Session 16

From Arispemage

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Storyteller: So, last we left, we were in the Ghengis Grill, trying to id some people.
EMP: Brian was chowing down on spiced beef because that is his way.
Storyteller: There's Miss Pumpkiny talking to the other, familiar sounding guy.
Genji: Genji's meat was barely cooked, he was gnawing on it and looking after Pete as he did his reconnaisance.
EMP: Brian couldn't help but notice the Pumpkin woman. He had no idea who the other man was, though he sounded familiar.
EMP: !em 4 Plentimon: Raiden (4), 10, 5, 2, 2, Successes : 1
EMP: !em 1 Plentimon: Raiden (1), 2, Successes : 0
EMP: Brian's chewing slowed. "..." His fingers went up to his ear, pressing lightly against the earlobe. To onlookers, it would seem like he was just resting his head on his arm. Poor table manners, yes. But nothing too out of the ordinary.
Genji: Ken muttered lowly to Brian. "...What are you looking for?"
EMP: "A friend of friend...he made a...point of beink here."
EMP: "Seems the chefs prefer certain customers over others."
EMP: "B?" He raised an eyebrow at Genji. "Ve know anyvun named B?"
Genji: "Hmmmm..." He flickered his eyes over to the mysterious pair again, and then swept the restaurant carefully. This would be easier if he could feel safe casting a spell without having his numbus flicker and give him away...
Genji: "B.... I'll think about it..."
Genji: !em 6 Plentimon:
Genji (6), 4, 3, 8, 4, 7, 6, Successes : 2
Storyteller: The conversation between the two is broken when the man gets up for more food.
EMP: Brian looked, and got up.
Storyteller: You can see him, and he can see you.
EMP: "My plate ist low. Going for more." Brian followed the man, getting behind him in line for food.
Storyteller: Not really familiar looking.
Storyteller: He's humming something though.
Storyteller: Getting his food, seasoning it.
Storyteller: Nope, don't look familiar.
EMP: Brian loaded up his plate, heading back to his table, a look of defeat on his face. "...dunt know."
Storyteller: And then you're both waiting for your own food as it cooks infront of your eyes.
Genji: !em 6 Plentimon:
Genji (6), 7, 1, 10, 1, 4, 7, Successes : 3
Genji: !em 1 Plentimon:
Genji (1), 4, Successes : 0
Genji: Ken chews a bit on one of his chopsticks... where was that voice familiar from?!
Storyteller: Ironically, Brian, you get your food before he does.
Storyteller: Then he sits back down and starts talking again.
Genji: Ken nodded discretely.
Storyteller: The man laughs loudly.
EMP: Brian's eyebrow cocks. "She vants more of Tax's things."
EMP: "A book, a pestil, and something else...I hope Adler ist keepink low."
Genji: "Think we should get her out of here? She must have some of Tax's resonance on her?"
EMP: Brian nodded. "Get her out to the car. I'll stay here and keep vatch."
Genji: Ken stretched and patted his stomach and companionably asked Addy to step out to the car with him so they could keep planning their trip.
Adler: Adler sighs and gets up to leave, heading for the door.
EMP: Brian settled into his seat, eating and keeping his finger into his ear.
EMP: !em 4 Plentimon: Raiden (4), 10, 5, 10, 4, Successes : 2
Genji: "Sorry Addy, we can't have you with the Book on you so close to THAT."
EMP: !em 2 Plentimon: Raiden (2), 10, 3, Successes : 1
EMP: !em 1 Plentimon: Raiden (1), 4, Successes : 0
Adler: Once outside and in the car, Adler fishes out the book.
Storyteller: In it Chibi-Tax is fishing.
Genji: Ken sits down too and closes up the car, but keeps a sharp eye on the outside for anything suspicious...
EMP: Brian kept a close eye on their actions, making sure Rhodes doesn't do more than just look at Peter.
Adler: "I don't suppose you care to explain what the thing she has does?"
Storyteller: "Do you know what it is? Because I didn't intend for her to find any of my Things."
