Lacrimadia Information

From Arsmagica

Revision as of 01:12, 4 July 2007 by Eriktdahl (Talk | contribs)


Lacrimadia ("woeful girl") is a very strange maga. Dark hair, stunted growth, chapped lips, nervous mannerisms-- someone really did a number on her psyche. Yet finally breaking free from the stifling influence of the Rhine Tribunal and its politics seems to have awakened a childlike excitement in her, and at times she has a bursting enthusiasm that is almost infectious. Other times she is morose and somber, and her playful teasing transforms into bitter cruelty, usually aimed at those with authority over her. Due to her covenant upbringing at Durenmar and in House Bonisagus, she is especially skilled in both Magic Theory and Intrigue, and all of her magic is bent toward Perdo and Corpus. She and Corvis, her crow familiar, seem to have an antagonistic relationship, but their bond is ultimately based in a beloved rivalry. They seem to genuinely enjoy fighting with each other.

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