Session 6

From Arispemage

Revision as of 06:28, 8 October 2007 by (Talk)
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Brian: ((Soo, what are we gonna do now then? Since Ari won't be here long.))
Adler: ((lets bait our trap...Arispe, are there any good places really close to the ubertrap of doom that Alan set up, in case things start going wrong?))
Storyteller: (Warehouses.)
Adler: (perfect)
Peter Pan: ((Warehouses are good))
Brian: ((Warehouses with open roofs?))
Brian: ((Might be easier to call down lightning with
Storyteller: (If you go to the place, you can scout around and see if there are any.)
Brian: ((Sweet. That should work.))
Genji: ((Sweet.))
Adler: "Well then...I suppose we should get to work, shouldn't we?"
Peter Pan: "Just tell me what to do?"
Brian: "Ve might vant an open space. Avay from Sleepers."
Brian: "And access to open sky. Lightnink vill be useful."
Adler: "That among other things. But it would also be useful to be near to the traps that Alan case..." Adler glances at Peter quickly, and then down, "In case it becomes nessecary."
Genji: "Then we should find a good place near there. If you need an open sky, I can get you open sky."
Peter Pan: Peter nodded a bit. "IUf it becomes necessary, I'll lead the creature away."
Brian: "Vhat's the veather like today? Cloudy or clear?"
Storyteller: (Ist cloudy.)
Brian: It's cloudy, apparantly. Brian should really look up every so often.
Peter Pan: "So tonight we end things?"
Adler: "That's the goal," Adler nods. "Although an end is really just another begining."
Peter Pan: "Then let's go."
Genji: "We don't have any OTHER choice."
Adler: Adler lifts the book, "Better take you along, eh Alan?"
Storyteller: The book shakes, as though to say yes.
Adler: She tucks it into her messenger bag, along with some magical tools.
Peter Pan: Peter went to his bag and he took out his rapier, running a pad fo steel wool along it to rub off any rust. He drew his wooden knife, and made sure his bag of Fairy Dust was safely tied to his belt. "Let's do this."
Adler heads down the stairs
Adler: ((Scenewipe to the area around the trap?))
Brian: Brian gripped tightly on his stuff of coal wood, rustic steel, and gemstone. The True Damascus blade rested its unholy sharp edge within the treated leather strap around his body. The loose green cloak hung around his tight black Russian Special Ops suit. "Yah."
Brian: ((Sounds good to me, unless Ari intends for something else to happen))
Storyteller: A long, red light laden trip past the docks, across the bridge, and volia.
Storyteller: You are there.
Storyteller: Some warehouses just near, but not part of, the industrial area.
Storyteller: Do you go in and investigate Tax's trap set up or?
Peter Pan: "Which one do we use?
Brian: Brian walked through the area, Equan resting on his shoulder. "See a good spot, Equan?"
Brian: "Ve need an open place. No corners for backing into."
Genji: "There are a lot of them... We don't want to be too close or too far away from Tax's traps."
Adler: "Perhaps one with a flat roof and a fire escape?"
Brian: "I prefer ve not need traps. If so, ve already lost."
Storyteller: Make perception rolls to find such a place, the more successes, the faster you can find them.
Adler: ((Arispe, does the shotgun already have a "Lucky Coin" Spell on it?))
Adler: !ex 6 Plentimon: Adler (6), 10, 5, 8, 7, 3, 9, Successes : 5
Adler: !ex 1 Plentimon: Adler (1), 4, Successes : 0
Adler: (3 sux)
Brian: !ex 3 Plentimon:
Brian (3), 9, 9, 7, Successes : 3
Storyteller: (You don't know the spells on it, there's something obscuring your attempts to see.)
Brian: ((2 sux))
Storyteller: And it takes a few minutes, but you see a good place several yards down the way.
Storyteller: It's open roofed, there's no tarp on it, and there are plentiful laddders up and down.
Brian: Brian gave a large smile. "Pervect."
