Session 8

From Arispemage

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Storyteller: Yes.
Storyteller: So, underground.
Storyteller: Books all around, lights flickering because of EMP.
EMP: ((still around the tube that no one should ever touch ever?))
Storyteller: (The tube still has ward hell going on.)

      • Sparda is now known as Genji.

Storyteller: The books in general still look innocuous, and the leather bound one still looks foreboding.

      • Raiden is now known as Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich.

EMP: ((what's needed to get anything of use out of the books? Since Brian only has Academics 1.))
Storyteller: (Just need to get around the defences/ decode them and read Atlantean.)

      • Genji has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ).

Adler: (Unless you're Adler, in which case you just kinda laugh at the whole "decode" bit)
EMP: Brian muttered to himself, allowing the Aether to enter his mind and his eyes. "The books, there might be traps. I shall check."
Storyteller: (You could try it with Investigation one.)
EMP: ((What's the Investigation roll? And I have Supernal Vision up just in case something weird is going on.))
Storyteller: (If you wanted to break the code.
EMP: ((Ah. Well, is there anything around the books or the room that Supernal Vision picks up before I go for the books?))
Storyteller: (I just noticed that you're not in the OOC room.)
Storyteller: (Lemme CP the answer.)

      • Genji has joined #arispemage.

EMP: "The leather book, ist heavily varded. Those have very few enchantments. This empty." Brian picked up the book with no wards or enchantments, opening the pages.
Storyteller: It's a hand written cook book, by the looks of the pages.
Storyteller: Granted, most of the recipies look like ones that you'd never eat.
Storyteller: Cinnamon Jalepenos, for instance.
Adler: "Let me see that," Adler asks quietly, sounding slightly distracted.
EMP: Brian raised an eyebrow at the recipes, closing it and tossing it over to Adler.
Adler: She snags it out of the air and flips through it, practically photoreading (Mind 1 One Mind, Two Thoughts to let me photoread and process at the same time. I have, like...7 bajillion dice, so I'm not gonna roll)
Adler: "Well, THAT one is exactly what it seems to be."
EMP: Brian's eyes move to the Leather bound book. "That one...very protected. Somethink important, maybe?"
Adler: "Are there any other ones with only light warding that we might be able to dispell or otherwise circumvent?" the little crypotgraphy machine asks
EMP: "This one ist only alarmed. This has more vards. Vhich you vant?"
Adler: "hmm...the warded one, I think." Adler prepares herself to resist a mental attack
EMP: Brian tosses her the small spiraled book, leaving the leather bound one where it rested.
Adler: "The spiral one."
Adler: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 2, 4, 7, 5, 2, 6, 2
Adler: roll 10#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 10, 1, 6, 5, 7, 5, 6, 8, 3, 4
Adler: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 6
Storyteller: Whatever was protecting the book seems to have fallen apart in an attempt to do something.
Storyteller: You're not certain what, though.
Storyteller: Inside, the book has a heavy cypher that would take hours to decypher.
Storyteller: Well, for somebody else.
Adler: Adler pages through rather easily, looking for significant stuff.
Storyteller: It's a pretty recent writing.
Storyteller: It's basically an index for the other books.
Adler: "Well this is convenient..."
Storyteller: Gives a good idea what's in the other books.
Storyteller: And tells you, cheerfully, how exactly the wards will screw you over.
Storyteller: Really, it's distrubingly cheerful.
Adler: She looks for any books that might help them get rid of the...thing. In the horrifically warded tube.
Storyteller: The leather book has most of the notes on the thing.
Storyteller: The other one that would help is his personal journal.
EMP: "Anythink useful?"
Adler: "Yes. This is a...well, one could call it an index of the books. Not quite a card catalog. It also tells exactly what wards are on what book, which could be helpful."
EMP: Brian stared at the books. "Any I can release?"
Adler: "We should probably see if we can pull his journal out of the mess...let me see..." Adler 'hmmms' and pages through, looking for the description of the journal.
