Session 13

From Arispemage

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Storyteller: So, it's a new day.
Storyteller: It promises to be interesting.
Storyteller: There's also a note on the wall of the clock tower.
Peter Pan: Peter walked over to the note, Tinkerbell fluttering over his shoulder as he leaned in to look at it
Storyteller: It's some wield gibberish.
Storyteller: Makes no sense.
Peter Pan: "Ummm...." He reached out and pulled it off the wall. "Maybe when Adler gets here she can read this."
Storyteller: Foreign language perhaps?
Adler: Adler gets there about 30 minutes later, assuming nothing interesting happens in the intervening time
Storyteller: Nothing delays you.
Storyteller: You get there without an incident.

      • Raiden has joined #arispemage.

Adler: Adler stares at the mess of boxes, both half-empty and still full, that covers the first floor or two of the tower in exaustion for a while
EMP: !ex 7 Plentimon: Raiden (7), 4, 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 3, Successes : 0, Botch
Adler: !ex 7 Plentimon: Wildfire (7), 4, 2, 3, 6, 1, 2, 6, Successes : 0, Botch
Adler: (wrong die pool, sorry)
Adler: !ex 9 Plentimon: Wildfire (9), 1, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 3, 3, 10, Successes : 2
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 5, Successes : 0
Adler: !ex 9 Plentimon: Wildfire (9), 9, 4, 9, 10, 8, 5, 3, 8, 2, Successes : 6
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 9, Successes : 1
Peter Pan: When Adler arrived, Peter showed her the note
Adler: "Hmm..." Adler paces for a few moments, and then starts hopping up the stairs three at a time.
Storyteller: Hop, hop.
Adler: Once she gets to the top, she mutters for a few moments, gesturing around her head, before releasing one of her rotes
Adler: (augement the mind)
Adler: (using the Mana from the Hallow)
Adler: !ex 11 Plentimon: Wildfire (11), 5, 7, 3, 2, 9, 7, 4, 2, 7, 8, 4, Successes : 5
Adler: She then settles in to crack the code on the note
Adler: !ex 13 Plentimon: Wildfire (13), 1, 6, 7, 1, 9, 9, 7, 4, 9, 8, 8, 1, 5, Successes : 7
Adler: "Well...that's..potentially interesting."
Adler: "Oi! Anyone around?"
EMP: Brian entered through the door of the clocktower, giving a long look at the staircase. "...stairs. Vhy the stairs?" He began his long climb upwards.
EMP: "Peter! Ahdler. Vhere are those two..."
Adler: "Up here EMP!" Adler yells from the top
EMP: He looked up high. " many stairs..."
Peter Pan: Peter looked up. "Yeah, up here Brian"
EMP: He grumbled and mumbled as he made his way up the stairs.
Adler: As he enters, Adler finishes chanting and there is a surge of magical energy that focuses itself on her
Adler: !ex 9 Plentimon: Wildfire (9), 2, 7, 1, 2, 5, 8, 4, 5, 10, Successes : 4
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 2, Successes : 0
Adler: !ex 7 Plentimon: Wildfire (7), 8, 4, 2, 2, 10, 8, 9, Successes : 5
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 4, Successes : 0
Adler: !ex 3 Plentimon: Wildfire (3), 2, 8, 8, Successes : 2
Adler: A few moments of furious scribbling on scrap paper later, there is a loud "
Adler: HAH!"
Adler: "You call that a puzzle? I've solved harder before my morning coffee."
EMP: Brian is leaning on his staff to walk as he gets to the top of the tower.
Peter Pan: "So, what is it exactly?"
Adler: "A...scavenger hunt. Sort-of. I don't suppose hair of a Sphinx refers to me...hmm..."
EMP: " are tventy-first century, yes?
EMP: "Vhy no elevators?"

      • Raiden is now known as Brian_Steffanoskovich.