Genji: Genji nodded. "Yeah, that'll be fine."
Peter Pan: ((Arispe, roll me 2 chance dice will you?))
Adler: "How...fortunate." Adler activates the Hidden Meaning
Storyteller: Roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 4, 7
Storyteller: Adler, no hidden meanings in this, it's just luck.
Adler: ((well, its a useful thing to have around XP))
Peter Pan: ((Casting Flight to last for 12 hours))
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 9, 9
Peter Pan: ((Excellent))
Adler: ((no kidding))
Peter Pan: ((Casting Time for 12 hours ater that, spending a WP on the activation)
Peter Pan: roll 3#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 9, 3, 1
Peter Pan: ((Wonderful.))
Peter Pan: ((Oh, meant Acceleration, nto time XP))
Storyteller: (Very much the opposite of yesterday.)
Brian: ((i'm gonna roll for Body Control))
Genji: "I want to spend extra time getting ready for this fight... Think I could get in some meditation for a few hours before we start this, or will you need me?"
Peter Pan: He held out the bag of Fairy Dust. "Would anyone else like some? It could be helpful."
Brian: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 4, 8, 6, 10, 6, 3, 10
Brian: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 1, 7
Brian: ((3 sux))
Adler: "...I suspect that we want to keep it here once it gets here, correct?"
Brian: "Depends on 'ow soon the monster arrives, Genji. Ve may not 'ave a few hours."
Genji: Genji nods. "I was afraid of that..."
Genji: "Well, whatever. I can make do how I need."
Adler: "I think I should arrange things so that it can't teleport away. Correct?"
Brian: "Yah, that vould be good. I'll keep lookout."
Adler: Adler grimaces and pulls out a bag of...sand? "I hate using this up for something so quick. Its hard to get just the right stuff." She trots to the edges of the roof and uses the sand to draw Atlantian runes.
Storyteller: It's dead quit. Nobody around.
Genji: Meanwhile, Ken prepares himself as well as possible. Muttering Atlantean under his breath he closes his eyes and meditates on the spot for a few moment.
Brian: Brian gathered his cloak tighter around his body. He didn't want to show off his Special Ops Uniform until the fight started. Never know if someone happened to look and notice something.
Adler: Once she's satisfied with the runes, she draws a diagram in the center and sits in the middle of that, chanting something about space and destiny in Atlantian.
Adler: ((Ok, here's what I'm doing. Space 2 Ward spell to seal the spacial template, with Fate 2 to make it conditional, with the condition being "Once the Beast is in the area of effect"))
Adler: ((The runes add to the duration of the effect, blowing 3 dice for area))
Adler: ((ok?)
Storyteller: (Yep. Also, you feel the book resonating with something.)
Adler: roll 7#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 4, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 3
Adler: (spend wP retroactivly?)
Storyteller: (Sure.)
Adler: Roll 3#1d10
Genji: ((Casting Supreme Honing, spending 4 successes to up the duration to 12 hours. Spending WP.)) Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 2, 3, 10
Adler: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8
Adler: (woo..potency 2. With 10 dice T_T))
Peter Pan: ((Hey, if my Gnosis+Arcana is higher than my Rote Pool, can I use Gnosis+Arcana instead?))
Adler: ((of course))
Adler: (( did you manage THAT though?))
Genji: roll 10#1d10
Peter Pan: ((No dots in investigation)) Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 2, 8, 6, 5, 9, 4, 8, 7, 8, 7
Peter Pan: ((Not having a mental skill makes it a bitch to work with))
Genji: (Heh, 4. Boosting Stamina, Str and Dex to 4.)
Adler: Standing, Adler steps outside of the casting circle and begins casting another spell, chanting in Atlantian and pressing the iron coin she carries to her lips. ((Augment the Mind for Manipulation))
Genji: (Oh, forgot my bonus die for Atlantean.)
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 9
Genji: (Nice. STR raised to 5.)
