Space RP Info (New)

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Revision as of 00:24, 2 January 2007 by The Sandman (Talk | contribs)

This is the page for the new Space RP going on in AC. You may add a piece of information sorted by correct letter (last name first for characters). You an also request a definition or clarification of a term by adding it to the proper section, and perhaps specifying who would know the specifics. If you want to know what something is or how it works, you should refer here. Please add definitions that could be helpful, and add requests. Feel free to add to or clarify existing definitions as well.

Feel free to retool anything that is no longer accurate, or even to delete definitions that no longer apply. Let's make this awesome.


Request a Definition

Mosquito (Tydraad's ship)

Federation definition needs to be expanded

Retool entry "Karyuudo, Tydraad"

Add Tydraad's "Veinslay-issue" ship (The Loveboat?)


Astronomical unit - Commonly referred to as an AU, this is the distance from Sol III to its sun. One AU is equal to approximately 0.5 lancyrds.

Assault Ship (Frigate) - The Assault Ship is an extremely toughened version of the standard combat frigate. Featuring massively enhanced Resistances, improved Power Grid and CPU, and a greater number of equipment slots, these fast sluggers are comparable to standard Cruisers in power, but retain the speed and agility of the Frigate class. Assault Ships are good alround ships, and are capable of withstanding a great deal of punishment, making them useful all-purpose extra ships to have along for almost any eventuality. -From EVEWiki

Asuka-Lanvaldear - Mysterious ship under construction by Veinslay. Like the Kusanagi, it excels in speed, power, and energy shielding, but has little armor. It is said to be an offshoot of the Katana-class (the Seraph-class). The Asuka half of the name is Break's doing, named after his deceased first love; the Lanvaldear is Akio's half of the name, named after a lost civilization known for their ferocity in battle. The Asuka-Lanvaldear is equipped with two wing-mounted Phoenix Legend-class main creation cannons, ten Pinion-class gun satellites under the effect of a prototypical Haars generator, a Bastion-class energy shield with shield boosters and logical shielding modules, two "Reality Shifted" rift wave cannons, a "Reality Fractured Eternal" system modified for use on larger ships, seven large Blade swiveling thrusters, seven "Javelin" photon torpedo bays, three hybrid-turret railgun systems, four pairs of gravitic cannons, three "Blackstar" dark matter cannons, counterdata systems and anti-electronic warfare modules, and a Veinslay-developed Estrel array, to name some of the systems aboard the ship. The Asuka-Lanvaldear's Estrel array buffer design is that of a long-tailed phoenix holding the legendary sword Veinslay with its talons, with "Asuka-Lanvaldear, Seraph-class" inscribed on the outside of the design in Felysian-style scripting. This Estrel array buffer was designed by Break Miyama. See "Seraph-class (battleship)."

Autocannon - A large automatic cannon that fires rapidly and accurately. Fires various kinds of shells, including depleted-uranium, Inferno shells, Frag shells, etc. Usually uses armor-piercing rounds. Is good for both tread-fething and meat-grinding. [See Warhammer 40K Jargon.] Also common in Eve Online. On ships, they are usually fairly large, with SUV-sized shells.

Azure-class - To be added.


Battleship - In the Universe of the RP, the Battleship is the largest available class of ship for any fleet. Battleships are desgined to rain death upon other battleships or (more commonly) cruisers, the mainstay of a fleet. However, despite their size, Battleships can be overwhelmed by large groups of frigates. Because a frigate's signature radius is so small, if is very difficult for a a Battleship to target. Currently the use of a heavy nosferatu energy vampire (or heavy NOS) is one way to fight frigates, since this weapon drains any frigate's energy stores which allows battleships to fight them more effectively. An excellent example of a top-teir battleship is the Asuka-Lanvaldear, of Veinslay.

