Hmmm. Well, I guess we might differ on canonical readings of Hermes, because (although my knowledge may be less than yours, I suspect, but a huge amount), I've never read him as snotty. That's interesting. But then I've always liked Hermes and Athena the best out of the Greek pantheon, and read about them the most. I was happy when my friend snuck onto Sages to write Athena. :-) I never see her as a bitch, know what I'm saying? Whereas Aphrodite, definitely a bitch at times. I just never see either Hermes or Athena as snarky, no matter how unkind some of their actions have been in mythology. I guess my take is: they may occasionally be vengeful, but did they really waste time crafting insults? I don't think so, but I guess I better read some more to find out, huh? If you have any reading recommendations, I'd love them.
Editor's Note: Yeah. Your knowledge MAY, JUST MIGHT BE, less than Hermes-mun. Athena isn't a bitch? Cough, Arachne, cough? Medousa? Vying with the other goddesses for the golden apple? But why the fuck are we talking about Athena? Hello, Hermes, witty, clever, sly? Trickster god? God of eloquent speaking?
Also, I was rude above, and I apologize - I meant to include that if Frank or I IC ever do something that annoys you, by all means please tell me so I can alter my play. I'm lucky in that all of the Moderators at Sages have the identical philosophy of experienced RPers: [insert standard Moderator boilerplate language here] if play between characters is not comfortable for the players, better to alter it with an OOC communication and discussion, rather than ignoring it, or subsiding what might normally be a very good RPing relationship.
Editor's Note: Hahahahaha all the other mod DO INDEED have the identical philosophy.
I don't know how long you've RPed. You're an excellent writer. I will share with you something of a personal warning, and you can disregard or listen as you will, because I'm arrogantly assuming you will be interested, and I mean this with the best of intentions: watch out for players that present OOC difficulty repeatedly and cannot seem to stop fighting with other players. I've seen people get surrounded by those types, and sucked into drama, and wind up being miserable, or themselves being manipulated into partisanship. It's very unhealthy. The only way I've ever dealt with it successfully is to disengage. My very first RPing experience was with a large group of people that I didn't know, and I walked into a situation where OOC feuding was rampant, and became readily apparent. It spilled over into character, and made all of the non-involved players miserable eventually. I learned the hard way, and later when I was mentored by more balanced and more experienced players, that message was driven home loud and clear, and I got it.
Editor's Note: O THE IRONY. So does that mean Hermes-mun should have left Sages right then and there? Because god damn, woman, you are fucking shit-for-brains bat crazy.
Also, Kali is in the habit of making up "personal stories" to drive home her point, more notably about "other players" who had problems with her, but resolved them peaceably. The characters were of course played by herself.
Those types of people tend to be what we call the "out of balance RPers." Perspective is lost, and they usually wind up being eventually featured on fandom_wank, and mocked mercilessly. (I hate that community by the way, because it just seems to perpetuate shit slinging and hate. However, if someone is repeatedly featured there, I avoid them like leprosy.)
Editor's Note: "Out of balance RPers" -- is that a technical term? Please, slow down with your obscure jargon. Also amusing: note how she both uses Fandom_Wank as a standard and as a way to impart superiority. Since Kali herself has been featured twice, I wonder if she avoids herself.
RPing for me is a fun and creatively fulfilling pasttime, and I have no time for bullshit. Another thing that's been brought up recently by other players is the, for lack of a better word, tone of play on Sages. The comm was originally started to be comedic, and by god, it still is, very much so, due to the brilliance of yourself and other players. I'm parroting my other mods in saying this, but we're sending out the same message recently: let's keep that in mind. There is also some very serious RPing that takes place, and has been spawned, by the community, and that rocks. We like that so many people have forged RPing relationships because of Sages; it's great to read. But we're trying to get people to tone down the nasty a little while commenting on the board. Not eliminate it, because IC banter isn't always going to be sugar sweet, and we don't expect that, but sometimes it's turning into character relationships and interactions that aren't fun to read on the board. I'll be totally honest: a couple of times I've read things Hermes has said, and thought "wtf? Why?" HOWEVER, I've also gone back and read things that I've written as Frank, and thought "well, that came across as excessively harsh. Whoa. WTF was I doing running roughshod over this character that is sensitive?" It's a totally subjective feeling, I know, but the recent mean level has been brought up by more than one person. So, we're asking people to be sensitive to that, and to evaluate how, for example, sniggering or pulling a gun might affect other players that aren't even being talked to. If that's not clear, let me know. This isn't to say sarcasm, snark, etc should disappear, because hey? What's the community for if not to have characters get insane, but it's gotten a bit out of hand recently, and I for one am not enjoying it. So, we're asking people to be a bit conscious of the willfully nasty for a while. The irony, because I play a character that is very driven and not prone to niceties a lot of the time, huh? I'm applying that to myself, and toning Frank down a bit, although Frank doesn't go out of his way to be that willfully nasty and cutting, in his view at least. Actually, in canon, he never insults, unless it's to flush someone out, in order to kill them. In canon, Frank is both thoughtful and blunt (and yes, he does have a sense of humor, and does feel quite intensely, but doesn't have time for grudges), and I try to capture that, but don't know how often I succeed. Sometimes I don't.
Editor's Note: Just ... my god, what the FUCK kind of crack is she on? And who exactly has been complaining about the "mean" tone? What mean tone? She doesn't provide any examples apart from the "sniggering." Damn you, Hermes-mun, and your accursed SNIGGERING. It's SO MEAN.
To get back to something earlier about RPing styles, in short, my best advice, which I realize is totally unsolicited [I hope you don't hate me for saying this, and again, I don't mean to lecture or come off as condescending] is to avoid feuders [meaning, players, not characters] like the plague, no matter how charming they seem. Your RPing experience will be much more pleasant overall. Unless, of course, you enjoy drama, fighting, etc. :-) I just hate to see people get burned out or not enjoy themselves, and eventually with feuders that ALWAYS happens. They ruin the experience for other people. Yes, there is a ridiculous amount of gossip going around amongst a tiny group of players about the moderators, who we are, what we do, who we write, what we've supposedly done, and when we read or hear it, it's always totally untrue, or bullshit. There have been some truly surreal accusations made against me, and some of my fellow moderators. Fortunately, there are almost sixteen hundred players in the community right now, and only ten or fifteen of them feel the need for drama, and eventually they will probably tire themselves out and leave, or be asked to leave, to quote another mod, if they bring trouble into the community.
Editor's Note: Mmhm. Only 10 or 15. Right.
Note this is the third time Kali warns Hermes-mun off playing with people she dislikes. Note also how she exaggerates actual events to make herself a victim. At this point there may have been all of 2 actual moderators, Kali and Ollie. As I recall, Jack was not active during this point and spent more time on Transgressions.
About Frank and Hermes? We'll just have to see what develops. :-)