
From Authorroommates

Revision as of 07:12, 26 November 2007 by Mike (Talk | contribs)
Mike's debut in Author Roommates.

Mike is a user on Smack Jeeves (Going by the alias TheYoshiHerd) and a member of Author Roommates. He uses a character formed in his likeness, and named after himself. His spriting style is mostly Mega Man based, with some occurrences of Sonic bases.


Mike's current appearance and his three transformations.

Mike has a good amount of speed, skill with a sword and the ability to manipiulate lightning; when lightning is under his control, it turns blue to signify such. His newest form has a jetpack which enables him to fly no matter the situation, too. He can change into a Super form (With the use of an "Up-Grade") named Proto Mike; his clothing takes on a Proto Shield motif, his sword turns red, his shield and Piko Piko Blaster expand in size and he can fly indefinitely. He also has a Hyper form named "The Game Champion"; this is achieved through the absorption of numerous video game artifacts, including the Chaos Emeralds and Chozo technology. This form can fly, utilises a Gamecube Power Pad like Captain N and also uses the might of the Crystal Stars. This form wears a long-sleeved black shirt, white pants and has long, spiked hair. Last but not least, he has an Ultimate form dubbed Scan Mike due to its ability to scan enemies and transform into them at will. This form is simply a greyscale version of Mike in casual clothing, but can change into greyscale copies of its enemies. It is also the only form to have its own unique personality; it is a smug version of Mike with a thirst to prove its might.

Cosmetic Changes

The varying appearances Mike has undergone, from his original incarnation to the modern-day spriting swordsman.

Mike has had three seperate appearances for his avatar; the original one, which he first joined Author Roommates with, was a Mega Man base and sported brown boots, a blue tunic-hat combo, a red belt and a Tails-styled fringe.

His second appearance was taller, so he could stand at the same height as a Sonic base. It had the same clothing, but the boots were changed for running shoes, his fringe was turned into a customised tuft of hair, and he now wore a white undershirt and white pants. This appearance saw the most use, as it had several updates of skin shade and hair colour.

His third and currently final appearance has lost the Zelda-based clothing and gone for a much more original feel; Mike now sports space-age armour which doesn't weigh him down, red shoulder pads, extended boots and a jetpack. The general design of his boots remains the same, as does his undershirt and he still has the same tufts attached to his hair.

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