Binary Fusion Cannon - An incredibly powerful weapon designed by Yumeda Akio and outfitted on the Watchtower R&D facility (two main cannons; four much smaller minor cannons). At its heart are two minor fusion reactors which serve to bring the main reactor online, and to contribute to the overall output. The reactors are kept in check by a series of ions chilled to near-absolute zero, to keep it from going critical. This series increases when the heat goes too high. It functions by using tritium to start the reaction, which, afterwards, is completely self-sustaining. The reactor also has a failsafe: if (by some highly unlikely occurrence) the reactor starts to go critical, the Watchtower’s computer drops a small carbon bomb into the reactors (carbon can be used to arrest nuclear fusion). The cannons themselves are modular, and can move through the Watchtower itself in order to relocate themselves to any other cannon point to add to its power. For example, cannons 3 and 4 could re-enforce cannon 5 by moving to its position. All six cannons can join into one cannon at any one point to deal roughly 3.5 times the output of Main Binary Fusion Cannon 1 (that is, about two Phoenix class Creation cannons). This type of weapon was commisioned by the military about 75 years prior to the start of the RP, but scrapped due to the fact that it was still very expensive to synthesize tritium back then. Akio actually wrote his graduate thesis at the academy on the feasibility of a binary fusion weapon. In fact, not one year before Akio was imprisoned, the synthetic tritium industry boomed. So, Akio informed the Feylsian government and had the Watchtower fitted with the cannons. The main advantage of a binary fusion cannon is that (unlike a creation cannon), the binary fusion weapon does not drain a capacitor, drawing instead upon it’s own power source (although, it can be tapped to do so).

Blade thrusters - A rail-mounted thruster system set on a ball-and-socket join so that the individual thrusters may swivel freely and move themselves to other portions of the ship. The name comes from the thruster's long, thin shape, similar to a rapier. Blade thrusters are often powerful and add a great deal of maneuverability to the ship, but are rather costly to build, and as such are almost always seen on Federation destroyers and frigates, such as the Katana- and Realis- classes. The Kusanagi has two Blade thrusters (and one main vernier), the Silvance has three (and two smaller verniers) and the Asuka-Lanvaldear has seven (three on the main body and two on each wing, with two verniers per wing and three on the main body).

Brotherhood of the Maggot - A group of religious zealots much like the Chaos Space Marines, they worship the ancient Babylonian gods, with an emphasis on Nergal. Their organization originates from a region called the Eye of Terror, at the center of the galaxy. Their purpose is to serve their gods by crusading against non-believers and securing tactical warp-points, where they construct temples to their gods on captured worlds. They wish to preserve the basic integrity of the universe so that certain unnamed horrors imprisoned by their gods will not escape and wreak greater havoc, but they still wish to increase the influence of their gods. Due to the outward appearance of their ships (which is deceiving) and their tactics, they are often mistaken for Executioners.


Capacitor link - An invisible, intangible link that allows one ship to harness the capacitor of another ship, which is usually larger. Capacitor links can only be broken by taking out the capacitor of any one of the linked ships, or by having one of the ships being reduced to critically low power. They are usually used on smaller ships that require a lot of power for their size (such as the Kusanagi). These links work over a distance of about half an AU (approximately 0.25 lancyrds).

Creation cannon - A cannon that harnesses creation energy that work differently depending on whether it is constructed as a primary or secondary cannon, but both work on the same prinicple - catalyze a dimensional rift so that creation energy can be focused into a beam and fired. Secondary creation cannons are mounted in pairs and are similar in construction to most laser- and photon-based beam weaponry. However, main creation cannons give so much output that a physical cannon cannot be created for it - instead, a catalyst is mounted somewhere on the ship that will generate an aimed dimensional rift some distance away from the front of the ship that spews forth a straight stream of near-uncontainable creation energy. Primary creation cannons are equally effective against energy shielding and armor due to the sheer output they generate (and are usually the most powerful weapon on the ship), but secondary creation cannons are designed to combat energy shielding more than armor. Main creation cannons are limited only by how long the capacitor can keep a dimensional rift open and the integrity of the ship itself to stand such an output (hence, a Phoenix-class creation cannon on a destroyer could do more damage if it were mounted on a larger ship that could withstand the heat, pressure, and pure output of the nearby creation energy).

Creation energy - Energy harnessed by drawing upon another dimension. Perhaps the most famous use of creation energy is the creation cannon, capable of penetrating conventional shielding (even dimensional shielding) by virtue of its origin and incredible output. Creation energy is named the way it is because when originally discovered, it was looked at from a single-dimensional perspective - it seemed to violate the laws of mass and energy, as the resulting energy seemed to have come from nowhere - or "created". Creation energy is incredibly efficient since only a small gate to the alternate dimension is needed to tap into massive amounts of energy, but the materials required to harness this energy are incredibly expensive.

Crnebog - Pronounced "ZAIR-nay-bog." Title of a wandering priest.