Adler: Adler mutters to herself and waves her hands for a few seconds before attempting to reach out and knock on EMP's thick skull.
Storyteller: Roll 12#1d10 Plentimon: Storyteller rolled --> 10, 5, 2, 6, 7, 6, 3, 9, 5, 7, 5, 2
Adler: roll 3#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 5, 2, 8
Storyteller: Roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Storyteller rolled --> 5
Adler: "EMP, what does she have?"
EMP: Brian's neck crooked a bit. "...blasted voices in head...she has a ring. Awfully proud of it."
Adler: "A ring, supposedly. And apparently she's rather proud of the fact."
Storyteller: "Ah. That ring's not doing to do much of anything to her.
Storyteller: "Er. For her.
Storyteller: "It'll do a lot to her, as she tends to do things that would activate it.
Adler: "What does it do?"
Storyteller: "Evil Eye."
Genji: "Did you trap it or something?"
EMP: !em 4 Plentimon: Raiden (4), 6, 4, 8, 4, Successes : 1
Storyteller: "All it really does is put you under bad luck and then, for more moral sorts, grants good luck in desperate situations."
Adler: "Sounds useful...although I doubt its going to do anything good for her"
Storyteller: "Yes. She probably already knows what it does, though."
Adler: "No doubt. What other things did you leave around?"
Storyteller: "Do you really want the whole list? Cause it'll take a few days."
Storyteller: "Or do you just want the list of Things?"
Adler: "...lets start with the list of Things."
Storyteller: "The Things are the shotgun, the ring, the pestil, two other books, a Sinistar model, and this book."
Storyteller: "She knows about the books, the ring, and possibly the model."
Adler: "How many of them would you be willing to help me gather?"
Genji: "...Sinistar?" Like, the ARCADE GAME?
Storyteller: "Well, you have amoung your group three of them. One book is with the Mysterium, and one hidden in the Guardian's local HQ."
Storyteller: "And yes, like the game."
Adler: "Wait, three?"
Storyteller: "Yep. This book, the shotgun, and the pestil.
Storyteller: "And if she really gets serious about them, then I'll help."
Adler: "What does the pestil do again?"
Storyteller: "Nothing yet, and hope that it never does."
Storyteller: "The only two that are already fully active are this book and the ring."
Adler: "...I...see. Well, I don't, but that's ok."
Genji: Ken suppressed a chuckle. Tax really was a total geek, heh.
Storyteller: "The pesti's set to call attention to itself and activate if and only if one of the things in my old Sanctum breaks free."
Storyteller: pestil's.
Genji: "Things?"
Storyteller: "Yeah."
Genji: "...Like, horrible evil from beyond the stars things?"
Storyteller: "Not Cthulu, but you're getting close."
Storyteller: "It's really damned hard to describe if you're limited to normal human languages and Atlantean."
Storyteller: "On the plus side, the books just need certain, non life threatening events to wake up."
Genji: "Huh..." No one ever filed these damned sealed off monsters with the Arrows!
Storyteller: "Yeah. The current Arrow head would have shit bricks if he knew. The old one did."
Adler: "What do the other two books do, anyway?"
Genji: Ken began to realize that chibi-Tax could read his mind anyway so he'd be better off saying everything out loud where at least Adler could comment...
Storyteller: "One's just a Grimorie that's going to make itself really damned noticable. That's the one that went to the Guardians. Not a vulgar spell in it."
Adler: "ooohh...."
Genji: "Heh, right up Addy's alley."
Adler: Adler makes little grabby motions with one hand for a second.
Storyteller: "The one in the Mysterium's possession is basically something that Abuelo would kill you for having. It's a bit of a back door into the old version of the tunnels."
Peter Pan: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Nachtiepants rolled --> 8, 5, 8, 3, 3, 6, 4, 8
Peter Pan: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Nachtiepants rolled --> 3, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, 1, 8
Peter Pan: Peter gritted his teeth a little. What had that woman wanted with him?