Storyteller: The journal is the red book with wards that will cause a fungal growth on your hands (life and matter), and try to fry you.
Adler: "Its the red one. It has wards that are based in the Life, Matter, and Forces arcana. You might be able to remove some of those..."
EMP: Brian reached down, picking up the red book, feeling his own electric aura running through his fingers.
EMP: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 10, 5, 7, 6, 1
EMP: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 4
EMP: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 9, 1, 7, 8, 9
Storyteller: The forces ward is pretty frayed. The life ward's almost untouched by your efforts.
EMP: Brian frowned. He managed to eliminate the Forces ward, but the other two were being...unruly. He placed the book back down on the table, backing up a bit from the book.
EMP: The gem on his staff gave off a faint glow as he reached out to it with the invisible hand of gravity.
EMP: roll 10#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 8, 9, 8, 9, 2, 9, 1, 10, 6, 6
EMP: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 1
Storyteller: The book falls open. A cloud of spores appears, and quickly try to turn into mushrooms in mid-air.
Storyteller: A short was going to happen, but Brian is too close to the set up, so it fails.
Adler: "Ewwww...that would have been someone's HAND"
EMP: Brian watched it fall to the ground after he released it from his grip. "...oops. It fell."
Storyteller: Some not quite mushrooms are on top of the book.
Adler: Adler pulls out an unsharpened pencil, "Here, brush them off with this"
EMP: Brian poked the book a few times with his staff before picking it up, brushing the mushrooms off with the pencil.
Storyteller: The mushrooms are clear of the book.
EMP: Brian hands the book to Adler after it's cleared.
Adler: Adler opens the book and begins to page through it, looking for the backstory on this whole mess.
Storyteller: It's a rather clear depiction of the writer going slightly more and more insane.
Storyteller: It's never made explicitly clear why he tried to make this invulnerable creature, other than to see if he could.
Storyteller: But, the sections that are near the end show much more clarity, and a great disgust at his actions.
Storyteller: It also tells you his eventual fate.
Storyteller: He decided to get some high explosives, strap them to his body, and then set them off, taking as many left hand legacy guys as he could get in one room.
Storyteller: Also, it mentions one of the prototypes being stolen, and has pretty good instructions on how to destroy it.
Storyteller: Sadly, none of you have the mastery of Arcana necessary to use the method described.
Storyteller: It also mentions that the current model would laugh off the same ritual.
EMP: Brian gave a grunt. "So..the shotgun vould not vork, eh?" He looked down at the gun hidden under his cloak.
Storyteller: The ritual in the book is completely different in result from the shotgun, that much you can tell, Adler.
Adler: "Well, the shotgun may or may not work. I wouldn't want to chance it. Hell, I wouldn't want to chance a thermonuclear explosion, if we could somehow wrangle that. Maybe we could get NASA to launch it into the sun somehow..."
Storyteller: Anyone looking at the book, roll perception.
EMP: roll 3#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 1, 7, 7
Adler: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 2, 8, 9, 4, 6, 5
Storyteller: It's a bit smudged, but you think you can see where he erased something.
Adler: "hmm..."
Storyteller: It seems to refer you to another document.
Adler: Adler crossreferences with the index notebook.
Storyteller: But, he couldn't seem to decide on which one.
Storyteller: It initally refers you to the leather book.
Storyteller: But then refers you to a note.
Storyteller: Then refers you to the tube.
Adler: "Great...I hate it when crazy people can't make up their minds. Bother."
Storyteller: Everyone roll perception or your investigation pool, which ever is better for you.
Peter Pan: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Nacht rolled --> 8, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Nacht rolled --> 2
Peter Pan: Peter moved over to grab the piece of paper
Adler: Roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 5, 6, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 10
Storyteller: It's got some wierd ass writing on it.