Peter Pan: "You could've just levitated up here"
EMP: "Vaste of magic. Use too often, you lose respect for your gifts."
Peter Pan: "Why? I respect the thigns that make life more fun or easy."
Peter Pan: "Wouldn't ignoring them be a bigger loss of respect?"
EMP: "I use vhen needed. Not vhen it' you say...frivolous."
EMP: He gave a sniff, heading in the direction of the nearest food.
Adler: "Given that the tower was made BEFORE elevators were in common use..."
Adler: "Anyway, this thing says Maude says hello."
EMP: "Maude? Maude...Maude...who ist Maude?"
Peter Pan: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 6, 6, 6, 3, 3
Adler: "Free Council Leader...well, as close as the Council gets to having a leader."
Storyteller: All of you hear some noise outside.
Adler: !ex 7 Plentimon: Wildfire (7), 2, 2, 10, 9, 9, 2, 5, Successes : 4
Peter Pan: Peter walked to the balcony to look out
Adler: Adler takes a peek. Without moving
Storyteller: There's some people milling around, looking for something.
EMP: Brian walks to a window, a piece of bologna hanging from his mouth.
EMP: "Friends of yours?"
Peter Pan: "I have no idea..."
Adler: "Hmm..."
Adler: !ex 6 Plentimon: Wildfire (6), 8, 2, 6, 10, 6, 8, Successes : 4
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 5, Successes : 0
EMP: Brian swallowed the bologna, looking down from the window. "...I shall meet them. If they are hostile, hit them from above."
Adler: "With what, a Screaming Howler Monkey? You're the boom-boy."
EMP: "...chairs are heavy."
Peter Pan: "If we really need to fight, I'll take them form above Brian, no worries."
EMP: !ex 7 Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich (7), 8, 4, 7, 2, 1, 7, 2, Successes : 3
EMP: Brian stepped up on the window, stepping up and through like it was on solid ground. Slowly he lowered to the ground, his staff in his hand.
Storyteller: They all seem to be too caught up in looking for something to notice you..
EMP: Brian steps on the ground, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the group. "...may ve help you?"
Storyteller: There's a collective jump, as they all notice you.
Storyteller: The twitchy man ambles up to you. "We're looking for a piece of -p-pay-paper. It's for a s-scavenger hunt."
EMP: His keys jingle with ambient electricity as his eyes narrow more. "...try again. This time, not somethink so stupid."
Storyteller: "Ih-ih-ih-it's the t-truth!" he stutters out.
EMP: Brian slowly leans in to the twitchy man. " are tryink to say, that you are on our property, searchink for somethink that vould not be here, and I'm supposed to believe it?"
Storyteller: "Y-y-yes. pleasedon'thurtme?" he mutters.
EMP: "Who sent you."
Adler: Adler pops her head out of the balcony, "Brian, I think they are telling the truth. However, I do need to go speak to Maude about where she choses to place her hints."
EMP: Brian looks up at Adler, then back at the twitchy man. "...I have to walk up stairs again for my sandvich. Remember that, if you intend to upset me again."
EMP: Brian turned, heading back for the Clocktower stairs.
Adler: "I don't suppose you would be willing to tell me WHY Maude is holding a little scavenger hunt?"
Peter Pan: He poked Adler's shoulder. "Ummm, maybe we should go down instead of shouting. Want a ride?"
Storyteller: "W-well, one of the me-members of the club has a grimorie. He can't use it, so he's holding a little competition for it."
Adler: "And what clue is this? In order, that is"
Storyteller: "We think it's the third. But it could also be the fifth.
Peter Pan: Peter grinned a little bit. "Hey, how badly do you guys want this clue?"
Adler: "...I'll let you have it. But only in return for the clues that YOU have already found, and a more complete rundown of the rules and instructions for the game." Adler grins misceviously
Storyteller: "O-okay."
Adler: "We'll be down in a second." Adler turns to her cabal-mates, "Who feels up to a scavenger hunt?"