Adler: Roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 9, 2, 7, 6, 10, 6, 7, 7
Adler: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 6
Adler: ((ok, manipulation is now 8)
Adler: (err...4, that is. what in heck?)
Adler: She glances down at the book. "What is it, Alan?"
Storyteller: There seems to be new info printed.
Peter Pan: ((Why boosting manipulation?))
Storyteller: It's got a ritual to summon the beast and one to set off the trap.
Peter Pan: roll 2#s10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> error: malformed expression
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 5, 7
Peter Pan: ((Wait five minutes))
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 5, 3
Peter Pan: ((Wait five minutes))
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10
Adler: ((Because Manipulation is the att that is linked to Exceptional Luck, my only combat-useful Rote)) Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 3, 8
Storyteller: It also wishes you all luck, and says to look in the Del Mar library, because he had a hunch, while alive, that there was something interesting there.
Peter Pan: ((Time armor for the day))
Storyteller: He'd have acted on the hunch, but he died before he could.
Peter Pan: ((Yeah, but Resolve is how you make sure he doesn't mindfuxx you))
Adler: ((ya, I've got Misdirection up)
Adler: (That's what Mental shield cast reflexivly is for, if I need it)
Adler: (because I can do things like that)
Genji: After his meditation, Ken stands up, looking noticeably buffer.
Peter Pan: ((Well, I've got mys pells on.))
Peter Pan: ((Since I don't have too much to cast, I'll go look in Del Mar Library real fast if Adler says anything))
Adler: "Is everyone ready?"
Genji: ((Next I cast Organic Resilience, once again spending 4 dice to up the duration to twelve hours and tossing in a willpower.))
Brian: Brian nodded. "Always."
Peter Pan: ((Or we could go for it now...))
Adler: Adler, being the smart girl she is, cast her armor spell for the day back at the clocktower, when she could make use of the ambient mana to extend it for the day
Peter Pan: ((Or you can just take a -2 penalty like I did n.n))
Genji: roll 9#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 5, 1, 10, 9
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 10
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 7
Adler: She still murmurs to herself for a moment, and conciously twists the threads of probablility around her manipulating them in ways that will favor her later. (exceptional luck)
Peter Pan: ((Guys, keep a watch on your spell control)
Adler: roll 11#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 6, 2, 4, 10, 2, 4, 8, 3, 10, 7, 6
Peter Pan: ((You've only got Gnosis+3))
Adler: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 7, 1
Genji: ((I've just got the 2 on.))
Adler: ((I've got 4 up, counting the Ward at the sanctum, which I can dissolve at any time))
Peter Pan: ((I thought you were doing Supreme Honing, Body Control, and Organic Resiliance at least?))
Genji: ((Potency 3 shield spell up.))
Adler: ((and my next 3 rolls are 9-again))
Genji: ((Ah, yeah, I forgot about Body Control.))
Brian: ((I only have one spell going.))
Storyteller: (Heh.)
Brian: ((The rest of my spells are instant, so I don't need to worry about it. <.<))
Peter Pan: ((I hate to ask, but if you've got the spell slot open, could I trouble you for a Dex Boost?))
Genji: ((No problem. ))
Genji: ((Those don't cost Mana. XD))
Peter Pan: ((Yes they do))
Peter Pan: ((I've got mana you can use though, there's still 12 of it in my bag of fairy dust))
Genji: ((Excellent. I'm on my last point.))
Genji: ((Errr, I will be after this.))
Brian: ((Does that Dex go to everyone, or just Peter?))
Adler: (peter)
Brian: (Just checking)
Genji: ((If Peter gives Ken enough mana from that nice little bad of dust I can give everyone who needs it some tasty physical stats.)
Adler: (not really, you're almost to your spell control limit_
Peter Pan: ((How much do you need? I've got to keep a good supply to keep blowing for Acceleration))
Adler: (you can only cast one more spell. Might want to keep that open)
Brian: ((I don't need any stat boosts right now.))