      • Nacht is now known as Pater_Pan.

Adler: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 8
EMP: roll 3#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 9, 6, 6
Peter Pan: Peter came back over, holding out the sheet of paper.
Adler: "Huh? What's this...hmmm..." Adler looks the paper over, absently squeezing Peter's hand for a second in thanks
Storyteller: It's in Atlantaen.
Storyteller: It says "Make sure they know that the last version of the creature isn't" and then gets torn off there.
EMP: "Ist that all?"
Storyteller: Well, that's all that's on the half that was found.
Adler: Adler chants aloud for a moment in Atlantian. Something about revealing the location of sommat, but a lot of it is a bit esoteric and deals with stuff from arcana you don't understand.
Adler: roll 10#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 2, 10, 2, 4, 10, 2, 8, 9, 5, 3
Adler: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Wildfire rolled --> 7, 1
Adler: Adler reaches over to snag an apparently mundane book and pulls out the paper serving as a bookmark for it.
Peter Pan: Peter attempted to take a peek at the page the paper had been marking
Storyteller: And the other half has "activated. Thus it is harmless. Mostly. Unless you decided to use it like a ram or as in a catapult.
Storyteller: Peter, it's on page 200.
Adler: and Adler collapses in a heap of exausted little Sphinx, mostly from accumulated stress, "Damnit...fucking crazy people."
Peter Pan: "Hey Brian?" He tried tot ake the copy of the munane book. "Could you read this to me?"
EMP: Brian raised an eyebrow, taking the book and reading it over.
EMP: Brian gave a small chuckle as he read it. "Nothink important."
Peter Pan: "Oh, I thought there might've been a reason in the book they marked it."
Storyteller: Well, if you're really interested, most of the books on the bottom shelf have bookmarks and no wards.
Storyteller: But, then again, they're commercial books.
Peter Pan: "Hmmm..."
Adler: "I don't think that the thing in the tube could get activated without knowledge in the big leather-bound book."
Storyteller: A rat squeaks by.
Storyteller: It scurries on and up the tube.
EMP: Brian stares at the rat. "...if it trips anything."
Storyteller: About half way up, it slips and falls.
Storyteller: Splat, a dead rat.
Adler: "I reccomend not touching the tube."
Adler: Adler says dryly
Peter Pan: "Yeah..."
EMP: Brian walked toward the tube, his Supernal Vision still active, making sure to not get too close in case a ward should trip.
Adler: Adler begins going through the guy's mundane library book by book, activating her Mage Sight to make sure none of the ones she's about to pick up are warded.
Storyteller: None of the mundane books have any wards on them.
Adler: Well then. Adler gets a whirlwind tour of the bedstand reading of a psychotic mage, I suppose
Storyteller: No, she sees a pattern in it.
Adler: "Huh...this is odd."
Storyteller: Everything, in some way has to deal with some sort of insanity, or breakdown.
EMP: Brian took a small step away from the tube. Anytime electricity is used in a device, it's never a good idea for Brian to get too close.
EMP: "It seems the creature vould avaken if absorbing the Mana."
Peter Pan: Peter kept a very tight grip on his bag of fairy dust
EMP: "Other vards are used to keep the originals vorking. And...electricity..."
Adler: "Lovely, I guess this guy liked reading about folks going crazy. Makes a certain amount of sense, I suppose."
Storyteller: Another arc of electricty goes across the warded glass.
EMP: Brian took another step away from the tube. He didn't know what the electricity did, but he doubted that he wanted it to turn off.
Storyteller: Brian, wits+dex.
Storyteller: roll it. Plentimon: Arispe rolled --> error: malformed expression
EMP: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Brian_Orphment_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 7, 9, 8, 2, 9
Storyteller: There was a rat underfoot, but you managed to keep your balance after stepping on it.
Storyteller: Also, it seemed to be digging at that one point.
Storyteller: You try for any of the less dangerous traps?
Storyteller: Or the alarmed one (seems useless as the guy's dead.)
EMP: Brian raised an eyebrow, kneeling down to stare at the spot the rat was digging.
Storyteller: Little compartment there.
EMP: Brian opened the compartment with his staff, careful to not use his hands to open it.
Storyteller: There's a bottle and a bag that smells like jerky.
EMP: The Russian sniffed a few times, pulling the bottle and the bag from the compartment. "Somethink ist here."
Storyteller: The bottle is labeled drink. The bag labled elk.
EMP: The Obrimos gave a confused look at the bottle and bag. "Elk meat and...somethink to drink."
EMP: Brian sniffed at the bottle, taking a small swig of the liquid.
Storyteller: It's everclear from the smell and everclear from the burning sensation.
EMP: Brian gave a small cough, feeling the warmth go through his chest. He looked back and forth before quietly sliding the bottle into a pocket on the torso of his uniform.
EMP: Brian looked around, strange lines in his vision. "...somethink isn't right."
EMP: Brian's eyes followed the lines, watching as they connected to the possessions of the dead mage's. With a thought of interest he took a piece of Elk jerkey from the bag, slowly chewing and then swallowing it.
Storyteller: It's dry and old, but still good.
EMP: He followed the lines, looking intently at the spike in Adler's possession. "...Adler, may I see that spike?"
Adler: "Huh? Oh, this? Uhh...sure. I'm pretty sure we need to figure out how to destroy it, though." Adler hands it over
EMP: Brian looks at the metal spike, seeing the lines reach into it. "Somethink...somethink ist important about this, yes."
Storyteller: You notice that most of the wards have some link to it. Just not the anti-mana ones on the tube. There are also a few that just terminate mid air, and one that's going off into the distance inland.
EMP: "This spike ist connected to the vards in this room. And...another in the distance."
EMP: He takes the bottle from his uniform, handing it to Adler. "Drink. Just a bit. It may be a bitta too strong for vun your size."
Adler: "Uhhhmmm" Adler arches one eyebrow, "Uhh...ok..."
Storyteller: As the burning sensation goes down your throat, you realize that you can see some connections that weren't there before. Or just appeared now.
Storyteller: It's hard to tell.
Adler: She spends a few moments hacking, "Owwww..." @_@
EMP: "I varned you."
Adler: "What in hell are those?"
Storyteller: Actually, now that you think about it, most of them weren't there before.
EMP: "I am not sure. Some kind of connections to possessions of the dead mage. It's vhy I gave you some."

