Session 21

From Arispemage

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Storyteller: "So, anyone want to get out of here and get some supplies before things get worse?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Supplies? For vhat?"
Storyteller: "Fix things."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "I'm not vun for fixink houses."
Adler: "If you want the leaks to stop, you have to fix the faucet."
Storyteller: "Very well put."
Storyteller: "The place's malfunctions seem be to rooted in the need for repairs."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "I don't vurk vell vith faucits, either."
Storyteller: "You want the wierd shit to stop happening?"
Adler: "Then you have to fix the house."
Storyteller: "I'd do it myself, but I'm a bit too dead to manage that."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "....I live in caves for a reason."
Storyteller: "I know the plans well enough. It'll be more like you guys being my body, because I'm all alone."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Fine. Vhat do ve need?"
Storyteller: "Wood, preferably oak, dunno how much yet. Limestone, about thirty pounds worth. Some iron nails."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "I can get the vood. Easy vhen livink in forest. Limestone...bit harder."
Genji: "You'd need, like, quarry connections for that."
Storyteller: "Or a good grasp on Matter."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked over at Genji, then looked again. "...vhen't sneak up on me."
Adler: "But he does it so WELL" Adler beams, glomping the sneaky mage
Storyteller: "Rain. It's coming."
Genji: Genji grins. "I do stealth."
Adler: "Rain is bad, right?"
Genji: "So what else have we figured out about the house?"
Storyteller: "It's broken, slightly, and a storm's coming. I think now's a good time to be elsewhere."
Adler: "...yeeees....will anything here cause problems with spacial manipulations?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "It vas already rainink." Brian grunts, putting back up his hood.
Storyteller: "There's stuff in the cellar and basement that would, so get away from them. And I mean I can feel heavier rain coming. It's odd."
Genji: "I guess there's a difference between Storm and Rain... Maybe we SHOULD turn in?"
Genji: "Although I guess Brian can be our lightning rod?" Smirk.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Vell, ve 'ave already valked everyvhere. May as vell. Need to cut down vood anyvay."
Adler: "Ok, out to the front door people. And someone carry me, I'm going to be concentrating for a moment." Adler closes her eyes and starts chanting, hands gesturing like she's holding a big elastic ball."
Genji: Genji picks her up. "Alright, let's go."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian was already heading out the door. He didn't want the walls to start bleeding on him.
Storyteller: Brian, outside, the rain has gotten really damned heavy, and the yard looks like it's a few moments away from becoming a swamp.
Adler finishes chanting in Atlantian, and makes a sharp twisting gesture, the two hands describing the ball pushing through it to meet in the center as she unleashes the spell to open a door to the Tower
Storyteller: roll 3#1d10
Plentimon: Arispe rolled --> 10, 2, 10
Storyteller: roll 2#1d10
Plentimon: Arispe rolled --> 1, 7
Adler: roll 8#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 10, 5, 9, 5, 1, 9, 8, 9
Adler: roll 1#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8
Adler gasps in sharp pain as she crushes down the unnatural forces that latched onto her spell, her nose begining to bleed slightly as the fabric of space and time parts into a gate.
Adler: "Through the door...oww..."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looks over at the gate that suddenly appeared, shrugging as he made his way through it.
Genji: Genji hops through, holding Adler snugly so as not to... lose her he supposed? Who knows what was in the... er... doorjamb of these portals
Storyteller: Your stepping through the portal is heralded by a small shower of leaden butteflies.
Storyteller: butterflies.
Genji: "Whoa..."
Adler: "Gah! I didn't do that!" Adler announces, "Owwie..." @_@
Genji: "Doxed?"
Adler: "Ya, I'm a dunce. Shoulda used some mana."
Snafu: "Are you all right?!"
Genji: Genji steps into the tower, setting Addy down.
Storyteller: The portal doesn't quite close properly, slowly fading to black, and lingering for a few seconds, before disappearing with a loud noise like breaking bones.
Snafu: "Damn it, that could've gone better. Do you need any help?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian patted at his robe, butterfly dust littering the green fabric. "...butterflies."
Snafu: "I'd dare say butterflies are the least of our concerns.
Adler: "Ewww...Stygian taaaaint..." Adler snaps out of it, "Uh, err...two Ibuprofin and a cup of hot tea, please. The kettle is over there." She points at an electric kettle on top of a few plastic crates, along with everything nessecary to make tea
Snafu fetches the pain killers.
Storyteller: One of the butterflies tries to feebly flap its wings.
Storyteller: The tea boils up nicely.
Genji: Genji pours it for her. "Here we go." Where was Pete when you needed someone to wait on the genius girl?