Cruiser - Just as in EVE, cruisers are the solid mid-range workhorses of the RP. A balanced compromise between effectiveness and affordability, Cruisers tend to be average in most areas, but as either a runabout workship, or stepping stone to Battlecruisers and Battleships, the class offers a wide variety of ships, suitable for many different lines of work. -EVEWiki


Dark matter cannon - A weapon that's standard on most higher-end starships. The name is actually slightly misleading - it does initially fire a ball of dark matter (not unlike a gravitic cannon). However, once it reaches its detonation point, it inverts itself into white matter, and essentially creates a reverse gravitic or small quasar that will quickly and forcefully push everything out from the epicenter, causing great kinetic damage. If it manages to penetrate shielding and get into the interior of a ship, the effects can be devastating. This type of cannon fire is easily stopped by shielding, but wreaks havoc on ship armor.

Despoiler class starship - The third highest rank of starship among pirates and the Brotherhood of the Maggot. Heavily armed and armored, with a high carrying capacity. Often relatively slow, but can slip in and out of warp at will.

Destroyer - These ships are designed to counter fast Frigates and Interceptors. They are potent weapon platforms that sacrifice flexibility and speed for sheer hitting power, yet remain a suprisingly cost effective way of doing battle. Most Destroyers have far more high-slot turret points than conventional frigates, but tend to pay for it in mid and low slots scarcity, making them more suited to stand-off barrages than high-speed chases. An uncommon example of a destroyer is the Kusanagi. Unlike most other destroyers, it's still quite nimble. -EVEWiki

Dimensional energy - Similar to creation energy in reverse, but used for different purposes. One is dimensional shielding, which will take the energy of whatever strikes it and effectively sends it to another dimension. (Dimensional shielding may be penetrated by using a weapon that harnesses energy from another dimension such as a creation cannon, or by using an attack with enough energy to overload the shielding systems so it cannot keep up with the massive amount of energy.) The other common application is dimensional warp, by using a dimensional gate to proceed at speeds exceeding fifty times the speed of light, with a fifteen kilometer margin of error. The distinction between creation energy and dimensional energy is that creation energy draws upon energy from another dimension for use in this one in which we exist, whereas dimensional energy sends matter/energy from one dimension (this one) to another. The materials and technology required to harness dimensional energy ae considerably cheaper than those needed for the similar creation energy.

Drone - A Drone is an automated robotic spacecraft designed to augment a ship's arsenal in combat, or assist with mining operations.


Ende-class starship - To be added.

Energarg - It's everything you want it to be.

Estrel array - (pronounced ESS-tril) A large weapon only mounted on ships of battlecruiser class or larger. When activated, a large circle of energy appears in front of the ship. This "rune circle" of energy is usually fitted with a personal design that shows up whenever the array is activated, which acts as a buffer for the weapon's output to allow more time for the array to be positioned before it is fired (to avoid reactions between lasers, which could cause the array to explode). Once the weapon has finished charging, an array of lasers will emerge (typically numbering at thirty for weaker arrays, to two hundred for the absolute top-of-the-line, cutting edge Estrel arrays) and home in on the targets acquired during the charging/buffer process. Estrel arrays are powered by a combination of creation energy (for the array lasers) and binary fusion energy (for the "rune circle" and buffer process), but generally require a great deal of reactor power to fire. Although powerful and able to accurately hit targets after acquisition, the Estrel array takes a while to charge up (typically takes fifteen to thirty seconds, depending on the strength of the array system), and cannot be fired consecutively, with cooldown time often taking as long as three hours. The name of the weapon comes from a bastardization of the word "astral", because of the references to various light deities in the first buffer designs during the testing phase of the weapon.

Executioners - Felysians often mistake the Brotherhood of the Maggot for these space pirates due to their similar ships, structures, tactics, and even language.


Federation - To be retooled.

Federation standard - An old standard used by the Federation to express the output of a normal phase laser. Weapon output is sometimes expressed in multiples of this archaic standard.

Feds - Perjorative term referring to members of the Federation. Commonly uttered by space pirates and anti-Federation organization members. More likely than not used with the word "bastards".

Felys System - Pronounced FAY-liss, this system is one of the cores of anti-Federation activity, as a few organizations dedicating to resisting the Federation have bases here.

Felysian - A humanoid that lives within the Felys system. While they may look completely human at first, they in fact are three times as dextrous and agile as the average human due to the conditions on their homeworld. However, their agility comes at a cost - Felysians cannot break down the sugars in thir body as effectively as humans can. This means that their physical stamina and strength is lower than that of the average human. Reilina Sylpheed and Elisa "Elly" Rosiel are both examples of Felysians.