Storyteller: Adler, you can feel the Pumpkin feeling moving closer to you.
Storyteller: Then suddenly, it starts getting futher away.
Adler: Adler sighs, releived
Storyteller: Bolneze, though, he goes for another round of food.
Storyteller: For a thin guy, he can eat a whole damn lot.
Peter Pan: Peter whispered to Adler "Is there anythign else we need to do here?"
Peter Pan: As he walked with his hands in his pockets, he turned his eyes towards the ground as he began speaking the words of power in the language of hte Supernal. "Fate, Destiny, Events yet to come. While still you wait to be decided, turn your rings and allign so that I can meet her. I who command my own Destiny will it!"
Peter Pan: "Rhodes." He spoke curtly. "I got the feeling you wanted somthing?"
Peter Pan: "Besides the obvious of Tax's things."
Storyteller: "Hrm. Do I know you boy?" She asks sound for all the would like she's innocent and has no clue what you're talking about.
Peter Pan: He cocked a brow, focusing for a second
Peter Pan: "Let's not play games. Not right now."
Storyteller: "Oh. And I do so like playing games."
Peter Pan: Peter widened his eyes, allowing them to align with the destiny he commanded.
Storyteller: You're not certain if that's irony or innuendo.
Peter Pan: roll 3#1d10 Plentimon: Nachtiepants rolled --> 7, 3, 6
Storyteller: She makes an obvious show of looking behind her.
Peter Pan: "And what kind of games would those be?"
Peter Pan: He moved to walk alongside her
Storyteller: "Oh, you know."
Storyteller: "Those little games that polite people don't talk about in public."
Peter Pan: "I like games too, perhaps there's somewhere more secluded you'd like to talk about them?"
Peter Pan: roll 3#1d10 Plentimon: Nachtiepants rolled --> 7, 8, 5
Storyteller: "Certainly."
Peter Pan: "Shall we then? I've got people that miught be waiting"
Storyteller: Roll 12#1d10 Plentimon: Storyteller rolled --> 3, 7, 4, 6, 10, 10, 1, 10, 1, 7, 10, 4
Storyteller: Roll 4#1d10 Plentimon: Storyteller rolled --> 10, 7, 1, 4
Storyteller: She chants a little, then looks over at a convenient little alcove.
Storyteller: "That place should be secure."
Peter Pan: He nodded, takign the lead a bit and heading into the alcove
Storyteller: "Ok. Now, what is you want to talk to me about?"
Peter Pan: "Why were you staring at me like that? You left right afterwards."
Storyteller: "Oh, I needed to see if you were a mage."
Storyteller: "See, my little gift to you would have been wasted if you weren't."
Peter Pan: He quirked a brow. "What?" He blinked a bit. "I'm not quite buying it..."
Peter Pan: "What gift would that be?"
Storyteller: "Sadly, the Thing of Tax's that I came into isn't much use to me."
Storyteller: "So, I'd hoped that somebody else would be better suited to it, and volia, a mage right next to me."
Peter Pan: "I see. And what about everyone else?"
Storyteller: "Everyone else?" She asks, sounding genuinely unaware what you mean.
Peter Pan: "Adler, EMP, and Genji?"
Storyteller: "Who?"
Peter Pan: "The other Mages I was with."
Storyteller: "... Really I only noticed one, and he looked too alert for me to slip the ring on to."
Peter Pan: His eyes went wide for a second as he checked his hands
Storyteller: "I'm not that good. It's in your pockets."
Peter Pan: He fished around in his pockets a bit, looking for somthign that didn't belong. "What's the meaning of this?"
Storyteller: "Like I said, the Thing's no good to me, so I decided to take a page out of his book and give it to the first person I saw that could use it."
Storyteller: "Now, is that all?"
Peter Pan: He grimmaced a little. "Any other games you'd care to alert me to?"
Storyteller: "... You're a bit young for that."
Peter Pan: "Yeah, I guess that's all then."
Storyteller: "Later then, whoever you are."
Storyteller: And she walks off.