Adler: "Thank you." Adler has, in the meantime, managed to get her nose to stop bleeding.
Snafu sighs. "So, now what?"
Storyteller: What happens now is a loud crack of lightning striking, then a thunderous roar. Seems like it hit really close.
Snafu: "Shit! I should really stop saying things like that."
Adler: "Eeeep!"
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked outside. "...that vas a nice vun."
Snafu: "Do you have a journal of them, or something?"
Storyteller: Brian, you can feel the next one about to hit moments before it does. The poor gates get a direct hit, and the tower shakes slightly.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...vhat do you know of my journal? 'ave you been lookink through my cave?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: He looked out the window. "...strange. Lightnink vould aim for the highest target. Not gates."
Snafu: "This doesn't look good."
Adler: "Maybe its not natural..."
Snafu: "I'm having my doubts it is. Think it'll be dangerous out there?"
Genji: "...EMP, mind, uhh, using your forces mojo to make the lightning NOT hit here?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 5
Brian Steffanoskovich (5), 9, 9, 7, 9, 4, Successes : 4
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 8
Brian Steffanoskovich (8), 4, 4, 2, 7, 9, 10, 8, 8, Successes : 5
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 8
Brian Steffanoskovich (8), 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, 9, 2, 4, Successes : 2
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 1
Brian Steffanoskovich (1), 2, Successes : 0
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...." Brian's eyes narrowed.
Adler: "...that one was even bigger than the last one..."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "I'm goink outside. Need to have a chat vith somevun." He looked over at Adler. "If you have any buffs you might vant to share, now vould be a good time."
Snafu: "Someone? I'm going too. In Twilight."
Genji: "I've got a buff for you." He holds his hand out in a handshake.
Adler: "Who is it?" Adler says, chanting and tugging on the power ambient in the air to cast the spell
Snafu: "Hmmm, but it would take a while to step through... so... all right, be careful, if it looks dangerous, come back in."
Adler: roll 10#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 9, 1, 9, 6, 3, 5, 1, 8, 2, 8
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Somevun I do not know yet. But he vields lightnink like myself. Another son of Gaia. I vould vish to talk vithout death on any vun side."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian reached his hand out, grasping Genji's hand tightly.
Genji: roll 7#1d10
Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 3, 7, 9, 7, 5, 10, 1
Genji: roll 1#1d10
Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 10
Genji: roll 1#1d10
Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 9
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian felt his body pump out, his magic strengthening about him.
Genji: Genji reached through the physical bond he had with Brian at that moment, visualizing the Obrimoi's muscles, his bones, his heart and lungs and STRENGTHENING them with his power, infusing life into his body.
Storyteller: Another bit of lightning hits the gates.
Brian Steffanoskovich: The Obrimos pulled back, letting out a sigh. "First. Varding off lightnink."
Adler: "It isn't Supernal Magic, is it?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "No. From vhat I can tell, he ist simply re-directink the natural lightnink. All ve do is deign this a place vhere lightnink may not strike."
Brian Steffanoskovich: He lifted up his staff of gold, coal wood, and gem, tapping it rhythmically against the wall, hearing the stone echo from the tap. Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap...with each tap he spoke in Atlantean, speaking directly to Gaia to curb her breath, to keep the power of her being from touching this stasis of being of her son.
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 13
Brian Steffanoskovich (13), 4, 10, 8, 7, 2, 5, 4, 10, 4, 7, 9, 7, 1, Successes : 7
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 4
Brian Steffanoskovich (4), 10, 4, 2, 4, Successes : 1
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 1
Brian Steffanoskovich (1), 8, Successes : 1
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 1
Brian Steffanoskovich (1), 9, Successes : 1
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 1
Brian Steffanoskovich (1), 10, Successes : 1
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 1
Brian Steffanoskovich (1), 9, Successes : 1
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 1
Brian Steffanoskovich (1), 3, Successes : 0
Storyteller: Yep, doesn't look like any lightning is coming this way soon.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian sighed, feeling the power draining slightly from him after warding the lightning from the tower. The exertion bringing him to speak in Russian. [Thank you, Mother Gaia. Now watch over your son as he walks in Father's view.]
Brian Steffanoskovich: He stepped up onto the open window sill, feeling the power of the Supernal rush around beneath him, his body reacting to the natural magnetism of the Earth to keep him aloft in the air as he began to walk through the air toward the man on the roof.
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 10
Brian Steffanoskovich (10), 7, 4, 2, 10, 1, 4, 10, 6, 7, 3, Successes : 4
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 2
Snafu: "Impressive stuff, that."
