Session 19

From Arispemage

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Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian stopped, looking down at the street. "...slime. Vasn't here before, vas it?"
Peter Pan: "Slime?"
Adler: "Huh?"
Snafu: "I didn't notice any slime."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian moved closer to the trail, pointing the spearpoint of his staff at the slime trail. "Here. Vasn't here before."
Storyteller: It's a very light shade of green at the points where it's thicker than the rest.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "I have lived in this forest quite a vhile. Nothink leaves slime trail that big."
Storyteller: Also, if you get close, it smells rather fishy.
Snafu: "Ew. No ideas on what could've done this, eh?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "From the smell? Fish eater, or fish creature. Or dead. Easy to confuse. But if slime is this massive...must need to stay vet." He looked after the trail. "Ve should follow before it dries."
Snafu: "Fine with me, we have time to spare."
Storyteller: On foot, the trail is easy to follow. It leads out towards the beaches, and eventually, to TAMUCC, and the artifical beach that the students use for study and such.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian makes sure to scrape some of the slime onto his staff for later, in case it might be useful.
Brian Steffanoskovich: He's also starting to wish that the deer made it this easy to track them.
Storyteller: It gets pretty thick near the hill in front of the beach.
Brian Steffanoskovich: The Obrimos moved in, his hood pulled back to free his ears and help him listen for any stray sounds.
Peter Pan: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 6, 5, 10, 2, 3, 7, 10, 6
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 4, 9
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 4#1d10
Snafu: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian Steffanoskovich rolled --> 9, 7, 1, 1 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 9, 8, 10, 1, 9, 5
Snafu: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 7
Peter Pan: Peter quirked a brow. "Someone seems to be having a bad day:
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Hrrrm?"
Snafu: "Someone's cussing up a storm."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Huh..." Brian gripped his staff tightly. "Go check it out."
Adler: "Riiight..."
Storyteller: As you go down the hill, you see a number of very large holes in the sand, and a man who was hidden from your view by the curve of the hill. He's filling in the holes, with much difficulty.
Peter Pan: Peter blinked a bit. "What's he doing?"
Snafu: "The hell if I know." Snafu mutters.
Snafu: "Should we go down, or leave the poor wierdo be?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked anxiously at the jump. "Vell, the trail led here. Ve should at least check it out."
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian Steffanoskovich rolled --> 3, 2, 5, 8, 3, 10, 10
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian Steffanoskovich rolled --> 9, 5

  • Snafu sighs and starts the trek down.

Snafu: roll #4 1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled d10 --> error: malformed expression
Snafu: rol 4#1d10
Snafu: roll 4#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 1, 1, 6, 9
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian made his way toward the crazy man. "No buried treasure today, eh?"
Adler: Adler sighs, mutters something about not dodging rocks, and sits down on the hill
Adler: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8, 4, 10, 1, 4, 7
Snafu: Snafu comes over a little while later and catches his breath.
Storyteller: "No, just FUCKING! STUPID! MORONS! who vandalize beaches and equipment!"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Vandalize? Vhy vandalize a beach?"
Snafu: "I guess if you're a delinquent with nothing better to do....?"
Storyteller: "WHY!" (Shovel some sand in) "I HAVE NO! CLUE! I JUST WANT!" (Shovel more sand) "TO BEAT THE MORON'S HEADS IN!"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Is this all they did? Dig holes?"
Storyteller: The man has managed to say all this without looking at you, and is now shoveling with far more fury than is strictly healthy.
Brian Steffanoskovich: " Vhy don't you take a break from shoveling?" Brian reached into his cloak, pulling out a clear glass bottle of vodka he had gotten as reward from cleansing the distillery.
Storyteller: The man looks in your direction, and without really thinking about it, slams back a good quarter of the drink.
Storyteller: "Thanks, I needed that."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked at the bottle, seeing it drained down so quickly. He put the bottle back into his cloak. "So, about this vandalism...anything strange about it?"
Storyteller: "Well, the fuckers always seem to know where the cameras are, and take 'em out without beeing seen."
Storyteller: "They disrupt the machines, been wrecking them the last few weeks, and uh... something else.... can't remember."
Snafu: "That's pretty precise for vandalists.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian can't really say much. He has the same tendency around machines...not his fault, though.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Vas there any slime around these incidences?"
Storyteller: "There was this time."
Storyteller: "Boss tells me it was fish oil, cod liver oil, green food dye, and something else. All I know is that I can die happy if I never have to clean that stuff up again."
Brian Steffanoskovich: " vas fake?"
Storyteller: "Fake?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Not somethink an animal vould produce."
Snafu: "Yeah, what would it be if it was real, anyway?"
Storyteller: "Wha?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian waved it off. "Nevermind. Ramblings of a man getting older."
Snafu: Snafu wishes he had Mind at that moment.
Storyteller: "OH! Just remember, found shark teeth a few times, though."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Anyvay...shark teeth? Is there sharks in these vaters?"
Storyteller: "I haven't heard a' any here, but... you never know."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Shark teeth...fake slime...deep holes and vandalized machinery?"
Storyteller: "Yeah. One of the Marine Bio's thesis work or somthing like that."
Adler: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 5, 10
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Vhat does the machinery do?"
Snafu: Snafu considers whether or not he should take some approach to this.
Storyteller: "Dunno, didn't really listen much."
Adler: Adler's voice echoes in Snafu's head, "Think its anything significant?"
Snafu: Snafu thinks back "Maybe. I was thinking of taking some angle in questioning him."
Snafu: "Anyway, it's wierd enough that it deserves a look ."
Adler: "Sounds like a good idea. Think I should see if the guy's memory is any more clear than his explinations?"
Snafu: "Give it a shot."

