Walking Letter 1194

From Arsmagica

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I trust your efforts are bearing their expected fruit.

There are many preparations which could be made in expectation of our plans. Among these are the saving up of vis stores, acquisition of a solid Aegis ritual, construction of life-improving devices, the study of Arts and formulae that will help us to survive the founding of a new covenant and the initial wooing of a turb to defend it. Also, it could not but help to make and strengthen political contacts to ease our way to success.

I, for one, will be working on my mastery of Terram to ease the discovery of useful metals and good quarry stone which we will need for construction. Also, the study of Vim that we might more readily locate plentiful sources of vis.

We will also want to put thought into the writing of our corpora (or pax consortia, if you prefer), so that we will all understand our privileges and responsibilities within the covenant.

I hope that you will not take this letter as an attempt to take a leadership role. The time is far premature for such considerations in any case. No, instead it is that I enjoy a new-won enthusiasm for this project, and exert myself to ensure its eventual success.

May your every discovery lead you down the path to ten more.

Quaesitoris Vir Mons, bani Tytalus, filius ex Cresca Millius In fidelis potentia est.

[Lacrima writes in a rushed, small hand: concise, but terse.]

Vir Mons. It is good that we can work together. Your enthusiasm gives me hope for our enterprise. As a quaesitor in good standing, your advice is valuable. I offer each of the four of us the same rights and privileges I would have as founder. The standard covenant charter should represent our arrangement. All vis will belong to he or she who finds or collects it. Each of us must contribute one fourth of the vis needed each year to cast our Aegis. Other requirements by unanimous consent. We can make our arrangements at Tribunal, if all goes well. Lacrima.

Meine Freunde~ Schwarzwald domus vero est. Revenio. (There is a sigil stamped beneath: A green tree whose trunk is a stout golden paw, with extended claws in lieu of roots.)

Sodales-- I have delivered your missive to Maga Leona in Crintera, however, I have had quite the devil's time in acquiring her reply. She did not read it, but when I made to read it aloud, she listened attentively. She instructed me to convey her good wishes to the three of you, and her enthusiasm for the future prospect, but her written reply was, as you see, lacking. I believe this may be due to a distinct dearth of writing implements-- there is not a trace of ink on her hands, and her laboratory is quite devoid of vellum, parchment, or pen. Upon proferring writing utensils of my own, she scribbled out the few words you see above. It is my opinion that her unsatisfactory response is not an intent for offense, but rather the result of her own shyness, and (pardon my rudeness in pointing it out, but) her atrocious Latin. From her actions, it seems that the suggestions you've made herein are acceptable to her. She has invited me to observe her at work, presumably that I might report to you the nature of her skills. She seems to be quite the average Bjornaer at first glance-- skilled with Animal and Herbam, as evidenced by the long communions she has with the flora and fauna here. The beasts of the forest have worn a path to her sanctum; indeed, I believe that they have conversations which my untrained ear cannot perceive. I suspect that when you four build a covenant, it will not lack for protectors-- though I speak of the four-legged variety, of course. Leona must also be proficient with Corpus, for she is known as a healer of man and beast alike. Her heartbeast is unlike anything I have ever seen, however. The beast is enormous, all claws and teeth. Despite the frightful appearance, however, she seems quite gentle; it is when she takes this shape alone that I have managed to extract any speech from her mouth. I hope that this account is sufficient, for my duties call me away from Crintera and I dare not dally any longer.

Faithfully reported by Katrin Mercandi (Legate)

[As you meet the Redcap, he has clearly had a rough trip. He hands you the message to you and you notice it has tiny inky feet and hand prints all over it. And before the Redcap can turn and walk away you notice that his hat, ears and brow share the same marks. He doesn’t stop going down the hall when you inquire about the marks and continues out of sight.

When you open the message the same marks are also found inside, following the written words across the page. The words are written much smaller than normal.]

Greetings and salutations from my mistress, Halla of House Merinita

We grow weary of being used for the betterment of all here but ourselves. There is little this land has to offer to keep us entertained. Our home has become a prison and we wish to flee here with as much haste as possible. The chance to pursue the heritage of my mistress, both her magnificent Faerie blood and her rather less that interesting human bloo….

[There is a large ink smear here and the words become larger and easier to read]

I am prepared, send word and faerie shall follow.

[It is signed with the Norse Rune for Ice and a ink blotch that looks like a mashed faerie]

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