Frigate - The smallest type of the RP's spacecrafts. A Frigate is a very fast and agile ship that usually performs as a scout for a larger fleet or in hit and run combat scenarios. Given the low price and cost/benefits relation for this type of ship, it is best used in large groups of 10 or more vessels. The various roles s frigate can perform are:

  • Combat: often known as assault-class frigates, a purely fighting ship, designed to deal and sustain damage.
  • Combat Support: often known as tacklers, they are fighting spacecraft that plays the role of interceptor or specific weapon platform.
  • Logistics/Industrial: a non-fighting spacecraft desgined to carry ammo supplies or perform activities related to combat but not dealing direct damage. Also this kinds of frigates are also used on civilian roles such as transports or industrial activities.
  • Electronic Warfare: a EW spacecraft designed to nullify the enemy's combat capabilities.


Gravitic cannon - A cannon that fires a densely packed piece of unstable matter. Due to the properties of this matter, it can be imbued with several wave-canceling systems and gravitic manipulation waves made to increase the effectiveness of its lockdown property and interfere certain parts of the ship such as the weaponry, life support, etc, much like an EMP does. It also creates a gravitic sphere which, at low power, will cause all objects a certain distance away to be rapidly drawn into the center of the gravitic sphere, but leaves ships mostly intact. At high power, the dark matter will create a small black hole that is almost guaranteed to lock any enemy ship in place regardless of shielding, though firing a gravitic at high power usually requires a long charge time, and more gravitics are required to lock down larger ships. Ships with gravitics have a resonance effect with the cannons, and so are immune to the effects. A ship may send the frequency of the gravitic to other allied ships in order to make them immune. The frequency must be extremely precise in order to be immune to the effects - hence, an enemy ship has only a 1-in-537-trillion chance of guessing the correct frequency in order to be immune to any given gravitic. (It should be noted that gravitics can affect the path, or even suck in, weapon fire, from missiles to most forms of energy (even creation cannons), essentially rendering said weapon fire basically harmless. When the gravitic dissapates, the weapon fire usually no longer has the energy to travel at a speed that can harm ships. This is a tactic frequently used by Captain Break Miyama when taking a defensive position, and ever since its first use in the Battle of Thanes, has come to be known as the "Miyama black hole".)

Gun satellite - The Federation/Veinslay equivalent of pirates' Drones. These are special satellites that orbit around the ship, and are usually very well-armed for their size. The flight path and formation of these gun-satellites are controlled by the ship they are orbiting. Besides weaponry, gun satellites are usually equipped with cloaking systems and radar. Unlike drones, gun satellites are almost purely used for combat and offensive support. Very few ships sport gun satellites due to their cost, but the Seraph-class Asuka-Lanvaldear is equipped with ten Pinion-class gun satellites under the effect of a prototypical Haars generator.


Haars effect - A phenomenon that is caused by applying both creation and dimensional energy onto matter, essentially keeping said matter in between two dimensions. Because of this, matter under the Haars effect can be affected in the alternate dimension but not on the one in which we exist - however, the matter itself can affect things in this dimension but not on the alternate dimension. (Using this concept, one can power a machine under the Haars effect with dimensional energy.) Matter under this effect can travel very quickly, because technically, it no longer has any mass in this dimension while under the effect. It is not feasible nor possible to put an entire starship under the Haars effect, due to the following problems - the amount of energy needed to sustain the effect goes up exponentially with the amount of matter, and that organic matter has extreme difficulty going under the Haars effect. The Haars effect is named for the Federation scientist that discovered it, Dr. Joachim Haars. This type of energy is currently under development, and the equipment required to sustain it are currently in their prototype phases.

Brother Haemus - A member of the Brotherhood of the Maggot, he captains a Despoiler class warship and considerable land forces.

Heavy assault ship/cruiser (HAS/HAC) - The cruiser-class equivalent of the frigate-class Assault Ship (See above), these massive powerhouses are designed as full-on combat brawlers, with enhanced resistances, improved Power Grid and CPU and greater equipment options making them extremely effective in a fire-fight. -EVEWiki


Interceptor - Interceptors are small, extremely fast ships which can swarm larger ships like hornets. They rip apart most medium and small sized ships and can immobilize larger ships very effectively. While quite weak structurally, the key strength of the Interceptor lies in it's minute Signature Radius, which when combined with high top speed, makes the ship extremely difficult to hit with all but the smallest weaponry. This makes the Interceptor an ideal tackler ship, able to close swiftly and begin jamming and scrambling before a larger opponent has even finished a target lock. -EVEWiki

