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RPGDreamr: ---
Her eyes shift, locking with Shouren's. Her gaze, while stern, holds within a deep fire. "Yes?" she asks, her voice beautiful yet full of authority and power. "You are here for the summons, no doubt?"
Break Miyama: "Yes, though I would prefer to have more details on the reason for the summons before I..." He paused for a moment, searching for the best word to use. "...offer my help."
RPGDreamr: ((Sorry - fixing some atm - one second.))
Break Miyama: (Alright.)
RPGDreamr: ((This is fucking pissing me off...
RPGDreamr: Grr...))
Break Miyama: (What is?)
RPGDreamr: ((Ugh... *ire*))
Break Miyama: (What happened?)
RPGDreamr: "Details?" She laughs, covering her mouth slightly with her hand while doing so. "Heh...Just rest assured that what you're doing is of the most noble undertakings availible to you."
RPGDreamr: ((Don't worry about it - little things that are disproportionately pissing me off.))
Break Miyama: Shouren narrowed his eyes slightly upon hearing her reply. "I will be the judge of that once I know what task is asked of me."
RPGDreamr: ((That, and certain people need to just STFU.))
Break Miyama: He took a moment to exhale to calm himself down. "With that said....what is the purpose of the summons?"
Break Miyama: "The scrolls were rather vague about that point."
RPGDreamr: ((The dice are with you, even if you don't know it.))
Break Miyama: ((Need a d20 roll?))
RPGDreamr: ((No, you've already been rolled.))
Break Miyama: ((Mmm. Let's continue, then.))
Break Miyama: ((Oh, might I request a Sense Motive check?))
RPGDreamr: She raises her eyebrow and lowers the other, producing a slightly annoyed expression. Her voice turns slightly peeved in tone. "The purpose of the summons, like all summons, is to summon up meat like you in order that you may prove yourself useful. You'll learn everything you need once you're on the Rails at Caliese." She takes a second and sighes, releaseing her gaze and throwing it in a random direction in the room - her hair moving only slightly as she assumes the more relaxed and distanced pose.
RPGDreamr: ((Go ahead and roll.))
Break Miyama: (15 unmodified, checking my Sense Motive modifiers...)
RPGDreamr: ((+8))
Break Miyama: (Alright. Survey says....)
RPGDreamr: (You roll a 15 +8!
Shouren senses a magnified sense of urgency and concern in the supposed recruiter - almost as if efforts had not been going as well as planned. Regardless, she seems not to be attempting any trickery, or to be hiding anything that she knows.
RPGDreamr: )
Break Miyama: Shouren sighed, sensing the recruiter's concern. "I am sorry for pressing the issue," Shouren apologized. "Is something wrong?"
RPGDreamr: She instantly turns back into her former position, eyeing Shouren squarely. "Not if you accept the job and head post-haste to Caliese to make the line on time."
Break Miyama: Shouren paused to think. His gut told him that something was off, as she refused to explain much more than what the scrolls reported.
Break Miyama: The swordsage did not trust his gut feeling this time, though he was still wary.
Break Miyama: "Fair enough." Shouren finally answered.
RPGDreamr: She smiles widely, producing an envelope with a sheet inside of it. She takes the slip out and grabs the nearest quill. "Alright, name?"
Break Miyama: "Shouren Miyama." the swordsage promptly replied.
RPGDreamr: "Occupation and place of residence?"
Break Miyama: "Guildsman of The Middlemead Men in Tourdes. My current residence is there as well."
RPGDreamr: She looks up after writing the pertinent information down, giving Shouren a sly sort of look. "Criminal status?"
Break Miyama: Shouren gave the woman a slightly puzzled look in return - he still wasn't used to answering that question, even after having to answer it for access to the guild in Tourdes. "I've committed no crimes." was his final reply.
Break Miyama: ((It's a bit strange answering that question - he's clean as far as I know, unless he's violated some rarely cited law of Distre.))
RPGDreamr: She grins slightly, then proceeds to write for a few seconds. Satisfied, she returned the quill and placed the paper in the envelope it was originally in. "Here," she says, holding it out in her left hand for Shouren to grab, "take this and head for Caliese. Check in with the Governance Station there, and they will get you on the Rails bound for Rial." She smiles confidently.
RPGDreamr: ((Pardon tense lapses.))
Break Miyama: Shouren took the envelope and gave it a careful glance. Satisfied, he carefully placed the envelope in the left inner pocket of his coat.
Break Miyama: "Thank you kindly," he said with a nod.
Break Miyama: ((Will you post this, or shall I?))
RPGDreamr: "Congratulations. I look foward to working with you." She gave one last pseudo-grin, then shifted her attention to the next clamoring candidate.

Current revision as of 18:50, 13 June 2007

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