
From Ars Magica

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From Mnemosyne ex Guernicus to Longinus ex Mercere

Greetings Sodale,

Allow me to extend my congratulations to you on completing your Gauntlet and joining the Order as a fully fledged member. My own Gauntlet is not so far in the past and so I know how excited you must feel to be your own man and to be able to direct your life completely as you will.
However, things are not quite as you might hope for a mage directly from his years as apprenticeship. You look forward to being a junior member of an established covenant and suffering under the restrictions therein. While these will allow you many more freedoms than as a mere apprentice, they will also bring their own burdens and responsibilities.
It is my hope to assemble a group of like minded magi and to found my own covenant, in its Spring-time and to nurture it along the paths that I and my chosen sodales think best. Under these circumstances, the restrictions that I will labour under shall only be those I create myself and the burdens I am bound by shall be those of my making - excepting of course the rules and obligatons enclosed within the Code.
As such, I would like to formally extend an invitation to you to join me on this endevour to found our covenant and mold our destinies ourselves.
I look forward to hearing your reply to my propisition,

Mnemosyne ex Guernicus.

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