Interdictor - The Interdictor class is based on the Destroyer class, but with increased Resistances, Power Grid and CPU. The main function of the Interdictor however, is in the deployment of Warp Interdiction Spheres, allowing the ship to yank passing ships out of warp to face its wrath. As part of a larger gang of heavy hitting combat ships, this class can cause untold havoc on trade lanes, and severly hamper enemy suply lines during wars. -EVEWiki


Karyuudo, Tydraad - Ex-Federation captain, Tydraad's actual physical age is unknown due to overexposure to the warp. Most of Tydraad's files from his 15 (official) cycles of military service (though it can be disputed that he deserted much earlier than reported, and his connections in the Fed higher ups are the only thing that kept him under the radar) are under lock-and-key following his betrayal. Released information reveals his impressive combat histroy in the piloting of assault frigates, and dozens of instances of his acts of space piracy. A tad unstable, egocentric, and violently against any authoritative figure that would reign over him, he can now be found flying for the Veinslay organization.

Katana-class starship - One of the most powerful classes of starships in the Federation due to its great attack power, speed, and shielding. Due to the resources necessary to construct one, there are only five hundred Katana-class ships in the Federation's fleet at the time of the RP's beginning. Katana-class ships generally have great attack power, speed, and shielding with many support systems at the cost of armor. Katana-classes are generally no larger than a cruiser (however, several variants of the Katana-class exist as battlecruisers, and are still reasonably fast compared to smaller ships). Captain Break Miyama of the Federation commands his own Katana-class starship, named the Kusanagi.

Kusanagi - The flagship of the 86th Strike Division of the Federation. It is currently owned by Captain Break Miyama, and has a crew of twenty. The Kusanagi is a Katana-class destroyer, built to take its class to an extreme - it is mounted with many weapons, shielding, and support systems, but has even lower hull armor than most other systems. Because of this, the Kusanagi requires a rather large capacitor, since it does not use conventional weaponry (which do not drain capacitor energy) to attack, and often has an energy link to a battleship or other large starship to keep it running effectively in battle. Notable systems on the Kusanagi include its four modfied gravitic cannons, three photon torpedo bays, one "Reality Shifted" Aether-class rift wave cannon, four secondary Thunderbird creation cannons, the version 0.98 "Reality Fractured" System, a powerful Guardian-class energy shield (complete with modules for quick recharging and logical shielding) and its main weapon, the Phoenix-class main creation cannon.


Lancyrd - (pronounce LANE-kurd) Units of measure for expressing distance. One lancyrd is equivalent to approximately two AU. The decimal approximation for one lancyrd is 1.9674893 AU, or the absolute minimum distance a Federation battleship can warp using conventional warp technology.

Lieber, Marcus - Twenty-five year old human male who is the second-in-command of the Kusanagi, and acts as the secondary gunner. He is more commonly referred to by his last name. He is a brash, easily angered man. Amazingly, the crew of the Kusanagi doesn't mind his antics as long as he isn't an asshole, or doesn't insult Break's taste in starships. He is also known for being superstitious, and always keeps a salt shaker with him in case he ever drops anything.

Logical shielding - New type of dimensional shield developed by the Federation's R&D. It acts as normal dimensional armor, but with one key difference - if the amount of energy from the attack is low enough or if the energy types between the attack and the defending ship's systems are compatible, the logical armor will send the energy of the attack to the ship's systems for later use, or to immediately improve the output of the defending ship. If the logical armor cannot do this, it will then function as a normal dimensional shield.

Logistics ship - To be added.


Maneater - An interstellar organism that eats other space-faring organisms, as well as consuming asteroids and debris for fiber and comets for water. It resembles a giant mollusk with a hard protective shell on it's back, a circular mouth at the front with innumerable razor-sharp teeth and a long, prehensile tongue, two long tentacles with large claws at the ends near the front of it's underside, and six legs along it's underbelly that are usually folded beneath it, but extend to grapple food, other Maneaters, and ships. Sizes range from that of a large stadium or normal frigate to that of a Titan. It has a lifespan of millenia.

Maneater-class Frigate - A small ship built upon the shell of an interstellar organism known as a Maneater. Generally lightly armed and armored, with appendages such as arms, tentacles, claws, and a mouth with many razor-sharp teeth. Crnebogs usually use this type of ship, with gun batteries, EMP missiles, 50 mm armor, jamming equipment (jams sensory arrays, targeting, locking, radar, etc.), medium armor repair equipment, and damage control modules. It is good for hitting and running, and slipping past ships unnoticed.

