From Authorroommates
Saint is a teenage hedgehog with a strange and mysterious anscestry.
A product of a strict upbringing, Saint ran away from his home after being starved and overworked. He spent his days wondering the streets, asking for money and pies, until one day he was found by a Guru. The Guru trained Saint in the ways of the Light, and Saint eventually became an expert. As time went on, the Guru got a stomach desease, and died. Saint was once again living on the streets, until one day.. when he read a newpaper, reading: "NEW HOTEL IN TOWN, PEOPLE GET IN FREE!"..
Recently, a strange history has appeared with Saint depicting his ancestor as a servant to the Gods. Using his anscestor, the god destroyed Tians, a corrupted being.
Despite his dark childhood, Saint is a happy-go-lucky and generally positive guy, who loves to crack jokes and have fun. Despite his dissappearance from the regular AR crew, Saint is a prominent figure in the hotel.