Peter Pan: ((If anyone needs mana though, or needs flight, just tell me))
Adler: ((err, sorry, two more)
Adler: " everyone prepared then?"
Peter Pan: ((Ok, I pass Ken the bag so he can grab a mana to help me out, Ken, you rolling to boost my Dex?))
Genji: Ken feels ridiculous taking a pinch of fairy dust, but sucks it up and tosses it over Peter. "Here we go."
Brian: ((Though, might I ask that you keep a spot open to increase Ben's Stamina or Athletics later when he prepares his OMG LIGHTNING attack?))
Genji: ((Spending WP.))
Peter Pan: ((Chant in atlantean too))
Genji: roll 11#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 3, 7, 6, 7, 10, 5, 3, 8, 5, 7, 2
Storyteller: (Atlantean, not Latian.
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 7
Adler: (Its Accented Atlantian!)
Peter Pan: (Ouch, suck roll))
Genji: ((STOP GIVNIG ME SEVENS! I'm used to those being successes. D<))
Adler: (which is why it isn't real latin!)
Adler: (you still got 2)
Genji: ((Raise your Dex by two. I have two more slots open.))
Peter Pan: ((Ty, 6 dex temporarily))
Peter Pan: Peter gripped his rapier tightly, swishign it through the air in a flourish. His blade and wrist moved with an inhuman grace. Peter only smiled.
Genji: "What, no thank you?" Ken crossed his arms. It was only polite.
Peter Pan: "Thank-you, this will help us out a lot."
Adler: Adler trots over to Peter.
Peter Pan: He held up his bag of dust. "Need any mana Adler?"
Adler: "Nah, I'm good for now," she smiles slightly
Adler: "You ready?"
Peter Pan: He nodded with a grin. "Let's celebrate after this." He leaned in and touched his forehead ot hers for a brief moment.
Adler: "Ok then." She hesitates for a second, and then gives him a quick peck on the cheek, "For luck." she murmurs before trotting over to her chosen spot
Peter Pan: He smiled. "So, shall we begin?"
Genji: Wow, Adler and Peter just got more sugary by the day.
Brian: Brian gave a deep chuckle. "Young ones and be that young again."
Genji: "You talk like you're OLD."
Adler: "Ok, Lets do this thing! No going and getting dead, ok?"
Adler: Adler addresses this to the other three as she opens the book.
Genji: "Yeah. Let's stay alive to do more stupid shit later."
Peter Pan: "I will happily join you in that Ken."
Brian: "Vhen you come to realize that you've lived over two decades, it sure feels like it."
Storyteller: It's got lots of info now, but the importan things are hints on destroying the thing and how to summon it.

  • Peter Pan switches on his Battle Music playlist OOC

Storyteller: It suggests destroying Forces, Space, Death, then Life.
Storyteller: And the ritual should take no more than 10 min.
Peter Pan: "I'll keep him busy with regular damage, you guys hit up the coffins."
Brian: ((Hit the coffins with what again?))
Storyteller: (Shotgun.)
Peter Pan: ((Shotgun.))
Brian: ((Since Brian's magic is mostly useless until the Forces Coffin is gone.))
Adler: (shotgun)
Brian: ((I have Firearms 1. You guys?))
Peter Pan: ((We...we jsut don't have anythign to take out Forces, use somthign else on tat one))
Storyteller: (The shotgun has "This is my Boomstick" written on it.)
Adler: (since none of us have the Fate rating to forge a Doom)
Genji: ((I have Firearms Lose.))
Brian: ((So, Brian should take the shotgun?))
Peter Pan: ((I've got fireamrs Ph4il))
Adler: (Peter should focus on the Forces one with his sword)
Peter Pan: ((Yeah))
Peter Pan: ((I'll work on Forces then.))
Adler: (does Genji have Weaponry?)

  • Peter Pan kisses his rapier for having AP 1

Genji: (He does, Weaponry 1.)
Adler: ((I'm gonna try a trick with Space and Mind to help you guys with the targeting. I hope.)