Mar Sara - Eagle-class assault frigate primarily noted for its remarkable speed, the ship has a frightening arsenal of four small missile launchers, a "webber," warp disruptors, a mass of laser turrets, and two incredibly powerful Chimera-class creation cannons. The truly remarkable aspect of the Mar Sara is the built in RFS system, capable of making warp jumps with near flawless accuracy within 1 AU, making it perfect for a variety of tactical maneuvers. Although originally a Federation design, it has been retooled numerous times by space pirates because its systems make it perfect for their line of work. Variants of the Mar Sara are common in lowsec areas.

Miyama, Break - Twenty-three year old human male. He is secretly the leader of the anti-Federation organization Veinslay, but works undercover as a reasonably-high ranking Captain for the Federation. He stands at 5'11", has brown hair, blue eyes, and a constant look of observation on his face. He's almost always seen wearing his trademark black longcoat with a patterned navy blue headband over his forehead. As a Federation captain, he uses his high position to make surgical strikes on the Federation without them noticing anything, or even spreading misinformation and calling off attacks made by the Federation on his allies. He is known for being a skilled tactician and diplomat, but he knows little of piloting, acting as a gunner, or actually causing the ship to function by himself. However, he's able to see things on a more mathematical plateau, and can draw up interesting plans and efficiency diagrams all in his head. Commands a Katana-class ship when in the Federation, named Kusanagi. He owns four more ships when carrying out operations for Veinslay - two of these are also undercover within the Federation.


Nika - Nickname for the Maneater-class frigate Veronika.


Open ship - Refers to a ship in a fleet that is captained by no one in particular - hence , a captain may be assigned to an open ship as necessary for the fleet's needs. The Silvance, a Federation/Veinslay ship, is an example of an open ship.


Photon torpedo - A six-foot adamantine torpedo with a high-temperature, highly reactive isotope of Photonic uranium. This is used in place of missile launchers on Federation ships. Instead of being directly fired, photon torpedoes are dropped, and remain inactive anywhere from one-and-a-half to two seconds before finally completing a charge and jetting off at speeds approaching lightspeed. The disadvantage of the photon torpedo is that it may be destroyed before completing its charge, and cannot be fired in secret due to the bright flash of blue light that occurs after a torpedo has completed its charge. However, craftier generals have been known to start a photon torpedo charge while the torpedoes are still in the bay (and dropping them shortly before the charge completes, since photon torpedoes launch the instant their charge completes - they cannot 'retain' a charge), therefore reducing the chances of the torpedo being destroyed during its charge time. A photon torpedo in flight appears much like an azure spear, with the long trail of the torpedo acting as the 'shaft'. They are useful in taking out the armor of ships due to their blast radius, and can be fired as fast as they are dropped. Photon torpedoes can be detonated in mid-flight with reasonable accuracy.

Piercer lasers - Usually referred to as simply 'piercers'. These are usually installed in numbers over several hundred on large starships. Each individual laser does not do much damage to simple matter like hull armor, but works wonders on energy shielding if a focused assault is used. This is because the total energy output on a focused assault of piercers is greater than most other weapons if used on energy shielding (such massive output is generally enough to disable, or at least severely damage, even most dimensional shielding). Piercer lasers generally have above-average homing capabilities, and can also be used well enough when a split attack is necessary. Piercers are standard weaponry on Realis- and Katana-class starships.


Ragnarok - To be added.

Realis-class starship - A starship class that is rather balanced - a rarity when it comes to Federation ships. The Realis-class is the fifth most common class of starship amongst the Federation fleet, with above-average categories across the board. It is approximately the size of a destroyer, and has many support and defensive systems. However, this means that its attack capabilities are not as great as it can be - with all of the lesser weapons and defensive/supports systems installed, Realis-classes tend not to have higher-end weaponry such as creation cannons and dark matter cannons aboard, although exceptions to this rule are abound. An example of a Realis-class ship is the open ship Silvance (which is one of previously mentioned exceptions).

"Reality Fractured" System - Commonly referred to as the RFS, this system was developed by two of the best minds in Veinslay's RnD, 'Moritsune' and 'Sandman'. Essentially, it is an extremely efficient micro-warp drive that is also able to affect matter outside of the ship - a system that allows for limited teleportation of a ship, but Tydraad has been able to use it to teleport anything within a two-thousand meter radius (or even area of effect). It does this by catalyzing a dimensional warp - instead of manually opening a dimensional gate for warp, the RFS keeps a small one open within the generator at all times, ready to be used. However, this gate is extremely short-range, but with its lack of range comes great accuracy and speed - it is able to warp the ship or anything within two kilometers of it anywhere in a 1 AU (~0.5 lancyrds) radius with a five millimeter margin of error, and this process happens almost instantaneously (often making the entire warp within a tenth of a second), making the RFS perfect for ship takeovers and evasive maneuvers with minimal strain of the ship's energy reserves.