Peter Pan: He looked back. "Peter." Then he headed back to meet everyone else, apprehensively fingering the ring in his pocket
Adler: "So...what's with Bolneze then?" Adler asks the bookj
Storyteller: "He's one of the guys I'd usually recruit for my plans or for the disctactions."
Storyteller: "Master of time, something of an idiot savant when it comes down to it."
Storyteller: "He's also good at life and space, but better with space."
Storyteller: "... He's also a professional clown."
EMP: Brian watched him every so often, but at this point, he was more worried about the plates in front of him. They quickly began to build up on the table.
EMP: The man had a healthy appetite. Brian was healthy as well, and wouldn't dare eat less than such a skinny man as that.
EMP: !em 5 Plentimon: Raiden (5), 4, 6, 8, 2, 4, Successes : 1
EMP: "So...much...meat..."
Storyteller: Bolneze, though, seems not to have noticed you.
Storyteller: A few bowls later, he gets up, and walks out, a spring in his step.
EMP: Brian watched him leave. "...I vill beat him for this...later...much later..." He got up slowly, heading for the door and to the car.
Storyteller: Brian, you come out to the car with Genji, Peter, and Adler already there.
EMP: Brian got into the front of the car, adjusting his spear/staff as he set up room for his full gut. "...he ist not human."
Adler: "That's a possibility, I suppose."
Storyteller: "Bolneze is wierd, but not as wierd as I was."
EMP: "Eat so much...too much..."
Storyteller: "Did you try and have an eating contest with him?"
EMP: "...maybe."
Storyteller: "Well, if you didn't then take my advice and don't. It's one of his odder uses of magic, so that he can work for long periods."
EMP: "...I'll look into that."
Adler: "There are...far easier ways to accomplish that effect."
Storyteller: "I'm not certain, but it's probably life and space."
Storyteller: "It's part of why I described him as an idiot savant."
Storyteller: "So did all of you find what you were looking for?"
EMP: The Russian leaned back in his chair with a groan. "I found out nuthink, other than they're being vatched at least."
Storyteller: "Did you want to find something?"
EMP: "And they're searchink for idea vhat."
EMP: He adjusted the shotgun strapped to his leg, giving his feet more leg room.
Storyteller: "Well from wht Adler asked me, I'd say she's looking for my Things."
EMP: "Thinks? Vhat Thinks?"
Storyteller: "Things like this book and that shotgun there."
Adler: Adler, still exausted from her spellwork earlier, flops down, setting her head in Peter's lap
Peter Pan: Heter set a hand on her head to keep her form getting jostled around, his other hand still feeling over the edges of the ring
Storyteller: "The full list is a ring, three books, a model, a pestil, and a shotgun."
EMP: "Ring? Like vhat Pumpking Voman had? And...the shotgun?"
Storyteller: "Yes and yes."
EMP: "Vell, ve know she has the ring. Vhat ist special about shotgun?"
Storyteller: "Right now nothing other than having part of my soul in it and some powers waiting to wake up."
Peter Pan: Peter grimmaced a bit at the mention of the Ring
EMP: "Vaking up? Vhat vaking up?"
Storyteller: "All of the Things are fairly normal versions of what they are until a certain circumstance triggers the spells that will 'awaken' the powers I enchanted them with."
Storyteller: "The ring and this book here are the only ones awake at the moment, so to speak."
EMP: "...powers? Vhy alvays vith the confusing?"
Storyteller: "Well, the shotgun still has it's old power, it's just now hard to use."
Storyteller: "And the new power just makes it more lethal.
EMP: Brian looked down at the shotgun. "...I vill keep that in mind."
Storyteller: "Or it should, I don't remember."
Storyteller: "On the other hand it's still very, very deadly to things that have bits of my soul in them."
EMP: "Shotgun can destroy your Thinks?"
Storyteller: "Other than this one, but that's intentional."
EMP: "Hmmm...if ve get in close, ve could destroy the ring she has. Before she can use it."