Adler: "Ok. Brian, I should handle the gun."
Adler: (...and Brian's knife is +3, right?)
Brian: Brian reached his arm out, motioning to toss the shotgun to him.
Brian: ((+3 what?))
Adler: (damage rating)
Brian: ((Ah. Yeah, it's 3L))
Peter Pan: ((How'd you get a 3L Knife?))
Adler: (Enhanced Item)
Peter Pan: ((Enchanting doesn't do that))
Peter Pan: ((Need Matter to pull that one))
Adler: (ENHANCED Nacht. as in the Merit Enhanced Item)
Peter Pan: ((Oh -can't read tongiht-))
Adler: (*baps with plushie Grand goremaul* silly =P)
Peter Pan: ((-slain-))
Adler: "Uhh...Genji, do you have a weapon of some sort?"
Peter Pan: ((let's do this! Arispe, we ready?))
Storyteller: (One down, and the thing's not even here yet)
Storyteller: OK, Adler, are you going to start the ritual?
Genji: Genji shook his head. "Nope. I'm the weapon when I need to be."
Brian: ((3L, Durability 6!)
Peter Pan: ((Grave's theme music seems appropriat to fight to))
Brian: ((Strap some dynamite to it. It gives it a shiny sheen))
Adler begins the complex magical ritual. This is one of the things that she's probably better at than anyone else.
Brian: ((*puts Blood Red Sandman onto iTunes*))
Storyteller: About half way in, you realize that the chant is a very insulting lymeric.
Adler: ((*puts on Tsunami Bomb*))
Storyteller: Then two minutes before it's done, you can hear the beast's howl.
Storyteller: One minute, there's a big black hole opening up infront of all of you.
Peter Pan: Peter gripped and readied his sword tightly, the wooden knife held in reverse hin his left hand
Brian: Brian's grip tightened on his staff, the other hand holding the shotgun. Equan began to have a fit. "Stay strong, young vuns."
Storyteller: 30 seconds now, and the hole has cracks in it.
Peter Pan: He gritted his teeth a bit.
Storyteller: 15
Storyteller: 10
Storyteller: 5.
Storyteller: And it bursts out of the hole, covered in blood and seawater.
Peter Pan: (( #arispemageooc for if we need to talk, so we don't clutter up combat))
Brian: Brian's cloak went up to his face, covering his nose with the material.
Storyteller: Initative for you, the beast acts last this turn.
Adler: "Smile pretty, sucker!"
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 6
Storyteller: It glares at you, the sign of Time on it's body.
Genji: 11#1d10
Peter Pan: ((I've got 15))
Genji: ((oops, init first.))
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 4
Brian: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 3, 1, 8, 8, 10, 8, 8, 8
Adler: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1
Brian: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 7
Brian: ((I got 6))
Adler: (...well, damn. I've got 7)
Adler: (uhh...Its 1d10 +(dex+composure))
Brian: ((...dammit. FUCK YOU, BRAIN!!!))
Genji: (I've got 14)
Peter Pan: ((No, you roll 1 d10 and add your Dex+Composure))
Adler: (^_^))
Brian: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 10
Brian: ((18))
Genji: (NICE)
Peter Pan: ((RAWK))
Peter Pan: ((Guys, head into the ooc room so we dont' clutter this more than need-be))
Storyteller: Players, you may take your turns.
Brian: roll 9#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 7, 3, 7, 2, 3, 2, 6, 8, 5
Storyteller: You can barely hear the roar of the gunshot as the Forces coffin explodes in a brilliant display of possibliites.
Storyteller: It then reforms brilliantly lit.
Storyteller: The thing's eyes are glowing.
Storyteller: Then it howls in pain.
Storyteller: The coffin of Forces drops off it's chain.
Peter Pan: Peter ran forewards, taking a hop over the fallen coffin as he leapt up at the coffin of Space, small glimmers in the air trailing after him as he sailed through it with his touch of pixie dust.