Rift wave cannon - This cannon is more of a support system than an actual offensive weapon - it distorts space in an area depending on how the cannon's firing patterns are set. Matter passes through a rift wave without being harmed (this includes organic matter), though this has not been scientifically explained. Anything that passes through a rift wave may reappear anywhere where solid matter does not already exist from one kilometer to (very rarely) one lancyrd away from the rift wave itself, depending on the settings. Because of this, the rift wave cannon is a strategically useful device for performing feats such as redirecting weapon fire to evasive maneuvers - however, this system cannot be used with any measure of accuracy yet due to the chaotic and unpredictable nature of rift waves.

Rosiel, Elisa - Usually referred to her nickname, 'Elly', she is a nineteen year old female Felysian. Acts as the navigator for the Kusanagi. She is about 5'7" and has long, mid-back length light brown hair. She also acts as the manager of RnD and Engineering for Break's division, managing all of the ship's current equipment and supplies, and making sure everything is on schedule.


Saffire - An Observational-class android who works for Veinslay, named for the light blue color of her eyes and hair. She specializes in simulation, allowing her to give a rough chance of operation success. She stands at 5'5" (5'7" with her heels on), and is fully installed with emotive vectors, giving her the look and (at times) part of the emotional levels of an eighteen-year-old Felysian woman. She is often assigned as the second-in-command of the Realis-class Silvance.

Security Ranking (Galactic Standard System Security Rating) - A system rating solar systems by how secure the area is in terms of government control, it's mainly of concern to the vast number of pilots. It is rated on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 being total anarchy and 1.0 being all but impenetrable Federation strongholds. The slang term "lowsec" is often used by the less sophisticated of pilots to refer to the 0.0-0.4 regions, where bandits and pirating organizations have the majority of control over a system. Due to the Federation's incredible size following decades of incredibly successful military ventures, nearly half of "Federation" space is "lowsec" owned in name alone. 0.5-1.0 space is typically safe to fly through for more law-abiding ships, with any pirate in the systems having to be suicidal to even attempt direct action against other ships. (It should be noted that saying "highsec" makes you sound like a n00b.)

Seiryu - To be added.

Seraph-class (battleship) - Class of starship invented by Veinslay, it is the first to be able to overcome the speed disadvantage most battleships have. The core of the design is that it is a class meant to act much like a Katana-class destroyer as possible - hence, the massive amount of weapons, shielding, and support systems are still present. The Seraph-class, like the Katana-class, has little armor compared to most ships of its class. This is due to the fact that the class is built for speed as well as power, so the armor would slow the ship down. The ship is also built in three sections - the main ship body, and two wings gravitically held to orbit the main body using an orbital ring. The wings may attach to the main body if needed for extra output, but usually fly independent of the ship (but are held near the ship using gravitic technology within the orbital ring) in order to lighten it. (The wings possess their own weaponry, and are affected by any support systems the main body is affected by - hence, disabling the main ship would do the same to the wings, whether they are attached or not.) The only Seraph-class ship in existence is Veinslay's Asuka-Lanvaldear, which is currently under construction.

Sigmar V - A planet recently conquered by Brother Haemus of the Brotherhood of the Maggot.

Silvance - To be added.

Sol System - Formerly known as the simply the solar system, the Sol System has nine planets. You people should be familiar with this system, as you live in it - put simply, Sol III is Earth, Sol IV is Mars, Sol V is Jupiter, etc.

Suzaku - To be added.

Sylpheed, Reilina - (name pronounced ray-LEE-nuh, as most who see the name do not notice the first 'i') Nineteen year old Felysian female. Acts as the skilled gunner for the Kusanagi (her dexterity allows her to make sniping shots from seemingly impossible distances - once, she was able to shoot a battleship from half an AU out without computer assistance). She is agile even in Felysian terms, and prefers unarmed combat in a man-to-man situation. She is strikingly beautiful, and stands at 5'8", with deep blue eyes. Her hair is raven black, and runs down to her waist.


Tsubasa-class Starship - To be added.