      • Arispe has left #arispemage.
      • Arispe has joined #arispemage.

Peter Pan: ((Wb))

      • Pater_Pan is now known as Peter_Pan.

Adler: Adler clears her throat and 'Hmm' s.
Adler: "I have no idea what to do about this."
EMP: "Help me decide vhat it means."
Adler: "Think Think Think..."
Storyteller: All the new connections are to the wards, you're fairly certain.
EMP: "It makes me vunder what vard is up further inland."
Adler: "Probably some other location...or maybe something cast on an item he had with him when he went suicide-bombing?"
EMP: "Maybe...maybe." Brian's eyes turn again to the leather book. "...should ve try?"
Adler: "As much as every single cell of my body is repulsed by the very thought of destroying a book, I think that should be rendered into the most utterly destroyed form that can be managed, and that form then trasmuted into solid lead and dropped into either a volcano or the Marias Trench."
Adler: "Or launched at the sun"
EMP: "But it was referenced in the note. There might be somethink of vurth in it."
Adler: "Well...what do other folks think? Or you, Alan, for that matter?"
Storyteller: Chibi Alan says "Try it out on a slightly less warded book first, and see what it does."
Adler: "...perhaps it would be best to return once we have a better chance of being able to penetrate or bypass the wards? I'm pretty sure that those could be instantly fatal..."
Adler: "see what it does to that one we defused."
EMP: Brian looked over to the Alarmed book. Since the mage was dead, it wouldn't hurt...he pressed the end of the rod against the book.
Storyteller: And the alarm ward goes and turns off.
EMP: "...the spike ist a key."
Adler: "Remarkable."
EMP: Brian turns to the leather bound book, pressing the spike against it as well.
Storyteller: All the wards turn off, then more appear, and turn off.
Storyteller: It looks like the book was a few dozen wards short for this one.
Adler: "...I suppose I should read it now, then?" Adler asks.
EMP: "Main reason to unlock it, yes."
Adler: Adler gingerly pulls the book off the shelf.
Storyteller: It's basically a good guide on how to make and unmake all the other creatures in here.
Storyteller: The final version, so to speak, has had the creation instructions removed.
Storyteller: It also shows you how much mana the thing would eat up to be activated.
Storyteller: It recommends sneaking the thing into a few nuclear detonations, and then burying it in the sun.
Storyteller: However, it adds, I dont' think this will get done.
Adler: "How ironic. I'm having a dead man agree with my solution. Lovely. Not that it isn't something I'm used to."
EMP: "Nuclear explosions? I can make that...after some work."
Storyteller: There's a foot note, The final version of the beast may not be totally indestructable, I just never got around to testing it. However, it tends to ignore most effects that do damge.
Storyteller: Those it doesn't are regenerated.
Adler: "I think it may just be safest where it is right now..."
Storyteller: (On the up side, activating the thing would need about 15 mana, and another 10 daily to control)
Adler: "In fact, I think that would be best." Adler flips back to the sections on destroying the other ones.
Storyteller: There's also a small note about how to destroy the books by turning the wards on them.
Storyteller: Each of the other ones has a method of destruction listed.
Storyteller: It also notes that all the ones he has made, excepting the final one, have been dissolved with the one exception of a stolen one.
Storyteller: And that stolen one seems to be the one that you guys destroyed.
Adler: "Which just raises the question of who stole it
Adler: "
EMP: "The man that stole faces."
Storyteller: The Last Work starts shaking.
Peter Pan: "...Is it supposed to do that?"
Adler: Adler picks it up and opens it, "Yes Alan?"
Storyteller: There's a message written in there: Notice, you are being paged. And it has a little chibi of you on a page, by itself.
Storyteller: Then a date, time, location, and the words Restructruing meeting appear on the page.
Adler: "Daaamn, that's awesome. Thanks Alan," Adler grins
Storyteller: The chibi drawing is on a tear out page.
Adler: "Convinient. Do you have unlimited pages in there?"
Storyteller: Chibi Alan makes an appearance on the other page. Yep.
Adler: "Sweet," She pulls out the page and tucks it safely in a pocket. Always nice to have a memory aid, even if you never forget things.
Adler: Adler hands out the other's their pages
Peter Pan: Peter looked at his with a grin and folded it up to put in his pocket.
Peter Pan:
EMP: Brian took the picture of him, his Chibi staring back at him.
