All public logs
From Auria
Combined display of upload, deletion, protection, blocking, and sysop logs. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the user name, or the affected page.(Latest | Earliest) View (newer 50) (older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).- 01:58, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Abra" (content was: ' ==Default Battle Codes== ===Level 1=== ===Level 5=== <nowiki>[QUOTE=Abra] :abra: [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Male Lv. 5[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][u][b]HP:[/b][/u] 25 [u][b]PP:[/b][/u] 25[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][u][b]Abil…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:54, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Turtwig" (content was: '==Default Battle Codes== ===Level 5=== [QUOTE=Turtwig] :Turtwig: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Overgr…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:54, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Stephen Blackburn" (content was: 'Image:stephenblackburn.png Name Stephen Blackburn Age 20 ==Pokemon== ===Umbreon=== (21), Run Away: This Pokemon can escape from wild battles. Adaptibility: If Eeevee uses a move with its…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:54, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Staff Positions and Expectations" (content was: 'This page is dedicated to explaining the hierarchy of staff, their duties and what I expect from them. ==Webmaster== This is just a formal way of saying PokemonJohn. The webmaster has all…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:54, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Silver Town" (content was: 'Silver Town is Siseneg Island's largest city. It is the most common point of arrival for foreigners arriving in Auria because it is the only port city on the eastern coast of Siseneg I…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:54, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Ron Lindblume" (content was: ' Name Ron Lindblume Age 16 Pokemon Skarmory (16), Vulpix (7), Bulbasaur (8) Appearance Bio Category:NPCs' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:54, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Poochyena" (content was: '==Abilities== *Quick Feet- If this Pokemon is afflicted with a status effect it can use an extra move each turn. *Run Away- Poochyena can escape from wild battles. ==Moves== ===Level=== *Str…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:54, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Piplup" (content was: '[QUOTE=Piplup] :Piplup: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Torrent}} [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Moves] {{Pound}} {{Gr…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Nidoran" (content was: '==Male== ===Default Battle Codes=== ====Level 5==== [QUOTE=Nidoran] :Nidoranm: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Ef…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Munchkinator" (content was: 'A former admin. Category:Former Administrators' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Marsha Rogers" (content was: 'Name Marsha Rogers Age 10 Pokemon {|border="1" |- | style="background:#4CBB17;" colspan="2" align="center" | '''Billy Myron Benson''' |- |colspan="2"|Image:Billymyronbenson.png…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Learning Moves" (content was: 'This page discusses ways that Pokemon can be taught new moves. ==Conventional Methods== ===Level Up=== We use the levels from Diamond/Pearl to see what pokemon get what attacks. ===TMs=== We…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "John Maganhard III" (content was: '{|border="1" |- | style="background:#4CBB17;" colspan="2" align="center" | '''John Maganhard III''' |- |colspan="2"|Image:Johnmaganhard.gif |- |style="background:#4CBB17;"| Gende…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Isaac Benjamin Holman" (content was: 'Image:Isaacbenjaminholman.png Name Isaac Benjamin Holman Age 9 Pokemon Koffing (6), Lotad (6) Appearance Bio Category:NPCs' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Gina Bailey" (content was: 'A girl from Sinnoh who arrived on the ferry to Silver Town. She has long indigo colored hair. Wears a white T-shirt and khaki shorts. Not long after arriving she witnesses Kitty Avalon…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Eve" (content was: ' {|border="1" |- | style="background:#D9D919;" colspan="2" align="center" | '''Eve''' |- |colspan="2"| Image:Eve.gif |- |style="background:#D9D919;"| Gender | Female |- |style="backgrou…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:53, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Douglas" (content was: 'Douglas A young man who was interested in astronomy. His mind has been host to a plethora of mental illnesses and he has been in and out of psychiatric care for several years now. Specialty: …' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:52, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Daren Thanh Mcclure" (content was: 'Image:Darenthanhmcclure.png Name Daren Thanh Mcclure Age 7 Pokemon Weedle (6) Appearance Bio Category:NPCs' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:52, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Chimchar" (content was: ' [QUOTE=Chimchar] :Chimchar: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Blaze}} [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Moves] {{Scratch}}…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:52, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Caterpie" (content was: ' ==Moves== ===Level=== ===RBY-TMs=== None ===RSE-TMs=== ===DP-TMs=== ===RP=== ==Characters that own Caterpie== Category:Pokemon' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:52, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Breeding" (content was: '==How to Breed== ===Independant=== This is the most difficult, albeit least expensive method of breeding Pokemon. Basically you attempt to foster a genuine romantic relationship between the tw…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:52, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Battle Code" (content was: '<nowiki> [QUOTE=Nickname] :species: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10 [b]3rd Move:[/b] 0/0[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Ability Name}…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:52, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Astra" (content was: 'Astra A cheerful girl who spends her time helping the unfortunate. Specialty: Normal type Pokemon. Badge: Radiance Badge {|border="1" |- | style="background:#F2F2F2;" colspan="2" align="…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:52, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Abilities that have different effects in the Auria RPG" (content was: '==Different Effects== ==Outside of Battle Effects== ===Air Lock=== Creates a pocket of calm, mild temperatured weather in the area around the Pokemon. ===Color Change=== Can change its color…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:51, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Secret Base" (content was: 'A secret base is like your own private area that only you can go. You can store items, there, pokemon. You can get plots of land to grow berries or Apricorn trees. Nurseries for baby pokemon, …' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:51, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "PP Restoring Items" (content was: '==Ether== The standard and most common kind of ether. Restores 