"Twinbeam" - Twenty-one year old human male, real name Andres Ryptika. He tends to be one of the more lighthearted inividuals aboard the Kusanagi, contrasting with the more serious or angry personalities of people like Break and Lieber. His nickname stems from the fact that he used to be a gunner for the Silvance, and always manned the twin Breaker laser. Although he is no longer a gunner, he still occasionally mans the turret that controls the gravitics. He now mainly acts as a technician for the Kusanagi. Although it doesn't seem like it, Twinbeam is the secon cousin of Marcus Lieber.


ULR - Short for 'ultra long-range', a class of weaponry with ranges going outside half an AU (approximately 0.25 lancyrds).


Veinslay - Small anti-Federation group based in the Felys system, led by Yumeda Akio and Break Miyama. They have their main base orbiting Felys III. Veinslay's race spread is 56% human, 3% Felysian, 11% Klausian, 10% android with emotive vectors, 7% Newman, and 13% other races, spanning the entire gamut. Currently Veinslay has five ships - the Kusanagi, Suzaku, Seiryu, Silvance, and Ragnarok, with one more under development. The group was named for the legendary sword said to have slain several cruel lords in medieval times, and even had the power to destroy negative emotions.

Veronika - The Maneater-class frigate used by Crnebog Veles. It has the standard armaments, etc. for a Maneater-class frigate. Its name means "Bringer of Victory".


Warhammer 40K Jargon - Words used by Warhammer 40K players. Includes "treadfething" (vehicle destruction), "Meat-grinding" (infantry slaughter), and "Dakka-dakka" (firing of automatic/semiautomatic firearms, derived from Ork onomotopaeia).

Watchtower, The - A large space station orbiting Felys III that serves as the base of operations for Veinslay. For a size comparison, it is roughly as one-fourth to one-third as large as an EVE Online station. It was designed in part by Yumeda Akio and built by three Felysian anti-Federation organizations for Veinslay. The station can comfortably house 150 people, although Veinslay only has about 75 members as of the start of the RP. It houses the Binary Fusion Cannon (BFC; see entry above) and is currently the construction site for the Asuka-Lanvaldear, the only known Seraph-class ship in the galaxy. Other facilities include:

- A bridge and communications room.

- A reactor for the BFC.

- A reactor and capacitor for the station.

- A ship construction/repair station and dock able to hold 1 battleship, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, three frigates, but it is not able to service all of them simultaneously.

- Akio’s computer, engineering and science labs, where all the major R&D is done.

- A pathogen vault, a gift to Veles in exchange for some support.

- A top-of-the-line med bay and lab with storage.

- A hydroponics wing, for a breathable atmosphere.

- A round table conference room (founding members of Veinslay only XD)

- Weapons lockers, as well as a small ship armory.

- Training rooms and a small gym.

- About 3 cubic kilometers storage space.

- A full stocked kitchen and cafeteria.

- A point defense system that rivals some small battleships.

- Surprisingly spacious living quarters.

- And, of course, a rec. room.


Yumeda Akio - A major character in the RP. A scientist by trade, Akio enlisted at the military math-sci academy to get the qualifications he needed to get a cushy job and a easy life. The military had other plans, however. They recognized his abilities (considered high even among those of the Argo VIII Academy's greats), and wanted him to work directly for them. And so, after reasoning, bribing, and shouting failed to sway him, the threat of slow, painful death proved enough. When Akio grew uneasy about the weapons he created, the Feds decided that he was to be killed, seeing how he has grown increasingly revolutionary. Akio now seeks sweet vengence on the Feds for ruining his life and forcing him to make the vast majority of the military's weapons of mass destruction. About six months prior to the start of the RP, Akio contacts his old friend Break Miyama, captain of the Kusanagi. Together, they lay the groundwork for the Veinslay organization, an anti-Federation group set up in the Watchtower, a massive R&D facility in the Felys system constructed by the Felysian governing body. About one month prior to the start of the RP, the Feds have sentenced Akio to death, but he escapes over Thanes III thanks to some help from both Karyuudo Tydraad and Captain Break Miyama.


Zattana - An AI (artificial intelligence) built from a military-standard shell, with the finer points programmed by Yumeda Akio himself. Zatanna is actually one of four AIs at Akio’s disposal, but since he programmed her himself, Akio keeps Zatanna with him the most. She can carry out all the basic functions of any computer, as well as crack into other networks. So, she’s a really powerful desktop in fishnet stockings and a magician’s stage tux.

Zero - The name of a character removed from the RP; also used to refer to some occurrences that were very bad things that happened a very long time ago, and are best forgotten.

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