Infamy is cheap (Kali)

From Badrp

Revision as of 08:11, 13 December 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
height=20 My friend and I will check with one another, 'Would Frank and Elektra do this? If so, let's not.' height=20
height=20 Kali and friends will get their board back to themselves if they keep going. height=20
height=20 She appointed a Deputy of Fun. She's like something out of 1984 or Brave New World. height=20
height=20 No. It's far too baffling. She's still insisting userinfo.gifla_tigra somehow got modly permission for that inhibition thing, and yet it was a complete surprise to her when she found the thread! And I'm like, no one believes she's not you! height=20
height=20 No, see, you can tell that's not Kali because she's actually FUNNY. height=20
height=20 must be hard to suck this badly. height=20
height=20 Okay, true story? Before you got here (I think!) Johnny Storm-mun (the original) and a few others made ask_a_superhero, right? And someone who just happened to know them said in her normal (not RP) journal, 'Hey, peoples! Check this cool comm. out!' And Kali came and bitched at her, even though there was a perfectly reachable moderator for the comm. And she never apologized even after multiple people said, 'Hey, dumbass, this girl you're bitching out ISN'T A MOD or even a MEMBER.' She'd been specifically told not to do that, either. height=20
height=20 Have contemplated making a breakdown of Kali's mod problems, by section. 'IC/OOC blurring,' 'Passive aggressiveness,' 'Lying and Covering Up,' 'Hypocrisy' ... am I missing anything? height=20
height=20 What sent her over the edge? How'd she go nuts? And how can I avoid that happening to me? height=20
height=20 The stuff on your site is sane by comparison. That's her fresh for public face. height=20
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