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Skyelyn "Skye" Kuraya – 5th Level Swordsage



| Race: Human | Alignment: Chaotic Good | Deity: None |

| Size: M | Age: 20 | Gender: F |

| Height: 5’7” | Weight: 130 lbs. | Eyes: Deep Blue | Hair: Dark Blue | Skin: slightly tanned |

| HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 (17 flat footed, 13 touch) | SPD: 30 ft. | XP: 10000/15000 |

Condition: OK

| Stats |

STR: 18 (+3)

DEX: 16 (+3)

CON: 15 (+2)

INT: 14 (+2)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 13 (+2)


Fort: +1 (+3)

Refl: +4 (+7)

Will: +4 (+6)


Base Attack Bonus: +3

Actual Attack Bonus: +10 (BAB + Str Mod + Weapon Bonus + Discipline Focus)

Damage Bonus: +8 (1.5 Str Mod + Weapon Bonus)

Initiative: +5 (factoring in Quick to Act)


| Ranks | 32 at first level + 32, ((6(4 levels)) + 4 for being human) + 1(4 levels) for human bonus per level, max 8 ranks per|

Concentration: 8r (+10)

Jump: 8r* (+13)

Tumble: 8r* (+13)

Balance: 8r* (+11)

Sense Motive: 8r (+10)

Knowledge (history): 8r (+10)

Hide: 8r* (+13)

Move Silently: 8r* (+13)

  • armor check penalty applies

xr = base, (+xr) actual with synergy/mods

Feats, Special Abilities, and Maneuvers

| Feats | Due to class...

Simple Weapon Proficiency

Martial Weapon Proficiency (melee weapons only)

Light Armor Proficiency


Combat Reflexes - 1

Adaptive Style - 1

Blade Meditation (Diamond Mind) - 3

Planned (in order of acquiring): Power Attack, Dodge?, Mobility?, Spring Attack?, Cleave?

| Special Abilities |

Quick to Act +1

AC Bonus (Wis)

Discipline Focus, Weapon Focus (Diamond Mind)

Insightful Strike (Stone Dragon)

| Maneuvers by Type and Style - 10 maneuvers known, 6 readied, 3 stances, 1 maneuver replaced - can learn maneuvers up to level 3 |

(page reference in Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords to check maneuver effects)

Desert Wind -

  • Distracting Ember (Boost) p 52-53 - add a nonattacking fire elemental to a square to assist in flanking, swift action
  • Fire Riposte (Counter) p 53 - if struck in combat, immediate action to make a touch attack - if hit, enemy takes 4d6 fire damage

Diamond Mind -

  • Moment of Perfect Mind (Counter) p 64 - Concentration check in place of Will save, immediate action
  • Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Strike) p 65 - concentration check vs DC opponent's AC, +1d6 damage if successful, -2 to attack roll if not, standard action as part of attack
  • Mind over Body (Counter) p 64 - Concentration check in place of Fortitude save, immediate action
  • Pearl of Black Doubt (Stance) p 64-65 - When opponent misses you, gain +2 dodge AC against all opponents on each miss until your next turn,swift action to initiate

Shadow Hand -

  • Child of Shadow (Stance) p 76 - move at least 10 ft to gain concealment, swift action to initiate
  • Shadow Blade Technique (Strike) p 78 - roll 2d20 for hit, if lesser result is used to hit or results are equal but still hit, add 1d6 ice damage to attack; if greater result is used to hit, make attack normally, standard action as part of attack
  • Creeping Shadow Strike (Strike) p 76 - if strike is successful, add 1d6 amage to attack and opponent has 20% miss chance next turn; standard action as part of attack

Stone Dragon -

  • Mountain Hammer (Strike) p 84 - +2d6 damage on attack, ignores all damage reduction; standard action as part of attack
  • Bonecrusher (Strike) p 81 - +4d6 on attack, if hit, DC 17 Fortitude save or +10 on all confirmations to critical; standard action as part of an attack

Setting Sun -

  • Mighty Throw (Strike) p 73 - resolve trip attempt with +4 bonus against opponent using Str or Dex mod (whichever is higher), if successful, throw target up to 10 feet away, and leave it prone; standard action as part of an attack
  • Step of the Wind (Stance) p 74 - ignore penalties due to difficult terrain, +2 to attacks against opponents on difficult terrain, and +4 on attempts to bull rush or trip; initiated as a swift action

| Language |




Equipment and Possessions

Carrying Limit for a light load: 86 lbs

| Weapons |

+2 glaive (equipped)

| Armor |

Mithril breastplate (+5 AC, -1 armor check penalty) (equipped)

| Possessions |

Swordsage clothing - foldover uniform, hakama pants, sandals, socks

1 potion of cure moderate wounds

Starting package with rope, rations, bedroll, etc.

| Money |

GP - 100

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