Storyteller: After a bit of talking, you have his clues, and the rules and instructions.
Peter Pan: "I'm down with that"
EMP: Brian is still walking up the stairs.
EMP: Again.
Storyteller: The rules are simple follow the clues to the next clue. Don't take the clue without replacing it properly.
Storyteller: Don't attack the others.
Storyteller: The goal is to complete the circuit of clues which will eventually lead you to the person or place with the grimorie.
EMP: The more steps Brian has to walk, the more likely he's going to break the third one.
Adler: "Brian, you going to come with us?"
EMP: Brian had just managed to get to the top of the clocktower, and was about to eat his sandwich.
EMP: "...fine."
Storyteller: You could always take it with you.
EMP: Brian rolls the sandwich into a big ball of bread and meat, shoving it into his mouth and letting saliva do the rest.
Adler: "Uhm...this way?" Adler points in the direction the other group went
Peter Pan: "Let's go!"
Storyteller: Follow, follow.
EMP: Brian follows.
EMP: Like a good man.
Adler: Adler looks like she's playing with an invisible stress-ball as she trots along
Adler: !ex 10
Storyteller: They go to a little building called the Richard M. White Memorial building. It's just outside downtown. Plentimon: Wildfire (10), 3, 8, 9, 5, 1, 2, 10, 8, 5, 1, Successes : 5
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 9, Successes : 1
Adler: Adler chants in High Speach, something about threads and bending, and unleashes yet another spell
Adler: !ex 9 Plentimon: Wildfire (9), 2, 4, 10, 10, 9, 3, 4, 6, 10, Successes : 7
Adler: !ex 3 Plentimon: Wildfire (3), 1, 4, 9, Successes : 1
Adler: Adler begins to wander, following her intuition
Adler: She checks the painting more closely
Storyteller: There's something odd hidden by the head in the painting.
Storyteller: Feels like some paper.
Adler: "EMP, could you move the painting?"
EMP: Brian reached up, giving the painting a heft with his hands to move it aside.
Storyteller: Yep. Hole in the wall behind it.
Storyteller: There's some papers stuffed into the hole.
Adler: Adler pulls out the clue and retreats temporarly from the floor to read it. "Put the painting back."
Storyteller: There's seven pages, numbered 1-7. Each has some letters, then a space, then another letter.
Storyteller: This repeats for the whole of each page.
EMP: He moved the painting back into place, taking a few moments to get it re-aligned.
Adler: "Ok, I've got it. We should put it"
Adler: Adler chants for a moment before casting an Incognito Presence spell around EMP. "Ok, return it to where we found it."
Adler: !ex 9 Plentimon: Wildfire (9), 4, 10, 10, 2, 7, 7, 9, 8, 6, Successes : 8
Adler: !ex 2 Plentimon: Wildfire (2), 10, 4, Successes : 2
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 7, Successes : 1
Adler: Once Brian returns, she says, "Ok, now we need to get down to Water Street....or...hmm...I wonder. Is Tax's place closer? The widly-known one." Adler constructs a map in her head. "Hmmm..."
Adler: "Lets try Water Street first."
EMP: Brian nodded, picking up his staff from where he left it to move the picture.
Storyteller: The traffic's pretty heavy. You're also fairly certain, Brian, that some electronics got a bit too close to you.
Storyteller: The clue is actually up on a bilboard.
Adler: "EMP...would you mind getting that down?"
Storyteller: It's posted on the billboard.
Adler: ooh
Storyteller: You can read it pretty well from down here.
Adler: "Hmm...well, that's hard to miss"
Storyteller: You can tell that the sixth letter is s and that you need to look for what a relative of the word is thought to be effective against.
EMP: Brian scratched at his head. "...vurds. Strange things."
Adler: " Tax's place. The known one."
EMP: "Alvight."
Storyteller: You see the slightly castle like home that Tax was known to own.
Storyteller: The gates are closed, but not all the way.
