From Authorroommates
Current revision as of 21:52, 19 November 2007
[edit] OmegaX5000
From Authorroommates OmegaX5000, or Omega as all the others at AR call him, is a spriter whose skills are constantly yet steadily improving over time. Omega is an author at Author Roommates. His sprites usually are of a Megaman base and recently, a bit of a Super Sonic hair-DBZ reference.
[edit] Abilities
Omega has often varying abilities, but usually prefers using his wits and buster cannon. He also possesses ancient artifacts similar to the Chaos Emeralds called the Hyper Diamonds, which have similar powers as the Chaos Emeralds, but can only be used by humans. Using the Hyper Diamonds, Omega can ascend to his super form, known as ShadowSword. ShadowSword appears as a pallete swap for Omega, as his blue suit and red gloves/shoes become a red suit and blue gloves/shoes. ShadowSword has the ability to fly, has enhanced speed and strength, and utilizes several types of weaponry, such as a rifle, to actual swords and giant laser cannons. Once Omega uses his super transformation while as ShadowSword, he attains Hyper form status as TurboSpeedStorm. Basicly everything ShadowSword could do, TurboSpeedStorm can do with twice the power and skill. However, instead of wielding weapons, TurboSpeedStorm mostly uses elemental attacks, ranging from a huge burst of fire to lightning storms or even increased physical strenght! TurboSpeedStorm's appearance is more different than ShadowSword's, from being red and blue, TurboSpeedStorm has a golden suit with teal gloves and green shoes. Omega can transform once more beyond TurboSpeedStorm, but in a different and more unusual way...If transforming while enraged or angered in any way, Omega will transform into the embodiment of pure evil, FinalFuryFighter. FinalFuryFighter is an entity of its' own created from the essence of all the evil of the world throughout history that posssesed Omega when he first attained his special powers. FinalFuryFighter looks just like Omega, only without the helmet and with gray eyes and a jet-black suit overall(as in the entire suit, gloves and shoes included, are black) and has the ability to copy an opponents abilities completely with even the slightest bit of physical contact. That ability was even more dangerous once FinalFuryFighter copied Scan Mike's scanning ability and improved his own copy powers greatly. Unless stopped quickly, FinalFuryFighter is a threat to all existance. However, if Omega were to transform while under the influence of justice, he will transform into the pure being known as HighestHolyHero. HighestHolyHero is basiclly the same as FinalFuryFighter, but has good motives and Omega has full control over this form. HighestHolyHero looks like FinalFuryFighter except instead of a jet-black suit, HighestHolyHero has a heavenly-white suit with a teal-green belt and giant Super Sonic-like hair.
[edit] Cosmetic Changes
When Omega first joined, he started off with a sprite design based off of a Megaman 7 sprite, only with a darker shade of blue than Megaman's with red gloves and shoes, a dark-blue helmet with a golden stripe going down the middle-top and a yellow line outlining the rim of the helmet that showed a bit of Omega's red hair. On his battlesuit, an orange "X" is visiable as a belt with red filling in the spaces in the "X" and the greek letter for "Omega," an upside-down horseshoe is just above the belt with "5000" in orange text right above it. That was ment to be a little bit of a nametag of his, but wasn't visible enough and is reffered to as symbols. As time went on, Omega upgraded his sprites starting with the shading of his red shoes and an addition to fighting moves, such as punches and kicks and such. After the fight with FinalFuryFighter, Omega was stuck with HighestHolyHeroes giant hair as an aftereffect, an irreversible one at that!(Unless he were to get a haircut) And recently, Omega's sprites have upgraded once again from 16-bit to 32-bit using a Megaman 8 sprite as the base. His appearance is practically the same, just a different bit count and more detail.