AC Records
From Azuwiki
Behold! The "book" of AC Records! This article will continue growing, so keep looking for a record that could go to you!
Most Posts
As we all know, with *3000* posts and counting, this record goes to none other than Break.
Highest Post Rate
This record as well, with a current rate of 6.1 posts per day, goes to Break
Most Active Forum
Another obvious record, with 1300 posts and counting, the most active forum is Random Insanity
Most Replies Per Topic (Forum)
Playing games is what AC is all about, and with a whopping average of 58 replies per topic, this record goes to Forum Games
Most Topics Started
This record may not go to the obvious choice, but with a total of 84 topics started, it goes to Redman101
Most Active in Most Active Forum (active member)
This one was a big surprise, with an incredible 42% of his posts in Gaming: Theory, Psychology, and Beyond, this record goes to Akira
Most Avatar Changes
Had to acknowledge this, changing his avatar at least 7 times throughout AC, this record goes to Grimlock (its nearing 15 changes now)
Most Popular Gaming Company (to AC)
Just as it is with the rest of the gaming world, boasting a top 271 posts and counting, this record goes to Sony
Now Nintendo has taken the lead as it seems to have in the real world with 323 posts while sony only has 311.
Most Active Pure Member
With a highest total posts and post rate for a pure member, (261 and 1.9 respectively) this record currently goes to Tydraad
Longest User Name (active member)
This one was a tie, both with 12 characters in their names (not including spaces, this record goes to Nel the Wicked and teh1337caper
Shortest User Name (active member)
With a mere 4 characters in her's, this record goes to kame.
Most Name Changes
The member we all love to torment, having had his named changed once to The Lawn Ninja, this record goes to Tyrdaad
Longest Post Drought (active forum)
This one surprisingly, with no posts since March 17th at 3:46 PM, goes to The Shark Tank