Peter Pan: He hooked his wooden knife behind the box and pulled his blade back, using it as a stabbing implemenet and impaling the coffin
Peter Pan: roll 12#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 5, 4, 9, 6, 1, 1, 9, 2, 4, 5, 10, 6
Peter Pan: roll 1D10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> error: malformed expression
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 10
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 10
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 10
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 6
Storyteller: The coffin falls off with a sound like shattering glass.
Storyteller: It then goes and breaks into pieces.
Peter Pan: Peter fell gracefully to the earth with a mad grin on his face.
Storyteller: In the debris is a statue of bent glass.
Genji: roll 13#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 6, 3, 6, 9, 7, 8, 5, 4, 9, 3, 5, 10, 6
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 8
Storyteller: The coffin of Death creeks, and groans as your claws hit it, but it's still attached.
Genji: Ken skids to a stop on the other side of the monster, low to the ground and growling deadly serious in his throat.
Storyteller: The beast makes a horrid roar, but the summoning is keeping it in place.
Adler: Adler glances swiftly at each of her friends, and murmurs to herself, stepping back and raising her coin in front of one eye as she looses the spell, granting enhanced spacial perceptions to each of her companions.
Adler: Roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 5, 4, 7, 10, 1, 7
Adler: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 7
Storyteller: Roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 1
Storyteller: (it has Init of 11 now.)
Storyteller: The bonds of the spell have broken.
Brian: Brian jerked his arm up and down, the shotgun cocking the next bullet. "May my bullet fly true." With a flip and a trigger pull, the end of the shotgun erupted in noise and light.
Brian: roll 9#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 6, 3, 4, 2, 4, 7, 6, 2, 4
Storyteller: And the slug is batted aside by the big ass cleaver that the thing pulled from nowhere.
Peter Pan: With a grimmace, Peter leapt into the air, doing a flip with his aereal maneuverability as he came down with all of his weight on the sword to break that coffin!
Peter Pan: roll 11#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 7, 10, 8, 3, 8, 6, 9, 10, 5, 7, 6
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 4, 2
Storyteller: The coffin with death on it groans mightily.
Storyteller: Then the lid falls off in a shower of dust.
Storyteller: And out falls a statuette made of bones.
Peter Pan: He barely caught himself in flight before he fell to the ground, landing with a small stagger, but nonetheless, he'd broken it.
Genji: Ken's claws propelled him like a bullet of black and bronze into the coffin marked with the Life arcana. Like hell he would be letting the beast mock his signature Arcana like this any more.
Genji: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 4, 10, 10, 8, 8, 4, 3, 4
Genji: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 3, 9
Storyteller: As Ken's claws sink into the coffin, it starts bleeding.
Storyteller: A spray of blood gets on him, but the coffin is still whole, more or less.
Genji: He snarls as the smell of blood drives his now lupine instincts into a frenzy. "Rrrrrrrrrrargh!"
Storyteller: Genji, the thing turns to you, half annoyed, and then tries to bat you into the bay.
Storyteller: Roll 9#1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 3, 9, 6, 2, 1, 6, 4, 7, 4
Storyteller: However, it's strike barely connects, only grazing you.
Storyteller: One lethal.
Genji: Genji barely feels the monster's cutting blow as a small wound opens on his upper arm. It would have to do better than that.
Adler: Adler grimaces as she watches Genji's flesh part slightly, releasing a crimson trickle. She glances down at the still-open book in her hand.
Storyteller: It's open to data on the thing.
Adler: the hand holding her coin snaps into her bag, whipping out a single (badly) carved and painted balsawood die, which she casts to the ground and crushes, spitting out a curse at the thing
Adler: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 7, 4, 1, 9, 9
Adler: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1, 3
Storyteller: There's a slight hum comming from the book as you cast this spell.
Storyteller: But, the curse takes hold on the beast.
Brian: Brian...he was slightly pissed. He didn't like doing zero damage at all, especially when holding a mystical shotgun. "Listen, upan, hit this time. Or else." With that, he lifted his gun and fired at the Life Coffin.