Brian Steffanoskovich (2), 3, 7, Successes : 1
Storyteller: It'll hold, just not too long.
Brian Steffanoskovich: The Russian moved quickly across the air, the water drops bursting against his skin as his staff helped him balance his sprinting toward the horned man with the red poncho.
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 1
Brian Steffanoskovich (1), 4, Successes : 0
Storyteller: Brian, as you get closer, you can see hair like a goat's on his legs.
Brian Steffanoskovich: The Russian finally made it to the roof before his spell wore off, keeping his feet stable on the slick rooftop, staring at the...goat man? "...that vas a beautiful show. Gaia's breath alvays impresses. Vhy, though, vas our gate the main attraction?"
Storyteller: And feet like a crow's.
Storyteller: "Hmr?" The goat (?) man seems startled at your approach. "Dammit, why couldn't those fucking furries have gotten this done before somebody noticed me?"
Adler: "Hmm...Genji, is that a spirit?"
Storyteller: He turns around, and stares at you warily. "So, what was the question again."
Brian Steffanoskovich: " seem furry enough. And there ist no better in lightnink around here, comrade. Moment you touched it, you vould be noticed. Of course...this means you do not know of us......" The russian scratched at his head under his hood.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "This whole think confuses me." He moved closer, carefully of the slickness. "Vhy. Vere you hitting. Our gate?"
Storyteller: "Heh. I was just" and then he throws up his arm and redirects a lightning strike into the street "doing a favor for the local wolfmen. I'm just keeping them from getting fried. The gate was coincidental."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...local wolfmen? Vhy vould the lightnink be aimed at them?"
Adler waves one hand, opening a variant of a scrying window, only for sound rather than hearing, and for all of the mages
Adler: roll 8#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1, 9, 3, 2, 9, 7, 5, 7
Storyteller: "Look down in the alley way, they outta be fighting some sorta strange as shit spirit that keeps trying to fry them."
Adler: "Oh dear..."
Brian Steffanoskovich: The Russian moved to look down the alley, his staff helping him stay up.
Storyteller: "He's stronger than I am, but I can do more with lightning."
Snafu: "Fantastic, a fight right outiside the house."
Storyteller: Brian, just like he said, there's some werewolves down there, fighting and beating a warped looking spirit thing. Look's like something made by Giger.
Genji: "Oh damn... That things UGLY..."
Adler twitches one finger, sending a thought right into Brian's brain, "Give him a taste of the next bolt. Don't hit the wolves."
Genji: "...Damn, I've got to help them."
Adler: "Give Brian a second..."
Genji: Genji rubs the back of his neck. "All right..."
Genji: roll 3#1d10
Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 4, 10, 4
Genji: roll 1#1d10
Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 3
Snafu: "Yeah, let's make some friends, shall we?" He turns to Adler. "Tell Brian to tell the thing not to make the lightning hit the roof."
Adler: To Brian: "On second thought, turn the Lightning into Fire as you call it."
Snafu grabs his rifle from a closet, and heads up to the top floor.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian turned to the spirit. " good are you vith lightnink?"
Storyteller: "Pretty damned good. I've beaten spirits of lightning before."
Snafu looks out the window, setting the rifle up against the sill, lining his eye up with the sights.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...just promise you von't hurt my hawk familiar, and I vill help." He stood up, rubbing his spear along the rooftop scales until small sparks formed. "Next lightnink bolt that comes down, aim it at the spirit causink them."
Storyteller: "Ok."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian muttered more in Atlantean, tightening his hold on his staff, not enjoying what he was about to do, but finding it necessary nonetheless.
Storyteller: You hear goat man say "OK, it's going to call one down" at the same time that you feel the power gathering in the skys.
Storyteller: "DO IT NOW!"
Snafu: "Damnit." Snafu heads back down to the ground floor.
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 12
Brian Steffanoskovich (12), 8, 4, 6, 5, 9, 10, 1, 4, 1, 6, 10, 7, Successes : 5
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 3
Brian Steffanoskovich (3), 4, 1, 3, Successes : 0, Botch
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em1
Brian Steffanoskovich (), 6, Successes : 0
Storyteller: About half way to the ground, the lightning turns into a falling river of fire, scorching the thing painfully.
Storyteller: One of the wolves takes a chance, and leaps at it while it's still on fire, and rips out the thing's neck.
Storyteller: One badly burnt wolf later, and it seems that the spirit is defeated.
Adler: "That looks like it hurts..."
Brian Steffanoskovich: The Obrimos wiped the sweat off his brow. He was a master of Forces, but didn't work often with fire. Fire and Lightning were two powerfully different forces...
Storyteller: "That's an interesting trick there." Goat man says.