Adler: "Given the ring doesn't really do her any good, that wouldn't seem nessecary."
EMP: "Maybe, but she still vants it. And the others."
EMP: "Vether she can use it or not ist not the problem. She can find somevun else to use it for her."
Adler: "It doesn't DO anything that would help her, though."
EMP: "It hast a piece of Tax."
Peter Pan: "I don't think she really wants the ring."
EMP: "That's all she needs."
EMP: "Of course she vants the ring. She HAST the ring."
EMP: "And now ist searching for the other pieces of Tax's soul."
Storyteller: "She might not have it."
Storyteller: "I mean, she knows of some of the other Things, and has a sympathetic connection to one, so you might want to worry more about that one."
EMP: "Vhich vun?"
Storyteller: "Knows of or has the connection to? Or both?"
EMP: "...that ve vurry more about."
Storyteller: "Ah. She has a connection to the model. She could easily get that one."
Storyteller: "And in theory, she could use it once it's active."
EMP: "And vhat does that do?"
Adler: "What does it do?
Storyteller: "The real question is if she'd activate it."
Storyteller: "It also flies and grows if it eats enough."
Adler: "...why, exactly, did you make that?"
Storyteller: "Firebrand."
Storyteller: "And frankly, if that's what's worrying you, then don't ask about the other books."
EMP: "..." Brian gave a grunt.
EMP: "Archmages...alvays vith the confusing."
Storyteller: "This is nothing compared to the stuff I did while alive. This is positively sedate."
Storyteller: "Hell, compaired to Deneb's plans, this is positively pedestrian."
Storyteller: "On the other hand... I do have a something you could do if you want to destract her."
EMP: "...and vhat vould that be?"
Storyteller: "A fake Thing."
EMP: "You can do that?"
Storyteller: "Well, close enough. I don't have enough of a body to do all of it properly."
Storyteller: "But it should buy you some time."
Storyteller: "Now, to do this, we need to go to the airport."
EMP: "The airport?" Brian looked over at Genji.
Adler: at some point during the drive, Adler falls asleep
Storyteller: "Now when you get there, look for a man wearing a gray sweater jacket and blue jeans, with brown rimmed glasses, and holding a map. Convince him to help you."
Storyteller: "I'm not certain, but I think he's an arrow."
Peter Pan: As they arrived, Peter very gently shook Adler's shoulder.
Storyteller: "Get him to work with you and things should be golden."
EMP: "Arrow? Then it should take little convincing, yes?"
Storyteller: "I'm not certain. I could be wrong."
Adler: "Mmm? Yes Peter? Whatizzit?" Adler mumbles at him sleepily
EMP: When they arrive, Brian got out of the car, sliding his spear staff out and walking stiffly from the still over-stuffed stomach.
Peter Pan: He smiled and spoke gently. "We're here"
Storyteller: Harold, the plane you took had to make a detour, so here you are in glorious Dallas-Fort Worth. It'd be great if you had planned to be here.
Snafu Harold wishes at this moment he had studied up on the Fate Arcanum.
Adler: Adler sits up, blinking a few times and yawning
Storyteller: Fortunately, you have a Texas map, which should give you some idea of how to get to where you wanted to go to.
EMP: Brian headed in the direction of where this...person was supposed to be. If he was an arrow, it wouldn't take much to persuade him to help.
Storyteller: A few looks around and you see the man, looking at his map.
Storyteller: He's got the gray sweater jacket, the brown rimmed glasse, and the blue jeans. Looks like it's him.
Snafu He's currently irritatedly struggling with the map, which refuse to unfold right.
EMP: Brian's eyes narrow a bit, walking slowly toward the man in the sweater jacket.
Adler: Adler walks over to him, "Hello! Do you need some help?"
EMP: He learned, being his size, not to suddenly appear next to a guy.
Snafu He looks up. "Oh? Umm, I guess I'm fine." He seems slightly irritated, but only barely.
Snafu "Plane had to take a detour. I'll just get a cab."
Snafu He gives a furtive glance to the large man with the spear.