Brian: roll 9#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 7, 2, 2, 10, 6, 1, 10, 8, 6
Brian: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 4, 5
Storyteller: You're not certain what comes out of the Life coffin as it breaks apart, but it's bloody, and has gibbets of flesh in it.
Storyteller: The thing gives a great howl of anger and rage.
Peter Pan: "Ummm...." He stammered a bit as he turned to Adler. "What do we hit now?"
Brian: "Time is on the body. Kill the body, and it dies. Simple."
Peter Pan: Peter moved with a swift pitter-patter of feet straight under the symbol of Time on its body as he firmly planted his left foot on the ground, his right leg drawing up with the knee against his chest as he thrust his swoord straight up into the body of the beast
Adler: "That works! Killing more Coffins would let us use more varied Arcana against it, as well!" She shouts, scampering back a little
Peter Pan: roll 12#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 4, 10, 2, 9, 9, 7, 8, 2, 8, 10, 3, 8
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 9, 9
Storyteller: Black ichor spills from the beast's body as you slice into it.
Storyteller: It's hurt, and roaring fiercely.
Storyteller: However, the thing is still standing.
Storyteller: And a bit pissed.

      • Alan has joined #arispemage.

Alan: ...Son of a...

      • Alan has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ).
      • Genji has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
      • Genji has joined #arispemage.

Genji: Genji ran at the beast and leapt into the air, aiming for the throat...
Genji: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 10, 8, 8, 7, 3
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 2
Storyteller: You rake it's throat, and more ichor spills out.
Storyteller: Strangely this doesn't impede it's nasty roar.
Storyteller: Roll 12#1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 6, 1, 6, 8, 10, 7, 3, 9, 6, 8, 2, 10
Storyteller: Roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 5, 4
Storyteller: Roll 8#1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 10, 10, 1, 9, 5, 8, 2, 1
Storyteller: Roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 1, 1
Storyteller: Brian, the thing rushes up to you with superhuman celerity, and drives it's fingers into your thigh.
Storyteller: The cuts are pretty nasty, and it came dangerously close to an artery.
Adler: "Brian!" Adler shouts, and then she sends a literal flood of reassurance and confidince in his direction.
Adler: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 8, 9, 7, 8, 6, 8

      • Storyteller has left #arispemage.

      • Storyteller has joined #arispemage.

Storyteller: +o
Peter Pan: Peter ran as fast as he could, becoming a blur of motion as he ran around behind brian, floating up in the air above him and then dropping with his left foot planted firmly on Brian's shoulders as he let out a yell "STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" His right arm was held back behind him as far as he could stretch it before he thrust it forewards in one clean motion, aiming to pierce the center of the beast's face as he pushed
Peter Pan: roll 10#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 9, 8, 1, 6, 9, 4, 2, 8, 10, 4
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 9
Storyteller: The head splits open like a ripened melon, and lots of the ichor gets on you. The beast roars in anger.
Storyteller: But, distubringly, it's still standing.
Storyteller: It rumbles out something that you think might sound like "Die" if you were being charitable.
Peter Pan: Peter's eyes widened ina bit of terror, he'd seen the blade go in...the ichor was all over
Genji: Ken dashes to Brian's side, passing his hand over the older man's wound.
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 1
Genji: 9#1d10
Genji: Roll 9#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 2, 9, 5, 4, 10, 4, 10, 7, 3
Genji: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 8, 6
Genji: The young shaman wiped off a copious amount of blood from Brian's wound, revealing it to not be as bad as it had looked at first. "You should be fine!"
Storyteller: The beast get's it hands and starts squeezing the wound closed, and then, horrifingly, it starts chanting in Atlantean.
Brian: Brian gave a small grunt. The feeling of your flesh stitching back together was always...interesting. "Thank you, my vriend. Naow...stand back. Gaia's breath spreads where it wills." Brian's eyes turned to the beast, hearing the familiar tongue.