Snafu: "I couldn't get a shot of my own against it. Wish I could've helped." Snafu puts the gun away with a sigh.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "I have said. I am a Son of Gaia. Forces of energy are all under mine control." He stood up, giving a small wave back to the tower.
Storyteller: "Ah. Well, sounds better than some of my tricks. Later." He just walks off, and jumps down to the ground with a splash.
Genji: Genji waves back. "Looks like I WON'T be needed."
Snafu shrugs.
Adler: "Well that was an unusual interlude." Adler smiles, "I told you to wait a minute."
Snafu: "There's always next time, Vera."
Storyteller: The wolves are milling around, kinda wondering where the fire strike came from.
Snafu: "Wanna go out and meet our guests?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked over the side, looking back to the tower. To anyone watching, he gave the signal for soldiers in waiting to pull in.
Brian Steffanoskovich: At which he moved to slide off the roof, jumping off to land on the ground, the extra stamina helping greatly.
Snafu: "That's the sign." Snafu opens the door, and holds it open for the other Mages.
Adler: "Sure, why not." Adler says, pulling out an umbrella and walking to the door
Storyteller: The wolves start, and get ready to gut Brian if he's hostile.
Storyteller: One growls out a command to identify yourself, Brian, or get a quick appendectomy.
Adler humms up a literal aura of friendliness and comradire
Adler: roll 8#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 10, 4, 9, 2, 3, 5, 8, 5
Adler: roll 1#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 6
Adler also trots over to where Brian and the wolves are
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian held up one hand, the other held tightly to his staff. "Brian Steffanoskovich. Obrimos. Master of Lightnink and tonight, Fire Starter."
Snafu follows behind, inside the umbrella.
Snafu: "I'm Snafu, a comrade of his."
Genji: Genji trots down there too! He's not about to miss out on these. These werewolves were like something straight out of the Primal Wild!
Storyteller: "You, make the fire that burned the thing?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "I hope I vas not intrudink. But you vere fightink on my friend's front lawn, as it vere. Ve...did not vant blood that could be traced to us."
Storyteller: "Ah. Smart." says one of the human looking ones.
Adler is taking mental notes
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Might I ask vhat you vere fighting? And who your friend vas?"
Storyteller: The same one puts on some glasses, notices your question, then replies "Some wierd as shit spirit that said it was the Essence of Pain or something like that. As for Goat Boy, I don't think anyone knows who the hell he is. All I know is we pulled some vagrant's bacon out of the fryer, and then Goat Boy shows up, telling us that he owes us and wants to help."
Storyteller: "So, who are you guys, and why are acting so normally?"
Snafu: "I'm a wizard. Harry."
Storyteller: "..." Blank look from the spokes-wolf.
Genji: "..."
Snafu: "Sorry, bad pop culture reference." nervous chuckle. "Mages. We're mages."
Genji: "You can call me Genji. And yeah, we're magic."
Adler: "We arn't quite human, in a spiritual sense at least, so the lunacy that you guys cause in normal people doesn't affect us."
Storyteller: "Ah." One of the other wolves mutters a muted "Bastards, eh."
Genji: Genji looked sideways at Addy. She needed to fill them in on this stuff one of these days, dammit.
Genji: "...Bastards? We haven't even done anything yet."
Storyteller: That same wolf just gives you a very, very cross look.
Genji: Genji backs away a little. If he had ears they'd be dropping.
Storyteller: "It's a general thing with him." the talkative wolf says. Two of the others look at him as if to say "Yeah, and the Sahara's a big desert."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian gave a cross look as well. Being a large Russian, he holds it quite well. "Very well. If our presence angers you, then so be it. We saw trouble, and gave aid. If being on Mage Territory is an annoyance, we will aid you in marking where our home is, so you may avoid crossing it."
Adler: "Ah." Adler inclines her head, "More specifically, we're the mages that took care of the Beast that hunted us all a while back."
Storyteller: "He doesn't get along with anyone." the spokes wolf says.
Storyteller: Every one of the wolves goes and stares at Adler after she says that.
Adler: "What? We did." She smiles and tilts her head
Storyteller: Spokes wolf goes, blinks. Smiles really widely. "You wouldn't happen to be willing to share how you did that would you?" The others look at him as if to say "Not again."
Adler: roll 9#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 10, 3, 1, 6, 5, 10, 7, 7, 9
Adler: roll 2#1d10
Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8, 4
Genji: Genji nods. "Indeed."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...vhy/"
Storyteller: Other than Mr. Talkative there, the wolves go and find something else very, very interesting, very quickly.
