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Stuff that Break ought to read, and I ought to type

Hunter Guild Report: 6283287014

The subject to be discussed in this report is highly classified, albeit some leaking due to political and governmental pressure. But regardless the communication held with those powers, the media hasn't disclosed the details of this expedition to the Impact Site. While many expeditions leave everyday with the purpose of reducing the always increasing numbers of beasts located both at the exterior and the interior, this one had the particularity of having, be it for sheer foolishness or incomparable courage, reached the bottom-most area of it.

The results of the hunting were none considerable to the evidence obtained by the hunters regarding the true nature of the mentioned Meteor. Yet they're quite vague, the subjects holding just very little memories. Thankfully, the whole description was maintained and logged by radio and local communication, as well as occasional video feed sent to our HQ. Therefore, the list of related documents to this one are as follow: the radio log, a few minutes of video feedback, the synchronization cache from 3 of the mags, and the interviews with the very hunters and those in care of them while in the medical bay.

Its is noteworthy that the hunters, previously wounded to the brink of death, have now resumed their activities, a few even taking part in the exploration of the Crater once again.

However, one of the most unexpected occurrences during the debriefing was the confiscation of the damaged cache of one of the mags. The only one that, somehow, did manage to record the events inside the core of the Crater: the Meteor itself. As the rest of them go blank at this point-- sign of an overwhelming stress source and the shock of a high amount of damage-- this one hadn't done so. And the data was still legible. The engineer in charge of decoding and analyzing the tape was apparently able to take a minute's gaze at it. The resulting interview is also attached. The results being just as interesting as the data itself. All the efforts possible are being made at the moment to recover the mentioned information and analysis for the sake of the safety of the rest of our hunters.

Added as well is the report of the rescue team sent to recover the exploration team. Though this lacks much relevance, as nothing was found in the Meteor's resting place, other than a high amount of radiation reasonably explained by the stone itself resting there.

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