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Revision as of 19:25, 5 September 2007 by Auphamim (Talk | contribs)
Requiescat Caeli


Game Stats

Class Levels HP Exp Next lvl
Swashbuckler 3 24 6000 10000


Attribute STRength DEXterity CONstitution. INTelligence. WISdom. CHArisma.
Score 12 15 12 15 10 16
Bonus +1 +2 +1 +2 ±0 +3

Combat & Saves

Initiative Armor Class BAB Melee Attack Melee Attack (Finesse)
+2 16 +3 +4 +5
Ranged Attack Armor Penalty Saves
Fortitude Reflex Will
+5 0 +4 +3 +1


Skill Ranks Ability Misc Total
Balance 6 +2 +8
Bluff 6 +3 +9
Diplomacy 6 +3 +2 +11
Jump 6 +1 +7
Knowledge (Aether) 4 +2 +6
Sense Motive 6 +2 +8
Tumble 6 +2 +8


  • Weapon Finesse
  • Weapon Proficiency (Parthian Rapier)
  • Weapon Proficiency (Firearms)
  • Negotiator

Special Abilities

  • Grace +1
  • Insightful Strike

Gear and Equipment

  • Mtw. Parthian Rapier (5lb)
  • Mtw. Studded Leather Armor (20lb)
  • Pouch, Belt (1/2lb)
    • Gunpowder (30 shots)
    • Bullets (30)
  • Backpack (2lb)
    • Sunrod (2) (2lb)
    • Rope, Silken (50ft) (5lb)
    • Waterskin, full. (4lb)
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