Adler: "Alan...why did you leave this place to Rhodes?"
Storyteller: "She never liked the place. I thought it was funny at the time."
Adler: "Apparently, the dead find everything amusing. Understandable...but I hope she hasn't decided to take up residince...or assert her ownership in any way. I don't suppose you left any good stuff in here that we didn't already get?"
Storyteller: "Some old tequila. Lots of supplies. Very little magical of any worth, though."
Storyteller: "Oh, and some magical servitors, but they don't really count as being left there."
Adler: "Nothing that could cause problems or is worth taking, then."
Storyteller: "There are some guardians, but they'd only do something if you try to take things and don't have a password.
Storyteller: "There's also a little book with my mocking tribute to the art of making pumpkinheads.
Adler: "Which you could presumably provide anyway. Ok. Lets find that dang clue."
Adler: "...Might have to take that, just for the amusement value."
Storyteller: You slip in through the open gates.
EMP: Brian looked around, the keys jingling on his staff. "I don't like this place.
Adler: "I think its great! Wonderfully moody and imposing."
EMP: "And is likely being used by a vomen that kills people and takes their heads."
Storyteller: A quick look around shows that the clue's not in the area outside the building and inside the walls.
Storyteller: "Actually, she tends to leave the heads behind.
Adler: "Well, lets check inside."
Storyteller: Once you are assaulted
Storyteller: by the smell of garlic and chives.
Storyteller: You also hear some shuffling noises from a room to the left.
Storyteller: Also, there's some rough drawing of arrows.
Storyteller: Which would be more helpful if they didn't contradict eachother not two feet down the way.
EMP: Brian raises en eyebrow. "I'll check the noises. You figure out the arrows."
EMP: Brian held tightly to his staff, heading toward the room with the shuffling noises.
Storyteller: It's a library. The books seem to be slowly moving around, rearranging themselves.
Storyteller: That seems to be the source of the shuffling noises.
Adler: " then...these arrows..."
EMP: "...moving books?"
Storyteller: "Not my work. Although, they'd probably screw over some of the servitors something fierce."
Storyteller: Brian, you also see a moving broom.
Adler: "So, basically...someone is messing with this place." Adler stares at them, "What do they do?
Adler: "
Storyteller: "Most of the servitors that would be affected are the maintance guys and some of the guards."
Storyteller: "Not the strong guards, though."
EMP: "Movink brooms...this place is veird."
Peter Pan: "So...what do we do now?"
Storyteller: There's some rooms down the hall, and another library upstaris, Tax mentions.
Adler: "hmm...Peter, what do you think would be good to check first?"
Peter Pan: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 6, 5, 5, 5, 9, 6
Peter Pan: "Upstairs library would be my guess?"
Adler: "EMP, lets check upstairs."
EMP: "Alright." He gave one last look at the moving broom, then followd.
Storyteller: The library upstairs, with one exception has a large variety of normal, everyday books.
Storyteller: All sorts of subjects.
Storyteller: It also has a book on botany.
Storyteller: It's open to the page about garlic.
Storyteller: There's also a very out of place looking phamplet stuck inbetween two books.
Peter Pan: Peter went to see the page on Garlic
Adler: Adler goes to get the phamplet before joining Peter over at the book
Storyteller: It's got the full scientific name for garlic, the many uses in cooking, and possibly more on other pages.
Adler: She glances over the pamphlet
Storyteller: Remember that mocking tribute to the art of making pumpkinheads that Tax mentioned?
Adler: yes?
Adler: heh
Storyteller: This is it.
Storyteller: It's even made to look, marginally, like an actual book.
Storyteller: Other than that, there's not a whole lot really useful in here.

      • Peter_Pan is now known as Jahara.

Adler: "hnn..."
Peter Pan: "Ummm..."
Adler: "Where is that clue..."
EMP: "...I thought you said it vould be here?
