Leona Background

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Saoirse Leona filia Arnsson Bjornaeris - Doctrinae Ilfetwis, Praeceptrix ab Crintera

Some in the order of Hermes know that Leona ex Bjornaer was once apprenticed to Mellitus Merinitae, before she applied for membership within House Bjornaer. Fewer know that Mellitus fathered Leona upon his sometime lover, sometime nemesis, Lady Niamh of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Only a select few know that Leona and Mellitus are of the line of Myanar, both by blood and by Hermetic lineage.

For decades, Mellitus has been active in a small sect of Merinitae who follow the teachings of Mendalus. Quite some time ago, they had uncovered clues indicating that some of Myanar's lost teachings had been stolen by Quendalon's followers, and entrusted to an ally of theirs among the fae. Immediately following his initiation, Mellitus began to track down this codex of his long-lost ancestor. From his home at Caefloron, he conducted his research.

Through years of work, he eventually discovered that the codex he sought was a treasure held by Lady Niamh, of the Daoine Sidhe. He sought her out, bearing gifts of many treasures entrusted to him by his cult specifically to win back the codex. For years, he courted for her favour. At times he was rewarded with small gifts or parted thighs... others, he received only cryptic messages and derisive laughter. Never did he receive any hint regarding the treasure he sought.

Upon one visit, he caught a glimpse of a shy young girl, dressed in green, hiding behind Niamh's throne as she peeked at him curiously. There was something familiar about her platinum-colored hair, the laughing eyes, the soft green dress. "My lady, that child-- is she some relation to the lost Merinita?" The faerie's harsh laughter rang out with malice. "You hold yourself in high regard if you think your own low blood tied to that of the Green Lady herself, foolish man. The girl is but the finest of the gifts you have bestowed upon me-- my own daughter, Saoirse."

He has since been criticised for his actions that day. There are those among the followers of Mendalus who believe that the Codex of Myanar was irrevocably lost to the Merinitae Verus because of one man's desire to rescue his only child from the clutches of Quendalon's kin. There are others who believe that this fae-child of Myanar's blood is the only hope of a largely undesired reconciliation between the two opposing factions. A few even think it an abomination that the line of Muj should be sullied with fae blood.

Speculation aside, the facts remain that, in an ironic role reversal, Mellitus stole the child away from her faerie upbringing, hiding away in isolation to raise her himself. The two took refuge in the Black Forest, where he was delighted to discover she had the Gift. Mellitus turned his great affinity with Herbam to fashion a home and laboratory within the limbs of trees; it was here that he taught her to speak "a civilized tongue," and the Hermetic arts.

After fourteen years had passed in this manner, Mellitus offered his daughter a choice. "You can find a Quendalon-follower who will teach you the ways of Faerie magic, that you can then be inducted into the order as my own filia. However, you would be a member of House Merinita, among enemies, as I have been these two score years and more. Alternately, you could apply to House Ex Miscellanea. You would be able to maintain a low profile, but I doubt you would have access to many resources. It would not be safe for you to bear the secrets of Hermetic knowledge and not join the order, so I urge you to choose quickly."

Saoirse knitted her brow in thought. "Perhaps I might join those I have hunted with, here in the forest?" was her reply.

It was in this manner that Mellitus learned his daughter had made the acquaintance of two Crinteran magi, upon her many ventures into the wilderness. Jon Arnsson and Urgen of Bjornaer brought the two within the Crinteran regio, to present her request before the Council of Bjornaer. As each level of the regio unfolded more and more of the two visitors' own unawakened heartbeasts, Jon was delighted to discover Saoirse's was the same as his own: the lion. Due to Saoirse's proficiency with Animal, lack of a familiar, and great affinity with the wild, the Bjornaer council was pleased to accept her as a catulus. Because of her heartbeast, she was apprenticed to the sept under the primary tutelage of Jon Arnsson. Mellitus' heart-bond with a golden eagle led them to neglect to offer residence within their covenant, but he took no offense, as he preferred to return, at long last, to his home at Caefloron.

It was thus, after seven years with the Daoine Sidhe, fourteen years with Mellitus Merinitae, and five years with Jon Arnsson Bjornaeris, that Saoirse became inducted into the Order of Hermes, as Leona Rakeclaw.

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