on subtle hints which Daisie plows right on through, lips puckered and arms held wide. (I have this image in my head now of the fake Jessica Rabbit whom Eddie Valiant encounters on his trip to Toontown.)

I did not begin to truly dislike Daisie in earnest until she brought in Fauxdezhda, and I am also aware that it is vaguely possible that she did not intend "Klarmiya" to be a knockoff or a sendup of Nadezhda, but then again I have to ask myself how she could fail to see that a thirtysomething Russian magic-user with long hair who has spent time in England, smokes and drinks to excess, uses nasty words, possesses significant medical abilities, and has a sidekick played either by the same mun or one of that mun's very close friends would not be compared to Nadezhda, simply because, hey, wow is that a lot of similarities. The only bits she failed to include are the long-standing torch carried for an old colleague and the prehensile hair. Everything else in "Klarmiya"'s userinfo could just as easily have described another Nadezhda, down to the full spelling-out of the name with patronymic and all. It was extraordinarily unpleasant to come across "Klarmiya," and when she started messing about in Sages and being classic Daisie with the whole Healing People Whether They Want It Or Not, what really sank my cheerio was the fact that due to the very obvious similarities, people would judge Nadezhda based on Daisie's actions, which I really, really didn't want. It was a case of "stop being so much like my character, you're making my character look bad."

This in and of itself would have been okay, but when I contacted her OOC to discuss it and ask if the similarities to N were unintentional (and then to laugh and laugh and laugh), she immediately became hostile, claimed that she had thought the Nexus was "big enough for two snarky Russian women," which it certainly is, but perhaps not for two NEARLY IDENTICAL snarky Russian women, and then blocked me. Not, one feels, the act of a particularly rational or level-headed individual.

The sum of all my complaints about Daisie is but this: she is overbearing, officious, manipulative, utterly unable to take hints, uninterested in anyone else's opinion unless it supports her own, and makes everything NOT FUN AT ALL when she gets involved, because she polarizes opinion. Either you're WITH HER or you're AGAINST HER, and she doesn't see grey areas -- and can't leave well enough alone.

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