Peter Pan: "I thought it would be here...I'm not exactly a Clue-Finding radar"
EMP: "Vell, vhat did the clues say?"
Adler: "Hmm...ok. The word is chives. We need to look for Vampires."
Peter Pan: "...that's a bit of a leap..."
Adler: "Not really Peter, the last clue told us to, "Look for for what a relative of the word is thought to be effective against." right? Garlic" she gestures at the book, "Is thought to repel vampires. I suppose we could check the garlic place down the way, though..."
Adler: "Lets do that first. I'm not sure stirring up some vampires is wise."
Peter Pan: "Alright"
Storyteller: The place is pretty easy to find. It looks like half of a buckminsterfullerene atom, only filled in.
Storyteller: There's a little note on a post.
Storyteller: "Out for emergency, be back at 8 PM."
EMP: "No vun to bother vith. Ve can look around until 8."
Adler: "Which long?"
Storyteller: Bout four hours.
Peter Pan: roll 4#1d10 Plentimon: Jahara rolled --> 4, 5, 7, 9
Peter Pan: "Another 3 and a quarter hours"
Adler: "Well, lets get started then."
Peter Pan: "Alright"
Peter Pan: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Jahara rolled --> 7, 5, 4, 5, 3, 6
EMP: !ex 4 Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich (4), 8, 9, 5, 4, Successes : 2
Adler: !ex 7 Plentimon: Wildfire (7), 6, 3, 7, 5, 5, 4, 5, Successes : 1
EMP: Brian looks around, his staff sweeping a bit at the garlic. "Somethink vas dragged through recently. Somethink heavy."
Peter Pan: "Any idea how long ago?"
EMP: "Not long ago. All I can tell."
Peter Pan: "If you can give me some kind of range, I can try Postcognition on it"
EMP: !ex 6 Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich (6), 10, 1, 2, 9, 7, 7, Successes : 5
EMP: !ex 1 Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich (1), 4, Successes : 0
EMP: "Three days, give or take."
Peter Pan: Quietly, Peter began to chant
Peter Pan: roll 4#1d10 Plentimon: Jahara rolled --> 7, 2, 10, 2
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Jahara rolled --> 6
Peter Pan: "It was a couple of guys trying to get a big box in before nightfall, let's follow the tracks!"
EMP: Brian thought for a moment. Then his keys jingled and jangled in a fury of electric ambience.
EMP: "No. Not yet."
EMP: Brian looked outside, making sure the sun was still up. Then he looked back at the group, and then at the tracks.
EMP: "This...this could be bad."
Peter Pan: "Should I draw before we go in?"
EMP: "I vill go in first. Peter behind me. Adler behind him. If it is vhat I think it is, I vill need you to vatch Adler and be sure she is not in harm's vay."
EMP: Brian adjusted his green robe, steadying his grip on his staff.
Adler: "How about I do this?" Adler started chanting
Adler: !ex 9 Plentimon: Wildfire (9), 3, 6, 4, 8, 2, 7, 2, 9, 2, Successes : 3
Adler: And she's suddenly harder to notice. "Better?"
EMP: "Much. Be prepared. If the signs are correct, ve have a vampire vaiting for us." He took a glance over at Peter. "And not a veak drunken vun. Do not. Break. Formation."
Peter Pan: Peter drew his blades. "I'll do my job, and that's keeping everyone safe, not being a soldier."
EMP: "Not vhen in the presence of an arrow, young vun." Brian took point, following the tracks with the gem end of his staff aimed forward.
EMP: His eyes were focused on the tracks, keeping his eyes open for any sudden movements.
Peter Pan: As they walked, he grinned. "Well then, it's a good thing I'm not an arrow."
Storyteller: There's a nice, shiny, thick door that the tracks lead up to.
EMP: Brian tapped the door with his staff, checking to see if it's unlocked.
Storyteller: It's locked. It's also metallic sounding.
Storyteller: Possibly hollow.