EMP: Brian looks back down at him.
Snafu Fuck it, he thinks. This is wierd, I'm activating Mage Sight.
EMP: Brian allowed the Aether to fill his eyes, letting him scan the young man of any spells, enchantments, and auras.
Snafu !em 11 Plentimon: Lavos (11), 8, 5, 10, 8, 5, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 8, Successes : 7
Snafu !em 1 Plentimon: Lavos (1), 7, Successes : 1
Snafu Harold cocks his head, and simply says "Mages?" or something to that effect in High Speech.
Storyteller: You hear a muffled sounding yes.
EMP: "Yes. Ve vere sent to pick you up."
Snafu He nods. "You have business with me I take it? I'm Snafu."
Adler: " a manner of speaking. I was thinking a sort of you help us, we help you sort of idea."
Snafu "Right. Let's not talk about it here. I don't want the Veils getting pissy, and they have eyes everywhere."
Adler: "Quite."
Storyteller: You can all hear a muffled "darn" in Atleantean.
Snafu "I could use a ride anyway." He'd be lying if he wasn't suspicious, but there wasn't much else to do.
EMP: "Ve have a ride this vay." He waved a hand to the doors. "Apologize for rudeness, I vill valk behind. case."
Adler: "We're going to the sanctum from here, correct?"
Storyteller: "Well, actually to a different place first, to lay the decoy."
Snafu "Understood." He nods to the big man.
Adler: "...well...uhh..."
Snafu "Where are you headed? What city? I'm near Corpus."
EMP: "Ve are around that area as vell."
Adler: "I think our first stop is somewhere were we can discuss things safely, in any case,"
Snafu "Right."
Adler: "Perhaps the spot where we arrived earlier today?"
EMP: "Sounds fine."
Adler: "EMP, you and Genji take the car. Peter and I will meet you there."
Adler: Adler pulls Peter off with her to a good teleport-place
Storyteller: The spirit that is Alan Tax remains behind, though.
EMP: Brian led Snafu to the car, opening the back door for him.
Storyteller: Roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Storyteller rolled --> 5
Adler: "Alan, what are you doing?" Adler murmurs before leaving
Storyteller: "Helping out," is the answer you get.
Adler: "Ok. Be careful."
Adler: "And catch up. We don't exactly know what we're doing here."
Adler: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 7, 10, 3, 6, 6
Adler: roll 1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 1
Snafu Snafu gets into the car. This wasn't the oddest thing that happened to him since he Awakened.
Storyteller: "Now, we here, gentlemen will lay the distraction for my student."
Storyteller: "Sir, I'll need your hands to make the thing ready, then we can leave."
EMP: Brian closed the door, getting into the front passenger seat, adjusting his spear and staff to fit with him.
Snafu "What was that, now?" It wasn't the wierdest, but it was close.
Storyteller: "What was what now?
Snafu "My hands?"
Storyteller: "Oh. I'm sorta, quite possibly dead, so I can make the things with my own hands, so I'll need you to put the parts together."
Snafu "You want me to make something, then? Right here?"
Storyteller: "The place will have the materials ready. You just need to put it together. I can do the rest."
Snafu "Ah. Well, I believe I can do that."
Storyteller: "You could also let me posess you, but I doub that you trust me that much."
Snafu "I don't."
Storyteller: "And besides, it feels really odd on my end too, so I'd only do that as a last resort.
Storyteller: Alan then directs Genji to a little hidey hole he had.
Storyteller: When you get inside, it's mosly empty other than a few boxes.
Storyteller: "Now get some of the weapon parts out of the boxes, assemble one, and then I'll do the rest."
Snafu "Can you explain precisely why you need my services, first, if you will?"
Storyteller: "Ah. It's who you're related to that made me choose you, that and convinence. And being able to easily repay you."
Snafu "I understand." That explained something.
Storyteller: "And also, part of it is just how I was before."
Snafu "You died, I take it?"
Storyteller: "Probably. I wouldn't actually know, as I was made a bit before hand and not contacted."