Adler: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8, 1, 6, 2, 1, 2, 6, 1
Storyteller: Roll 1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 6
Adler: Adler begins to sort through the strands of memories, picking out the ones related to the situation at hand
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian moved over to look at one of the un-filled holes, his staff poking down near the bottom.
Storyteller: "So, why you guys here?"
Storyteller: The hole has a little of the slime in it, and some water.
Snafu: Snafu thinks to Adler "any reason in particular?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "This slime vas around my house. Vas hoping it vould lead us to whoever vas trespassing."
Storyteller: "Ah. Well, if they start doing anything, report it. I'd love for them to get caught."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "You know cops nowadays. They let kids off if their mothers sniffle, then they go back to it. I hope to find them first, and remind them vhy private property ist private."
Storyteller: "Heh. I'm going to do the same if I ever catch them here."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Hast anyvun every vaited out here for them to show up?"
Adler: "Nothing special, it seems."
Storyteller: "Yep. Most of 'em are in the hospital."
Snafu: Snafu frowns. "That doesn't sound too good."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "And they saw nothink?"
Storyteller: "Nothing that could identify the bastards. They had freaky fish masks on, according to those that did see them."
Snafu: "That's pretty concerning. We'll keep an eye out, and keep you posted, then."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian raised up his staff a bit, running a finger along the slime that accumulated there.
Storyteller: "And if you need some help with 'em, I could probably find some time to help, or lose my shovel, convinently enough."
Storyteller: Brian, it's a pretty sticky, and a bit more solid than it looks.
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian Steffanoskovich rolled --> 5, 4, 5, 5, 2
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian wiped it off his fingers. "That vas a vaste..."
Storyteller: Some of it is still on your fingers, but some did come off onto what ever it was that you wiped it on.
Storyteller: "So, they do anything to your place other than the slime?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Nope. Jut slime."
Storyteller: "Well, if they start digging holes, I'll be glad to lend out my shovel."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Thank you much." Brian looked back at the holes. "Mind if ve see this machinery they destroyed?"
Storyteller: "Don't remember where it is, but you could always ask the Marine Bio students."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Thank you again." Brian continued trying to wipe the gunk off as he headed for where the Marine Bio students would most likely be.

  • Adler sighs and starts down the hill. So much for getting to the house...

Adler: roll 4#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 10, 6, 1, 1

  • Adler trots towards the Bio students herself
  • Adler grins

Storyteller: The machine, frankly is a wrecked pile of scrap.
Adler: Adler glances over it, checking for any sort of resonance
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian is...keeping a safe distance.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Never know if slight EMP waves might screw it up.
Storyteller: As is, it probably would play a very flat C sharp.
Storyteller: It was also demolished by normal means, and was once enchanted.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Vhat can you tell, Adler?"
Adler: Adler frowns, and scans it more closely, activating her Hidden Meaning attainment as well

  • Adler arches an eyebrow
  • Adler takes a look out the door
  • Adler murumurs to herself, waving her hands

Storyteller: You do a bit of a double take, as you pass over him once, not seeing him, then realize that you just over looked him.
Adler: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 9, 2, 10, 6, 5, 2, 7, 5
Adler: roll 1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1

  • Adler walks over to the student

Adler: or rather, "Student"
Storyteller: "Well, here's another person that's not going to notice me. What did I do wrong to deserve this?"
Storyteller: "I mean, I know that I shouldn't have, but really, was it that bad?"
Adler: "Well, I don't know about THAT. What did you do?"

  • Snafu strolls his way too.