EMP: !ex 7 Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich (7), 7, 2, 3, 4, 6, 3, 7, Successes : 2
EMP: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 4, 3, 6, 4, 2, 9, 7
Storyteller: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Arispe_ST rolled --> 7
Peter Pan: Whiel Brian worked on the door, Peter nodded for Adler to follow him and he began walking aorudn the building
Peter Pan: Seeing the Door open slightly though, he went back behind Brian
Peter Pan: "Actually, lemme try"
Peter Pan: Peter cret up to the lock and leaned in, chanting as he moved, and when his face neared the lock, he quietly whispered to it
Peter Pan: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Jahara rolled --> 9, 6, 5, 10, 7
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Jahara rolled --> 4
Storyteller: There's a very, very loud thunk.
Peter Pan: Peter grabbed the door and ever-so-gently pulled on it
Storyteller: It doesn't move much. This is a heavy door. However, it seems like it's open.
Storyteller: Just heavy as hell.
Peter Pan: He grinned and whispered "Thank-you" And then he began tugging on it in earnest until he thought he or Adler coudl slip in
Storyteller: You're actually unable to move the damned thing.
Storyteller: It feels like it weights a ton.
Adler: "One sec. Lemme take a peek."
Adler: Adler begins murmuring, looking at the tiny slit of an opening.
Adler: !ex 8 Plentimon: Wildfire (8), 2, 3, 5, 8, 2, 7, 4, 3, Successes : 2
Peter Pan: "Brian, let's both take a crack at this."
Adler: And her scrying spell gets her a few seconds with her perspective inside the sealed chamber
Adler: "One second..."
Adler: Adler begins chanting again
Adler: !ex 9 Plentimon: Wildfire (9), 10, 2, 5, 8, 4, 4, 9, 5, 6, Successes : 4
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 5, Successes : 0

      • Not_Raiden has joined #arispemage.
      • Brian_Steffanoskovich has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

Adler: "There are a few folks down there, but only one Vampire, and he's out like a light
Adler: "
Peter Pan: "Then let's go before he wakes up, Brian, I need your help with the door here."
EMP: Brian's hands grabbed the door, attempting to push it to the side.
Storyteller: The two of you manage to slowly push the door aside.
EMP: Brian takes hold of his staff once again, leading point down to the sleeping vampires and others.
Storyteller: Inside, it smells like the great garlic hell of some anti-garlic religion.
EMP: Brian took a deep sniff. "If you vant a vampire to stay in a box, you surround him in this."
Adler: "I'm not entirely sure that garlic impedes vampires."
Peter Pan: "Yeah, but it'd keep me in a box that smelled of wet earth"
Peter Pan: "So, down the rabbit hole?"
Adler: "As it were, yes."
Storyteller: And you go down the rabbit hole.
Storyteller: The rabbits remain asleep.
EMP: Brian held up his staff, the gem glowing a bit from his ambient aura. He walked down deeper toward the vampire and the others.
EMP: There were still several hours before they would wake. It would be good to make use of this element of surprise.
Storyteller: You guys pass by a kitchen like area.
EMP: Brian took a look in to the kitchen as they passed.
Storyteller: There's a sink, a large tub for washing dishes, some knives, and a refridgerator/freezer combo.
Storyteller: There's also and electric stove.
EMP: Brian continued leading to wherever the group was sleeping.
Storyteller: There's three guys sleeping on glorified cots, and then one guy reclining on top of a big box.
EMP: Brian held up three fingers, not making a sound, to show the three men on the cots.
EMP: He straightened his fingers like a blade, and motioned to Peter by quietly hitting the "hilt" of his blade hand against his head.
Adler: Adler scans them with the Hidden Meaning, in order to dicern the connections between them
Adler: Adler holds up one hand and reads the note on the box, staying carefully away from everything
Storyteller: It reads "This box contains the best kind of prize."