EMP: It took him ten minutes to put the paper in his pocket. He and the Chibi Brian were having a frown contest.
EMP: Chances were good of it never ending.
Peter Pan: "Well, that's the solution. The reorganized Consilium can figure out what to do with it!"
Adler: "If you'll excuse me for venturing into the topic of the more matieriel future, rather than continuing to delve into lore, it strikes me that it would be wise to be able to present ourselves officially as a cabal to the consilium at the meeting, which entails a certain amount of preperation."
Peter Pan: "Cabal?"
Adler: "It would also perhaps be wise to resolve the issue of Peter's Lack of certain points of knowledge, before then as well...or as best we can."
Adler: "Like his total lack of familiarity wiht the Lex Magica, for one."
Adler: "No offense Peter, but you would get crushed like a flower if you managed to provoke a duel."
EMP: "He probably has never been in a Duel before. Ve should familiarize him with the Sword and Shield.
Adler: "You and I could demonstrate all of that, I suppose...I think we should focus on getting him to the point where he can understand what's going on at the meeting, though."
Genji: At that moment, Genji walks in, wearing clean clothes and looking a thousand times refreshed. Body was a temple, keep it clean and all that.
Genji: "Evening folks. Learn anything interesting while I was out?"
Adler: "Well, we can't destroy this one, the other ones are already destroyed, and we have a Consilium meeting in three days." Adler hands him his note
EMP: "And ve found some jerky."
Storyteller: Your note, Genji, takes the form of a chibi of you.
Peter Pan: "So, shall we head home and feel accomplished? Well, except one of us. Someone should stay to guard this thing."
Adler: "Also, we're discussing getting Peter up to speed, and officially forming a Cabal, which means we need all of the stuff that goes with that."
Genji: Genji blinks at the ridiculously cute little simulacrum... Did it have WOLF ears and a tail? "Uhhh, so, mini-me?"
Adler: "Basically."
EMP: "I vill guard. I heard from Equan that someone ist looking through forest. Should stay avay for a vhile."
Storyteller: You can swear that it scratches itself wolf style.
Peter Pan: "Alright, so...back to the clocktower?"
Adler: "I suppose. I need to get to teaching you right away though. We have a LOT to learn."
Genji: "...Cute. Right." Unsure what to do with it, he puts it in his jacket pocket.
Peter Pan: "Ummm...'K?"
Genji: "I should probably contact the Arrow pretty soon... Tell them we won and all that. See if I can't get myself a Legacy, or whatnot."
EMP: "See if you can turn in my report as vell. I'll be here for avhile."
Genji: Nod "Will do."
Adler: "And I should do the same...hmm...ok. Reconviene tommorow after lunch at the Clocktower?"
Genji: "That sounds fair... We'll be a REAL cabal, eh?" He looks around at his companions.
Genji: "Wierd, heh. Cool, though." He walks off.
EMP: Brian shrugged. "So long as no vun tells strange Ruskies vhere I am, I vill be fine."
Adler: "Yes...I'll...keep that in mind, EMP." ^^;;;
Adler: "Peter and I should get going, if we're going to get any sleep at all."
Peter Pan: "Yeah, also, does anyone know where I can get a shower or a laundry? I don't think sneaking into campus like this to use the gym showers is a good idea"
EMP: "The lake."
Storyteller: You could also go diving in the channel nearby.
Adler: "My house."
Adler: "My parents should be at work all day tommorow. We can get you showered and do your laundry in the morning."
Peter Pan: "That'd be awesome. I guess I can be gross and smelly for tonight." He smiled happily.
Adler: "I think I can manage to bear it." Adler has a faint smile 'of course, I'm planning on cheating with the sleep thing' she thinks
Adler: "Shouldn't we get going? Before it...y'know, gets light out? That should be happening in just a few hours..."
Peter Pan: "Yeah, jsut a minute" He ran back to the other warehouse to grab his folded jacket, and grab what was left of his rapier. It still meant a lot to him.
Genji: "I'll drop off whoever needs a ride." Ken heads to his car.
EMP: Brian went out of the hole, setting up a resting place in the main part of the warehouse.
Adler: Adler...waited patiently for Peter. And pondered how to work all of this in for the paper she was writing for the Mysterium Network
Peter Pan: He grinned a bit. "Well, let's go then."
Adler: She was beginning to get the sneaky suspicion that most of it was totally irrellevant. "
Adler: "Okie. I dunno about you, but I reallly need some sleep."
Peter Pan: Sleep woudl be good."
Adler: And off they go

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