Shouren Miyama

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(Difference between revisions)
(Feats, Special Abilities, and Maneuvers)
(7 intermediate revisions not shown)
Line 12: Line 12:
slightly tanned |
slightly tanned |
| HP: 22/26 | AC: 19 (16 flat-footed) | SPD: 30 ft. | XP: 3750 |
| HP: 25/26 | AC: 19 (16 flat-footed, 15 touch) | SPD: 30 ft. | XP: 3750 |
Condition: OK
Condition: OK
Line 19: Line 19:
| Stats |
| Stats |
STR: 17 (+3)
STR: 17 (+3)  (10, +0 now)
DEX: 16 (+3)
DEX: 16 (+3)
Line 39: Line 39:
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Actual Attack Bonus: +7 (BAB + Weapon Focus + Str Mod)
Actual Attack Bonus: +7 (BAB + Weapon Focus + Str Mod + Weapon Bonus)
Damage Bonus: +5 (1.5 Str Mod + Weapon Bonus)
Initiative: +4 (factoring in Quick to Act)
Initiative: +4 (factoring in Quick to Act)
Line 88: Line 90:
Adaptive Style - 1
Adaptive Style - 1
Blade Metitation (Diamond Mind) - 3
Blade Meditation (Diamond Mind) - 3
Planned (in order of acquiring): Power Attack, Dodge?, Mobility?, Spring Attack?, Cleave?  
Planned (in order of acquiring): Power Attack, Dodge?, Mobility?, Spring Attack?, Cleave?  
Line 104: Line 106:
| Maneuvers by Type and Style - 8 maneuvers known, 6 readied, 2 stances |
| Maneuvers by Type and Style - 8 maneuvers known, 6 readied, 2 stances |
(page reference in Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords to check maneuver effects)
Desert Wind -
Desert Wind -
* Distracting Ember (Boost) - used
* Distracting Ember (Boost) p 52-53 - add a nonattacking fire elemental to a square to assist in flanking, swift action
* Burning Blade (Boost)
* Burning Blade (Boost) p 52 - +1d6 fire damage to all attacks in the round, swift action (prepared)
Diamond Mind -
Diamond Mind -
* Moment of Perfect Mind (Counter)
* Moment of Perfect Mind (Counter) p 64 - Concentration check in place of Will save, immediate action (prepared)
* Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Strike) - used
* Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Strike) p 65 - concentration check vs DC opponent's AC, +1d6 damage if successful, -2 to attack roll if not, standard action as part of attack (prepared)
Shadow Hand -
Shadow Hand -
* Child of Shadow (Stance) - in-stance
* Child of Shadow (Stance) p 76 - move at least 10 ft to gain concealment, swift action to initiate
* Shadow Blade Technique (Strike)
* Shadow Blade Technique (Strike) p 78 - roll 2d20 for hit, if lesser result is used to hit or results are equal but still hit, add 1d6 ice damage to attack; if greater result is used to hit, make attack normally, standard action as part of attack (prepared)
* Creeping Shadow Strike (Strike)  
* Creeping Shadow Strike (Strike) p 76 - if strike is successful, add 1d6 amage to attack and opponent has 20% miss chance next turn; standard action as part of attack (prepared)
Stone Dragon -
Stone Dragon -
* Mountain Hammer (Strike) - used
* Mountain Hammer (Strike) p 84 - +2d6 damage on attack, ignores all damage reduction; standard action as part of attack (prepared, expended)
Setting Sun -
Setting Sun -
* Mighty Throw (Strike)
* Mighty Throw (Strike) p 73 - resolve trip attempt with +4 bonus against opponent using Str or Dex mod (whichever is higher), if successful, throw target up to 10 feet away, and leave it prone; standard action as part of an attack
* Step of the Wind (Stance)
* Step of the Wind (Stance) p 74 - ignore penalties due to difficult terrain, +2 to attacks against opponents on difficult terrain, and +4 on attempts to bull rush or trip; initiated as a swift action

Current revision as of 06:40, 9 November 2007

Shouren "Break" Miyama – 3rd Level Swordsage

Name meaning: Though "Shouren" was taken from the birth name of Wang Yangming, the Chinese philosopher-general from the Confucian era, it can be taken to mean "defender of belevolence" or "blue lotus." One interpretation of Miyama is "deep in the mountains." Thus, together with a combined Chinese/Japanese interpretation, "defender of benevolence deep in the mountains" or "blue lotus deep in the mountains." Or, in stranger interpretations, "small party deep within the mountains"....hooray, not-so-elaborate puns!


[edit] Statistics

| Race: Human | Alignment: Lawful Neutral | Deity: None |

| Size: M | Age: 20 | Gender: M |

| Height: 5’11” | Weight: 140 lbs. | Eyes: Deep Blue | Hair: Dark Brown | Skin: slightly tanned |

| HP: 25/26 | AC: 19 (16 flat-footed, 15 touch) | SPD: 30 ft. | XP: 3750 |

Condition: OK

| Stats |

STR: 17 (+3) (10, +0 now)

DEX: 16 (+3)

CON: 15 (+2)

INT: 14 (+2)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 13 (+1)

Fort: +3

Refl: +6

Will: +5

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Actual Attack Bonus: +7 (BAB + Weapon Focus + Str Mod + Weapon Bonus)

Damage Bonus: +5 (1.5 Str Mod + Weapon Bonus)

Initiative: +4 (factoring in Quick to Act)

[edit] Skills

| Ranks | 32 at first level + 16, ((6(2 levels)) + 4 for being human) + 1(3 levels) for human bonus per level|

Concentration: 6r (+10)

Heal: 6r (+8)

Jump: 6r* (+11)

Martial Lore: 6r (+8)

Tumble: 6r* (+11)

Balance: 6r* (+11)

Sense Motive: 6r (+8)

Knowledge (history): 6r (+8)

Intimidate: 1r (+2)

Diplomacy: 3r (+4)

  • armor check penalty applies

xr = base, (+xr) actual with synergy/mods

[edit] Feats, Special Abilities, and Maneuvers

| Feats | Due to class...