Adler: Adler focuses for a moment, closing her eyes and silently weaving together a spell, a familiar one at this point, to extend her perceptions to within the box, and then she releases it with a whispery exhilation
Adler: !ex 7 Plentimon: Wildfire (7), 7, 8, 9, 10, 6, 1, 6, Successes : 5
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Wildfire (1), 2, Successes : 0
EMP: Brian looks over at Adler, giving a questioning look.
Adler: Adler's eyes open wide as she sees what's inside the box.
Adler: She makes little grabby motions
EMP: Brian shakes his head, walking toward the vampire sleeping on the box. He looked over at Peter, nodding his head in Adler's direction for in case the Vampire woke up.
Peter Pan: Peter held his swords in a defensive stance and positioned himself between Adler and everybody else
EMP: Brian moved up to the vampire, his coal wood/rustic iron staff/spear held up high, the blade ready to pierce downwards into the vampire's heart.
EMP: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Not_Raiden rolled --> 2, 1, 1, 9, 8, 1, 3
Storyteller: You stab through the vampire, missing the heart by inches.
EMP: roll 3#1d10 Plentimon: Not_Raiden rolled --> 6, 3, 2
Storyteller: The vamp opens his eyes partiall.
Storyteller: partially.
Adler: And Adler blasts it in the forhead with a Psychic Assult
Adler: !ex 2 Plentimon: Wildfire (2), 1, 8, Successes : 1
Storyteller: Now it's awake. Ish.
Storyteller: "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" it fairly bellows.
Peter Pan: "Umm...excuse me sir?"
Peter Pan: "I think my friends have a bit fo the wrong idea, is there any chance we could grab that box and walk away without anyone getting hurt anymore?"
Storyteller: "... ... Did you happen to be part of the scavenger hunt?"
Adler: "...yes
Adler: "
Adler: "hmm...I suppose we owe you something in addition to a sincere apology, don't we?"
Storyteller: "YES! YEs, you do."
Peter Pan: "...what if I give you some of my blood as an appology?"
Storyteller: "That would be a start."
Peter Pan: "Would it be a finish?"
EMP: Brian looked down at the vampire imbedded on his stake.
Storyteller: "I'd also like to know what the hell's in the books."
Peter Pan: "Brian...could you kindly remove the spear?"
EMP: "...if he eats my face, he goes back on." He pulled the spear free of the vampire's body.
Storyteller: "I don't eat faces."
Peter Pan: "..." he whispered to Adler. "What's in the books?"
Storyteller: "Had seagull once, though."
Adler: "I can tell you that. I can also give you this." Adler pulls out the Iron Coin she uses as a focus, "Which you can trade for a free solution to any code, riddle, or cypher, or the translation of any one tome."
Storyteller: "..." The vampire stares at you a bit.
Storyteller: "I'll take your word for it."
Storyteller: "Anyone get here before you guys?"
Adler: "Given that the door was still closed, presumably no"
Storyteller: "Hrm. Well, then you guys win. The prize is the books. In this crate."
Peter Pan: " are we going to do this exactly?"
Storyteller: "Any of you have a cell phone?"
Adler: Adler pulls hers out, "EMP, you might want to stand away. Perhaps you could go get a clean cup from the kitchen."
EMP: "Fine." The large russian headed for the kitchen.
Storyteller: "Get a syringe too, if you don't mind."
Adler: "He has a tendancy to short out machines," the mastigos partially explains, "Oh, and I meant a cup of water, by the way. Does two measures of blood sound approximatly appropriate?"
Storyteller: "I'd prefer enough to heal the stab wound, but that'd be fine enough."
EMP: Brian headed for the kitchen, looking through the cabinets for cups of water and a syringe.
Peter Pan: He put his swords away. "Really sorry about this..."
Storyteller: "Meh. You get used to it after a while."
Storyteller: "Granted, that's a pretty damn long while, but eh."
Adler: "One from me and one from Peter, I suppose." Adler shrugs, "Blood is useful stuff. Pretty full of symbolic power, actually."