Storyteller: "Huh? You can see me?"
Snafu: Snafu whistles. "That's some fine handiwork you've done on that trick." He sorta says it in his general direction. So hard to focus on.
Storyteller: "T-two people can see me?" He looks on the verge of tears of happyness.
Adler: "Its not that hard, when you look for the right things. The shirt isn't quite as noticable as a bull storming a china shop."
Storyteller: "I've been trying, recently, to be more noticable than a bull storming a china shop. You're the first two to notice me in a month."
Adler: "Given the way the spell on you works, that would tend to have the opposite effect."
Storyteller: "Yeah, but of all the ones affecting me, it's the best one to have working."

  • Adler brings her hand up until her pinky finger touches her sternum, and then drops it towards the floor

Snafu: "So you want to be noticed in spite of the security you put up for yourself?"
Storyteller: "It's not my doing."
Adler: "What are you worried about, anyway? I mean...we havn't seen you around for a while."
Storyteller: "I've been trying to get someone to notice me, so I'm not counted as dead."
Adler: "Consider yourself noticed." Adler peers more closely at the spell woven around him
Storyteller: "And besides, ma'am, I'm worried that I'm going to go insane from the whole being a near total non-entity."
Snafu: "So who did it? And do you want it down or not?"
Storyteller: "Those pressure sensative door plates don't notice me."
Storyteller: "Somehow, a lot of Tax's traps got turned on, when they were supposed to be off, and most of them did nasty things to me."
Adler: Adler thinks at the book, "Alan, how do I undo this one?"
Adler: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 10, 5, 10, 4, 3, 5, 6, 5
Adler: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 3, 4, 10, 7, 9, 7, 9
Adler: roll 1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 9
Storyteller: "Get some glass and have him chew it."
Adler: "Hmm...Snafu, go find me a small piece of glass
Adler: "
Snafu: "I don't like where this is going, but okay."
Snafu: "Wouldn't it be easier just to, well, make one, though?"
Adler: "You can do that, if you feel like it. I mean, you have sand everywhere, I suppose. I just need glass. Its part of the trigger to unravel the anti-noticing spell."
Storyteller: "I mean, I have no clue why they were one, as Tax told me he'd leave them off for that period and he died before then, so he couldn't have turned them back on..." he's rambling a bit.
Adler: "Alan?"
Adler: that last was mental, of course
Snafu: "All right, back soon. Don't go anywhere."
Storyteller: "Yes" the book replies mentally.
Adler: "How'd the traps get turned back on. And what was this kid doing in your stuff anyway?"
Snafu: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 1, 5, 4, 8, 5, 6, 2
Storyteller: "Dunno about the traps, but his mentor worked on some stuff with me, and I agreed to let him see the old notes."
Adler: Out loud now, "Did you get anything from Tax's stuff?"
Storyteller: He stops his rambling, then replies "I got the notes, but they weren't the right notes."
Adler: Inward, "So what else on this guy can we undo?"
Snafu: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 7, 5
Adler: "What were they on?
Adler: "
Storyteller: "The other two would unravel easy enough once this one is done. They wear out pretty fast if you get noticed like normal."
Storyteller: That's what Taxs tells you, Adler.
Snafu: Snafu heads back with a piece of glass in hand.
Storyteller: The guy, he says "Something the feasibality of making thewhole city into one large power sigil type thingy. The phrasing was pretty much impenetrable."
Storyteller: "And the drawings gave me such headaches."
Adler: "Would you mind letting me take a look over them?"
Storyteller: "Sure." He gives you a key. "Room 103, third filing cabinet from the door, fourth cabinet from the top, fifth folder from the front."
Adler: "Thank you."
Storyteller: "If you can figure out what the hell it's about, tell me, please."
Adler: "Will do. Now then, in return...want that spell removed?
Adler: "
Storyteller: "Yes, please."
Snafu: "Here's the glass."
Adler: "Near as I can tell, you have to chew on some glass."