Adler: "Bound it in place, constrained its ability to move and attack, elminated its powers one by one, and finally executed it with a lightning bolt through a sword that was impaled in its head."
Storyteller: One of them, looks hispanic and female, walks up to Brian, says "Because that thing was a fucking abomination and we'd rather be able to kill it off if something like it appears again."
Adler: "We had an enchanted shotgun that helped a considerable amount."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...the vun that made it ist dead. And ve have...people makink sure all his notes are destroyed."
Adler: "Very carefully. Without reading them."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "And yes..." Brian opened his ropes, showing the strange shotgun strapped to his leg. "My friend helped as vell."
Storyteller: Mr. Talky goes and deflates slightly at the thought of the notes destroyed. The female wolf grins. "No chance of it coming back? Good."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "So long as no vun actively tries to do so again." He gives a look at the talkative wolf.
Snafu: "Knowing what I do of this guy, it really is."
Storyteller: "So, any idea who the hell made the thing?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "A dead rogue mage. A stray, if you vill."
Storyteller: The unfriendly one goes and barks out a laugh "SEE! I TOOOLD YOU !"
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian gave another look at the wolf. "...please remind your friend he is on our territory."
Storyteller: One that had been quiet the whole time, gets a wet newspaper, rolls it up, rears back, then punches the guy in the balls.
Adler: ", that was a bit more extreme than I was expecting."
Adler blinks
Storyteller: Mr. Unfriendly is on the ground, clutching himself.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian grinned. You live in the forest long enough, you learn the importance of territory, and how you act when on someone else's.
Storyteller: The punchy one goes and says "He'd never learn otherwise."
Snafu: "We didn't mind him that much." He's grinning nonetheless.
Storyteller: "Nah, he's built up to deserving this."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian turned back to the talky one. "We regret that a stray vas the vun to make the abomination. But rest assured, the rest of us have assured his vurks vill never again be undertaken."
Snafu: "It's bad for us all."
Storyteller: Mr. Talky again. "Yeah. But locally, we've usually ended up getting the short end of the stick where mages get involved with us."
Snafu: "Sorry to hear that."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "It hast been hard. Ve lost a lot of mages to that thing."
Storyteller: "The only good thing is that we usually don't have to bear it alone."
Storyteller: "And that one of the Elders had, in the past, a way to get back."
Storyteller: Everyone, feel free to stare at Mr. Talky. The wolves are.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...the Elder?"
Storyteller: "Old wolves."
Adler: "Well, I can assure you that we, personally, have no intention of shortchanging you. In fact, now that we recognise you...hmm...Guys, would you agree that we should extend the Right of Passage and the Right of Sanctuary to them?"
Snafu: "Get back? Huh."
Storyteller: The other wolves stare at Talky. "Yeah. Er. She kinda knew how to push the buttons of a few mages, and usually felt better by spreading the misery around with those three."
Snafu: "Interesting. But we aren't here to grill you."
Storyteller: "Ah, well, we'll be going then?"
Adler: "Right. And feel free to come through our territory or stop in for a chat. You're safe with us."
Storyteller: "That's good to know." The others are still staring at Talky.
Storyteller: "I... uh... guess we'll be going?"
Snafu: "Fine with us."
Storyteller: The wolves go, and drag themselves off.
Storyteller: And about this time, you see the spirit form of Tax jogging up along the road.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...vhy is he here again?"
Storyteller: "I got kept behind by the House?"
Snafu: "It just never stops."
Adler: "How extrodinary irritating. Did anything bad happen?"
Storyteller: "You carried away a little of the maze with you. Other than that, it's fine."
Adler: " it still with me?
Adler: "
Adler sounds just a touch preturbed
Storyteller: "Nope."
Adler: "What happened to it?"
Storyteller: "I think it turned into butterflies."
Adler: "...made of lead. They're probably still upstairs."
Storyteller: "Ok."
Storyteller: "You know, not for the first time, my own House is creeping me out."
Adler: "Nice to know that you're not totally nuts."
Storyteller: "I was, but then I went to therapy and got better."
Storyteller: "So, anything happen?"
Snafu: "Met some werewolves."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Ve stopped some...Being of Pain vith fire, and met some wulves."
Adler: "Werewolves fighting a spirit out of Giger's nightmares. EMP and one of their friends turned a lightning bolt into a pillar of flame and then one of the wolves ripped its throat out."
Storyteller: "Oh. Interesting."
Adler: "Yes, quite."
Adler glances up at her umbrella, and then at the others
Adler: "Perhaps we should get you three inside."
Snafu: "I might just go home."
Adler: "Ok. We need to gather up materiels, in any case."

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