From Azuwiki
RPGDreamr: Sometimes, humanity makes we want to scream.
Break Miyama: Indeed, but what particular aspect of humanity is making you feel this way now?
RPGDreamr: Eh...
RPGDreamr: I just have a really hard time coming to terms with certain people and how they react to things.
RPGDreamr: I have always been the 'silent psychologist.'
RPGDreamr: Studying and examining everyone around me in order to map out their psyche and understand what they are and why they are what they are
RPGDreamr: Now, most of this is through passive means, although I will admit that I have administered some interesting situations to probe certain areas.
RPGDreamr: Anywho, the point is that I find the mind to be a facinating thing and always venture to understand others'.
RPGDreamr: I suppose that is partially why ZA bugs the absolute hell out of me, but that's a different conversation.
RPGDreamr: One thing that comes up more and more frequently with those I associate with is the topic of "ex's."
Break Miyama: Ah.
Break Miyama: Be assured the topic won't come up with me just yet, though. =P
RPGDreamr: And it always, always ends up revolving around the same 'oh, but we were perfect,' 'so-and-so was my one true someone,' 'how can I ever go on?'
RPGDreamr: And it's all just so absolutely assanine. I can't tell you how utterly stupid and selfish it makes people sound.
RPGDreamr: It is as if they have no concept for what is really going on around them, or any understanding or appreciation for life at all - hell, even appreciation for the fact that they were able to enter into a relationship in the first place!
Break Miyama: This is very true.
RPGDreamr: It is one of the single most irrational and worthless things a person can lead themselves through.
RPGDreamr: It isn't "dealing with it."
Break Miyama: Take Josh, for instance.
RPGDreamr: Dealing with it is moving forward.
RPGDreamr: This is sticking in it,.
RPGDreamr: Josh?
Break Miyama: Fairly recently, he came fairly close to breaking up with his girlfriend.
Break Miyama: And it was almost like seeing a negative image of him.
RPGDreamr: We're all fucking nuts...
Break Miyama: Yes.
Break Miyama: I dislike the fact that people tend to be too hard on themselves for the most insignificant of reason.
Break Miyama: But something scares me...
Break Miyama: ....that if I were in their situation, I would react similarly.
Break Miyama: I know this, and I HATE it.
RPGDreamr: That 'being too hard on themselves' is a form of security, as odd as that sounds. It allows them to feel as if they had control over the situation, even though they failed to successfully control it. It's sadistically more comforting than acknowledgeing, in many cases, the outside or inherent factors involved.
Break Miyama: It's almost ironic that I may find myself becoming what I hate - someone who sulks over something that is, in the stretch of one's entire lifespan, nothing more than a blip.
Break Miyama: Don't you find it strange that people can actually take on aspects that they consciously reject?
RPGDreamr: The trick is to realize that, tag it, and overcome it.
RPGDreamr: Indeed it is.
RPGDreamr: However,
RPGDreamr: although we ultimately have control over ourselves, that is not to say that we have total control to lead ourselves.
RPGDreamr: Experiencing such patches, weaknesses, gaps in consciousness - they are not the result of a failure and worth hating oneself for, rather, they are inevitablilities that one must recognize and overcome when confronted.
RPGDreamr: It is not bad and wrong in and of itself to initially at some point reach one of those points.
RPGDreamr: What is bad is staying there, blind, deaf, and dumb.
Break Miyama: I suppose that's true.
Break Miyama: Though that may be difficult, because I try to avoid said points altogether.
RPGDreamr: Heh
RPGDreamr: And that's fine, infact, it is ideal.
RPGDreamr: However, should you come to one, it is not to say that you are a failure or that you are worthy of some disdain.
Break Miyama: ....alright.
RPGDreamr: ?
Break Miyama: Well, I can only hope that someone slaps some sense into me, should I reach those dreaded points of weakness. =P
RPGDreamr: lol
RPGDreamr: Just lock away a 'Strategic Logic Reserve' in your brain for such occasions.
Break Miyama: "Break Glass In Case of Weeabooness"
RPGDreamr: lol
RPGDreamr: Kaerb, we all have a little Weaboo in us.