Simple Weapon Proficiency

Martial Weapon Proficiency (melee weapons only)

Light Armor Proficiency


Combat Reflexes - 1

Adaptive Style - 1

Blade Meditation (Diamond Mind) - 3

Planned (in order of acquiring): Power Attack, Dodge?, Mobility?, Spring Attack?, Cleave?

| Special Abilities |

Quick to Act +1

AC Bonus (Wis)

Discipline Focus, Weapon Focus (Diamond Mind)

| Maneuvers by Type and Style - 8 maneuvers known, 6 readied, 2 stances |

(page reference in Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords to check maneuver effects)

Desert Wind -

  • Distracting Ember (Boost) p 52-53 - add a nonattacking fire elemental to a square to assist in flanking, swift action
  • Burning Blade (Boost) p 52 - +1d6 fire damage to all attacks in the round, swift action (prepared)

Diamond Mind -

  • Moment of Perfect Mind (Counter) p 64 - Concentration check in place of Will save, immediate action (prepared)
  • Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Strike) p 65 - concentration check vs DC opponent's AC, +1d6 damage if successful, -2 to attack roll if not, standard action as part of attack (prepared)

Shadow Hand -

  • Child of Shadow (Stance) p 76 - move at least 10 ft to gain concealment, swift action to initiate
  • Shadow Blade Technique (Strike) p 78 - roll 2d20 for hit, if lesser result is used to hit or results are equal but still hit, add 1d6 ice damage to attack; if greater result is used to hit, make attack normally, standard action as part of attack (prepared)
  • Creeping Shadow Strike (Strike) p 76 - if strike is successful, add 1d6 amage to attack and opponent has 20% miss chance next turn; standard action as part of attack (prepared)

Stone Dragon -

  • Mountain Hammer (Strike) p 84 - +2d6 damage on attack, ignores all damage reduction; standard action as part of attack (prepared, expended)

Setting Sun -

  • Mighty Throw (Strike) p 73 - resolve trip attempt with +4 bonus against opponent using Str or Dex mod (whichever is higher), if successful, throw target up to 10 feet away, and leave it prone; standard action as part of an attack
  • Step of the Wind (Stance) p 74 - ignore penalties due to difficult terrain, +2 to attacks against opponents on difficult terrain, and +4 on attempts to bull rush or trip; initiated as a swift action

| Language |




[edit] Equipment and Possessions

Carrying Limit for a light load: 86 lbs

| Weapons |

bastard sword +1 (katana) "Asheral Tek'sir", Draconic for "Steel Phoenix" (6 lbs) (1d10, two-handed, 19-20 x2), complete with side-mounted scabbard (2 lbs)

Light crossbow (4 lbs) with 20 bolts (2 lbs)

| Armor |

Masterwork chain shirt (+4 AC, -1 armor check penalty) (25 lbs.)

| Possessions |

  • Distre military clothing - black longcoat, black shirt and pants, boots (worn) - chain shirt is worn under shirt, total assumed cost 10 GP

Nijira swordsage "uniform" - hakama, shirt, shoes (5 lbs)

bedroll (5 lbs), 50 ft. hempen rope (10 lbs.), waterskin, ten days' rations (10 lbs), flint and steel, backpack (2 lbs)

everburning torch (1 lb)

History book, Distre Throughout Time (3 lbs.) - assumed cost 3 GP

Two potions of Cure Light Wounds

  • cost not accounted for yet, if cost is applicable - I'll work on it in due time

| Money |

GP - 28

[edit] Short Bio, to be amended

Shouren "Break" Miyama is a third-level student in the Dao De Tzu School of the Sublime Way, which means he has reached the portion of his training where he must find some application of his sword arts to the outside world, whether for good or for evil. His quiet demeanor reflects that of his quiet home. Though he is quiet and serious, he is not an antisocial, closed person - he simply prefers speaking to people on his own time, and is surprisingly willing to laugh, tell a bit about his past and demonstrate a bit of wit around those he's spent enough time with.

He is usually last to speak, and doesn't act without careful analysis of the situation - though he is not afraid to take quick action if the situation calls for it. When he does speak and act, however, he does so in a no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point manner.

His journey had led him to the town of Nordu Pont. In order to get a source of income, Shouren currently works in the Middlemead Men (where he attained his nickname - from the role of a "breaker", or one who breaks up the various drunken brawls within its walls) adventurer's guild in Tourdes for both coin and opportunities to further himself along the path of the Sublime Way, though he dislikes the job because he feels that he is never truly put to the test.

His training could be accomplished in areas closer to home, but he may be searching for something more than advancement in the Sublime Way...

"Though I believe firmly in the power of the sword, the only thing I believe is more powerful is knowledge, which even the mightiest warrior or the foulest demon is soundly defeated by..." - Shouren "Break" Miyama

Time since leaving Isshin: Two weeks | Time in Nordu Pont: One week

[edit] Weapon

Shouren's weapon was given to him by his master upon Shouren's exit from the Dao Te Tzu school. His master called this particular katana the "Asheral Tek'sir," which is Draconic for "Steel Phoenix." The blade is so named because of the steel-colored feather strung half an inch below the bottom of the hilt. The feather rarely dances in the wind when the three-and-a-half foot blade is swung, but it seems to fall into its default position slowly and gracefully, as if time has slowed down for the feather. The handle wrapping is that of a dark red ribbon, which shows that the sword belongs to a third-level student. The blade itself shines only in the morning sun.

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