An Imagined Guide to RPing, by Shadowsider (Wapanese)

From Badrp

Revision as of 22:35, 14 December 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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  1. Exist:
    Apparently this and this alone is enough to get them frothy at the mouth. Especially if you yourself are a pyrokinetic. See, they are created to be with one another. DIDN'T YOU KNOW THIS? All firebugs must do one another. It's a law.
  2. Know yourself:
    Knowing whom you do and don't like? Bad. This is not allowed. You should like all of your brethern, and how dare you ever counter their word.
  3. Be ambiguous about your sexuality:
    No, not bisexual. Honestly, don't know if you are gay or straight. This will drive them up a wall. How dare you NOT be gay. Didn't you know that being male and a firestarter in that place means you are gay? No if, ands or buts?
    NONO, you don't get a say in yer own sexuality. AND if you must insist on being Het? That's okay, they'll turn themselves femme JUST TO DO YOU. Aren't you lucky?!?!
  4. Be true to your pup:
    How dare you not tone him down since his IC actions are hurting someone OOCLY. NO matter they started it and won't let it die, you should chain yer pup so that they don't keep crying. Because, see, you're the fourth, fifth, hundredth person to persecute them today and YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS. But since you didn't, here's your OOC request to go into a private thread, with a MOD if you can't be sociable, to solve this.
    Also, your pup should be utterly trusting. Just cause someone has threatened you? No reason to refuse their invite to come and take IN THEIR HOME OUTSIDE OF THE NO VIOLENCE SHIELDS. Because, canonwise? They're a cop so you're safe. Uhmm, buddy? Canonwise you're in love with ONE man and not living with your now femme pregnant with your baby manwhore and his harem. So don't pull that shit unless you're going to stay canon.
  5. Availability:
    It doesn't matter that you have a journal, one that you check every day, one that has OOC posts in it where comments and information might be left.
    You should be available by AIM/MSN/YIM when they want it so that they can harass you about the plot points they wish to inflict. You are being an ass by not being there when they want. But hey, that's alright because...
  6. Friends:
    You should have them. Both ICLY and OOCLY. They are the ones that will be available. And when they are? They are fair game.
    Which means they can and will be contacted, asked for their permission to DO THINGS TO YOUR PUP and then constantly bombarded with ideas of what these poor hurt souls shall do to your pups, up to and including
    * Turning him into a woman
    * Turning him into a pregnant woman
    * Turning him into a dog
    * Turning him into a pregnant bitch
    Not that it matters that these things might be repulsive to the mun or that NO ONE RAN THEM BY THE MUN. That's okay. Because it's this other mun's pup that you truly fear so you don't have to run things by the mun of the pup that you think is a pompous windbag.
  7. Maturity:
    Be an adult, boys and girls. Nothing will piss them off more than you doing the adult thing and letting it go. See, this only drives the point home that, in the end, they have the emotional maturity of a fart joke.
    Nono. You must be an emotional slave to your pups, up to and including freezing comments when they hurt your feelings and having MODS pull ooc comments and then getting pissy when muns won't talk to you in private messages, but you'll have a mod there so it's okay.
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