Adler: "In addition to being useful for you."
Peter Pan: He shook his head. "I'll do it." He didn't want Adler giving blood to a parasite.
Storyteller: "Very. Although, this is starting to sound disturbingly familiar to me."
Peter Pan: Even if it was a surprisingly cordial parasite
Adler: "I can heal faster than you."
Peter Pan: "I disagree"
Storyteller: "By the by, are any of you skilled in fate?"
Adler: "Yes. Why?"
Storyteller: "... Because this is getting disturbingly familiar."
Peter Pan: "I'm good with Fate."
Storyteller: "Are you a Master?"
Peter Pan: "Not in the slightest"
Storyteller: "Ah. Well, that's comforting. At least this isn't some sort of cosmic joke. Again."
Peter Pan: " could be, I mean, Mr. Tax had a funny sense of humor"
Adler: "I wouldn't put it past being a cosmic joke...just an unorchestrated one...or that"
EMP: Before bringing back the water and syringe, Brian took a look into the fridge.
Storyteller: "... "
Storyteller: The vampire has gone a bit pale.
Adler: Adler looks at him questioningly
Storyteller: " That was the mage's name."
Peter Pan: "Thought so"
Adler: "Alan, have you been up to something?"
Storyteller: "Not recently," the book answers.
EMP: The Russian Obrimos returns with a glass of water and a syringe.
Adler: "I suppose you know this guy, though?"
Storyteller: Tax wanders out of the book, says something in Greek, then goes back in to the book.
Peter Pan: Peter went to hop up on the box and started rolling up his left sleeve.
Storyteller: The vampire is now even more pale than you'd think possible.
Storyteller: He's also opening and closing his hands like crazy.
Peter Pan: "Are you ok?"
Storyteller: "I. Eh. The. Hell?"
Storyteller: "I though he died in 1803."
Adler: "Closer many months ago? One? One and a Half?"
Storyteller: "That's less than comforting."
Adler: Adler shrugs
Storyteller: "So, that his soul or something?"
Adler: "Close enough to it for government work."
Storyteller: "Remind me to not piss any of you off."
Peter Pan: "I don't mean to rush, but can we get this over with? It's a little creepy sitting here and waiting for you to draw my blood so you can drink it..." He shivered a bit involuntarily
Storyteller: "Oh, sorry. May I have the syringe?" he asks EMP.
EMP: Brian handed it over, holding the water glass in his other hand.
Storyteller: ""This should only hurt for a moment," he says to Peter, as he puts a needle on it.
Peter Pan: He turned away, wincing before he was ever pricked and refusing to look at it
Storyteller: "Ah, almost forgot." he takes out a packaged alcohol swab from a pocket, wipes down a little bit of Peter's arm, then drawing some blood from Peter.
Storyteller: He then takes out the syringe, and then puts a band-aid on the spot.
Storyteller: "Ok."
Peter Pan: "Was that both measures?"
Storyteller: "If the guy that made this is worth his salt, it should be."
Peter Pan: He nodded and hopped down.
Peter Pan: "Well...let's get this crate out of here then." He shook his head a little bit and rolled his sleeve down.
Storyteller: "If you can wait for night, I can help you. The thing's heavy."
EMP: "Ve could see. You left tracks bringing it in."
Adler: "I can look through them now and tell you what's in there..."
Storyteller: "That would be nice."
Storyteller: "But, once you're done, you can just give me a call." He gets a piece of paper, and writes down a number.
Storyteller: "I mean, seriously, who the hell would leave... Oh right, Tax died recently."
Peter Pan: "Who would leave what?"
Storyteller: "Who would leave a vampire books of magic that he can't even read."
Adler: "If you'll pardon the death joke, I think Tax, being dead, had a rather odd sense of what would be amusing."
Adler: "Which seems to have been just about anything."
Storyteller: "Having known the man while alive, I'd say that you're right."

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