10 PP to one move. May be sold to a Poké Mart for 600. ==Max Ether== An improved ether over the regular ether. Restores all PP…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:51, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Ability" (content was: 'Pokemon with two possibilities have both abilities from the beginning. ==Gaining New Abilities== Pokemon gain new abilities at: *Level 25 *Level 50 *Level 75 *Level 100 *Etc. New abilities c…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:51, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Cobalt City" (content was: 'A cheerful medium sized city with many wealthy residents. ==Stores== ===Accessory Shop=== *Light Ball *Pink Bow *Polka Dot Bow *Silk Scarf ===Geology and Jewelry=== *Shiny Stone *Dawn Stone …' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:51, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "List of Moves" (content was: '==List of moves== Generation I: 1 - 165<br> Generation II: List of moves#151 - 200 Acid Armor - Outr…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:51, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Bryony Lesterage (Profile)" (content was: '{|border="1" |- | style="background:#4CBB17;" colspan="2" align="center" | '''Billy Myron Benson''' |- |colspan="2"|Image:Billymyronbenson.png |- |style="background:#4CBB17;"| Ge…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:50, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "New Abilities" (content was: '==Secret Base Related Abilities== ===Ancestral Memories=== If this Pokemon is kept in an apartment at a secret base it will find fossils from its evolution chain. At 25 posts it will find a f…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:50, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Phanpy" (content was: ' [QUOTE=Phanpy] :Phanpy: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Pick Up}} [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Moves] {{Odor Sleuth…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:50, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Brother Forest" (content was: 'The forest south of Cobalt City. Category:Forests' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:50, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Healing Items" (content was: '==Potions== ===Potion=== The standard and most common kind of potion. Costs 300 in Poké Marts. Restores 20 HP. ===Super Potion=== An improved potion over the regular potion. Costs 700 in Po…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:50, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Alternate Color Pokemon" (content was: '==Finding One== In every major piece of Auria there is 1 shiny pokemon, 1 albino pokemon, and 1 shadow pokemon. Their locations and species will be decided in advance and be decided by the…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:50, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Larry Johnson (Profile)" (content was: 'Trainer Name: Larry Johnson and Tim Johnson Trainer Gender: Male Trainer Age: Larry 21 Tim 13 ==Trainer Biography== Larry grew up in Mahara on Hara island, to be more specific, Yang Town. Y…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:50, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Gym Leaders" (content was: 'There will be 8 gym leaders in Auria, each with pokemon of on element. Defeating them gets you a badge, a TM and some cash. The gyms can be fought in any order, as gym leaders have many pokemo…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:49, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "TMs and HMs" (content was: 'A TM is a "technical machine," a one-time-use device that teachers your pokemon a new move. An HM is a "Hidden Machine," like a TM, except the moves taught by a TM are more usefu…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:49, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "S-Routes" (content was: 'The '''S-Routes''' are the various roads, trails and paths connecting the major cities of Siseneg Island. Most of these are well known and frequently traveled, however sometimes trainers s…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:49, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Matilda" (content was: ' {|border="1" |- | style="background:#CDCDCD;" colspan="2" align="center" | '''Matilda Trahern''' |- |colspan="2"|Image:Matildatrahern.gif |- |style="background:#CDCDCD;"| Gender | Fem…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:49, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "HP Restoring Berries" (content was: '====Oran Berry==== *Restores 10 HP *36 posts for plant to mature, 51 posts for full crop. *Maximum yield: 5 berries ====Sitrus Berry==== Restores 1/4 total HP Category:Reference' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:49, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Teddiursa" (content was: '[QUOTE=Nickname] :Teddiursa: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Quick Feet}} {{Pick Up}} [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=M…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:49, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "What makes Auria unique?" (content was: 'Considering that there are literally hundreds of little Pokemon roleplaying forums scattered about the internet, this is a fair question for prospective members to ask. There are severel thing…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:48, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Fly Armada" (content was: 'Disambiguation: *Fly Armada (Character) *Fly Armada (Member)' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:48, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Fred (Profile)" (content was: '{|border="1" |- | style="background:#4CBB17;" colspan="2" align="center" | '''Billy Myron Benson''' |- |colspan="2"|Image:Billymyronbenson.png |- |style="background:#4CBB17;"| Ge…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:48, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Character" (content was: '==Types of Character== ===Playable Character=== Character controlled by a single member. ===Non-Playable Character=== Character controlled only by staff members. ===All-Playable Character=== A…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:48, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Ekans" (content was: ' ==Default Battle Codes== [QUOTE=Nickname] :species: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Shed Skin}} {{Int…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:48, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Evolution" (content was: 'To adapt the Pokemon universe to our RPG, we need to change some of the methods of evolution for various Pokemon. ==Happyness/Tameness Evolutions== For Pokemon that eveolve by tameness, a num…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:48, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Mareep" (content was: ' [QUOTE=Mareep] :Mareep: Male Lv. 5 [b]HP:[/b] 25/25 [b]PP:[/b]25/25 [b]EXP:[/b] 0/10[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Abilities, Stat Changes and Status Effects]{{Static}} [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Moves] {{Tackle}} {{G…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))
- 01:48, 30 April 2011 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Status Effect Curing Berries" (content was: '====Cheri Berry==== * *36 posts for plant to mature, 51 posts for full crop. *Maximum yield: 5 berries {|border="1" |- | style="background:#4CBB17;" colspan="2" align="center" | '''Cheri Be…' (and the only contributor was 'PokemonJohn'))