Storyteller: "Since I'm here, though, I'm assuming that I am actually dead, and not just pulling some elaborate plan or something of that nature."
Storyteller: "Now, if you please, the gun."
Snafu "Made in the likeness of so- my magical tool?"
Storyteller: "No, I meant for you to assemble one from the parts here. It'd be easier to just throw somewhere for Deneb to find."
Storyteller: "Unless you actually want my best student convinced that your tool is one of my Things."
Snafu Nod, a bit nervously. "All right, I can do that."
Snafu Snafu begins going through the boxes of parts.
Storyteller: The parts aren't the very best quality, but they're servicable.
Storyteller: And numerous enough to arm a small city.
Snafu "So, all you want is a gun? Any modifications?"
Storyteller: "If you want. All I need is a normal gun."
Snafu "Understood."
Snafu He gets to work on it.
Snafu Roll 9#1d10 Plentimon: Lavos rolled --> 2, 6, 5, 4, 5, 8, 3, 8, 8
Storyteller: And it's done a bit faster than nomal.
Storyteller: One gun.
Storyteller: "And now," Tax says, to make the decoy.
Storyteller: He puts his hand into the gun, and then some sparks fly off it, and then he says "Done."
Storyteller: "Now, we can go gentlemen. Take anything you want from here, it's not important."
Snafu Snafu cocks an eyebrow.
EMP: Brian shrugged. "Archmage ist...confusing. You get used to it...I guess. I have not, but not say you can't, no?"
Snafu Snafu chuckles. "So you have no idea either?"
Storyteller: "I had plans for this, but being dead, I don't have any use for these things."
Storyteller: "So, take if you want."
Snafu "I do, as a matter of fact. Fortunately, I'm liscensed to carry stuff like this. I can get some people to deliver it to my workshop."
Snafu He doesn't waste any time in taking a box of it for now.
Storyteller: And with that, you guys leave the city for home, I guess.
Snafu "So they said you were EMP, right? Obrimos?"
EMP: "Yes."
EMP: "An Arrow as vell."
Snafu "You knew I was with the Arrows, eh? This guy.... thing is well informed."
EMP: "Fate Archmage. Vouldn't be surprised if he made your plane route altered."
Storyteller: "I wasn't fully certain if you were an arrow, though. And no, I didn't . I just found him."
Snafu "Well, I am an Arrow. Moros."
Snafu "As if you couldn't tell my order from my name." He remarks wryly.
Snafu "I'm on the supply end of things."
EMP: "I am merely in hiding. The Arrows keep me hidden, and I vurk for them."
Storyteller: "I was Apostate. If it matters any."
Snafu "From the KGB?" He pauses. "Er, no offense, it was just a joke."
EMP: "Yes, actually."
Snafu "Oh. Well.... okay."
EMP: "Mutherlind does not take kindly to military personnel running avay."
Snafu "Right. I got discharged from the Army, myself. But only due to injury. I Awakened that way, too."
EMP: "Better to be discharged. Then you get to see home."
Snafu "True."
Snafu "Well. Home's a little wierd, once I got back."
EMP: "Vhy ist that?"
Snafu "The Vasquez family; I being one of them; are Proximi. I only knew this after I Awakened."
Snafu "Family reunions are wierd enough when great uncle Roy is just a smelly pervert. When he can control the weather, well..."
EMP: "Ah, I see. Muther made me open mine eyes."
Snafu "Sounds better than an IED in Baghdad."
EMP: "Yes, bathing in the breath of Muther is alvays a gift. Ben Frahnklin ist brother in that regard."
Snafu Blink. "Oh. That's different then what I had figured."
Snafu "Okay, we're about equal there."
EMP: "Mother Gaia breaths deeply and strongly. Ist a gift to be shared."
Snafu Eager to get away from the topic of deifying electricity, Snafu asks "So, where exactly are we headed?"
Storyteller: "Corpus Christi. My one time home."
EMP: "Ve have a sanctum there."

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