  • Adler holds up the piece

Storyteller: The guy takes it, grimmaces, chews, and holy hell, is he easier to see.
Storyteller: He then spits it out before he cuts his mouth up.
Snafu: "Well, congratulations, it worked."
Storyteller: "Thanks. I feel better already. Now I'm going to the dorms and seeing if I can get some actual good sleep."
Adler: "Good luck," She wishes him...literally
Adler: roll 10#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 2, 5, 10, 10, 4, 2, 7, 9, 2, 6
Adler: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 2, 8
Snafu: "Probably a good idea. Might want to check to see if your mouth is okay, though."
Storyteller: "Heh, I've done worse with no effect. Later" and he wanders off, looking tired, but with a spring in his step.
Adler: "Notes notes notes..." Adler wanders towards room 103
Storyteller: The trip down is uneventful. So is getting the notes. You now have the notes.
Adler: Adler starts looking over them, but not before casting a Mind 3 Multitasking spell to let her keep up with the others at the same time.
Adler: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 9, 6, 10, 1, 5, 8, 2, 2
Adler: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 7
Storyteller: The notes are, like the guy said, a nearly impenetrable mass of ultra-tiny writing, super dense drawings, and what can best be termed as Tax Speak.
Storyteller: It also, from what you see, is very much about making a number of magical sigils, each with different effects, using the whole of the city, and what would oppose doing so.
Storyteller: Amusingly, there's a few in there that would screw Tax over, and notes on how to best make stopping those creations somebody else's problem.
Storyteller: And how to best aid them while looking like somebody else is helping them.
Storyteller: There's also the utterly bizarre note of "Needs more refereces littered about the descriptions.
Storyteller: ^There's also the utterly bizarre note of "Needs more references" littered about the descriptions.
Storyteller: You feel, though, that with Tax's help, and some serious study, you could have all of it figured out in about a week.
Adler: "This might prove...interesting."
Snafu: "Do you have an idea what it's about?"
Adler: "Oh, yes. Citywide effects fueled by geomancy on the same scale."
Adler: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8, 10, 3, 7, 9, 8
Adler: roll 1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 5
Snafu: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 4, 9, 3, 2, 2, 10
Snafu: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 9
Adler: Adler snags it, staring at it with Mage Sight.
Snafu: "Should we put a heavy object on it?"
Storyteller: The page stops moving around once Adler has it grasped.
Adler: "I have no idea" She says as she reads it, keeping one eye on the others
Storyteller: The heading reads "House of Leaves, preliminary design."
Storyteller: What follows is pretty much what the title says.
Snafu: "Here
Adler: "I think we should memorize it completly."
Snafu: 's an interesting one."

  • Adler summons up her Sense of Space

Adler: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 2, 3, 2, 6, 10, 6, 3
Adler: roll 1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 10
Adler: roll 1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 5
Adler: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 6, 9, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 7
Snafu: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 4, 3, 9, 9, 10, 2, 5
Snafu: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 8
Snafu: "This isn't even paper! It's.... leather."
Snafu: "Very thinly sliced."
Adler: "...color me disturbed. You hold it. Keep a firm grip. Its going to take me a little work to get the spell off of it."
Snafu: Snafu takes hold of it.
Adler: Adler glances around to make sure no one else is around
Storyteller: Nobody's in the room, no.

  • Adler begins chanting in Atlantian, shaping the spell carefully before relesing the spell with a fragment of her will behind it

Adler: roll 15#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 6, 6, 5, 1, 1, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 3, 6, 9, 7, 5
Adler: roll 15#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 5, 8, 4, 8, 4, 8, 5, 2, 3, 10, 2, 1, 6, 10, 8
Adler: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 5, 2
Adler: "THERE we go." Adler shakes the pale smoke, smelling faintly of incese, off of her hand
Snafu: "Dispelled?"
Adler: "Yeppers"
Snafu: "Well, now we can analyze this horrible mess in peace.
Adler: "Yes, quite."
Adler: "...oh, lovely."
Snafu: "Worse than our wildest nightmares, eh?"
Adler: "Oh yes."
Snafu: "Terrific. I mean that in the sense that the word terrific comes from the root 'terror.'"
Storyteller: Interestingly, the design lacks the maze that Tax ended up putting in it.
Adler: "Huh...its missing some stuff that is there."
Adler: "But most of the stuff that he planned to put in obviously isn't there yet."
Adler: "Also, he had the time to put in a few jokes
Adler: "
Adler: Adler smiles wryly
Snafu: "I don't even want to know why."

  • Snafu chuckles at the thought, though.

Storyteller: Adler, you hear Tax say, "because I wanted to make some people waste time trying to figure out the reason for hiding it in the notes."
Adler: "Because its a funny joke on idiots that spent days and days deciphering it, of course. What else do you expect Alan to do?"
Snafu: "That's a good one, actually."
Snafu: roll 9#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 8, 5, 10, 3, 5, 6, 6, 10, 3
Snafu: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 10, 5
Snafu: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Snafu rolled --> 1
Adler: roll 10#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8, 1, 1, 6, 7, 5, 7, 6, 3, 6
Snafu: "That was wierd."
Adler: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 9, 1, 5, 7, 4, 1, 4, 3
Snafu: "Did you feel that?"
Adler: "Yes. Quite."
Adler: "I'll have to do something about that
Adler: "
Storyteller: You feel the house try again, but something stops the mental search.
Adler: "Wants to find things that would distract us."
Snafu: "Hmm. Tricky piece of work."

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