Brian: ", we play the games of old, eh? Let us see...who Gaia respects more." His eyes closed tightly, his hands gripping onto the staff of wood, steel, and gem. His lips and tongue moved, speaking ancient words long forgotten, feeling the energy building within himself.
Adler: Adler scampers away from the battle, hoping that the beast doesn't try to go after her and the book
Peter Pan: Once more he leapt up, kicking himself off of the much large man as he dove for the thing's face. He jammed the blade in again and...let go of it? He turned as he fell, smiling as he spoke. "Hey Brian, ever heard of a LIghtning Rod?"
Peter Pan: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 2, 9, 5, 9, 3, 5, 2, 5
Brian: Brian nodded. "Lightnink rod. I may 'ave met once or twice." His eyes were beginning to glow brightly, this body filled to the brim with ambient electricity. The very energy that carved his name into the Tower of the Golden Key was now filling the area around him. The sky high above began to bristle, the already cloudy sky began rustled into a frenzy.
Brian: The russian's long black hair slowly lifted and hovered in the air, the static electricity making everyone around feel tingly. A rough wind ripped around the mages and beast, their hair and clothing whipping about their bodies. As he breathed out the latin words, ambient electricity and energy floated from his mouth, matching his golden glowing eyes.
Brian: [Mother Gaia...breath out to your son...breath into the world...take what you have given...I beg of you, Mother...] He spoke in the deep Atlantean, his cane raising, the diamond and ruby encrusted tip aimed at the creature. [PLEASE MOTHER...ERASE THE TAINT!!!!!]
Brian: Pure lightning flew from the sky, striking into Brian's body and was re-directed at the monster, seeking the rapier embedded in its skull.
Brian: roll 16#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 9, 4, 1, 8, 6, 4, 10, 5, 4, 7, 7, 3, 4, 8, 10, 2
Brian: roll 2#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 7, 9
Storyteller: Everone can smell the horrid stench of the thing's ichor burning.
Storyteller: Bits of it burst open as the ichor inside heats up and bursts out.
Storyteller: The thing slumps over, but the chanting continues.
Genji: Ken roared and leapt onto the monster's back, ready to tear it apart.
Genji: roll 14#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 5, 8, 2, 3, 3, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 1, 3, 10, 9
Genji: roll 1#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 3
Storyteller: Ken, you rip open it's well cooked back, and can now see a few iron rods that have been driven into the back of the beast.
Storyteller: The chant reaches a fever pitch at this point.
Storyteller: And then the spell is cast.
Storyteller: Wisps of smoke and ashes swirl around the front of the beast.
Storyteller: You see a man, dressed in a lab coat and green scrubs. His face has partially rotted.
Storyteller: A weak, distant sounding voice says "Thank you for erasing this stolen folley."
Storyteller: "Should you wish, I leave instructions on where to find me. I take full responsibliity for the actions of this stolen thing."
Storyteller: "Go to the warehouses near the industrial complex in Corpus Christi. Head to Warehouse 18 in the sections with the open air warehouses. Should I still be alive, I will be there."
Storyteller: "Is this an acceptable recording Marie?"
Storyteller: He's apparently talking to someone.
Storyteller: "Wait, am I still recording? Dammit..."
Storyteller: And then he fades.
Brian: Brian breathes deeply, down on one knee and clinging to his staff for dear life. Mother's breath was powerful indeed...he breathed what Gods breathed. And it hurt. A lot.
Storyteller: The coffins drop to the ground with a lound clunk.
Storyteller: And the thing is finally dead.
Brian: His face was covered by his dangling hair and hood. "...I vill catch my breath...and then kick it."
Adler: "..." Adler is quietly astonished that they not only won, but won without even getting badly hurt
Genji: Ken growled and tore at it a few more times before leaping off the beast and shaking himself like a dog. "GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"
Adler: "Genji! Snap out of it!"
Storyteller: Free of the restraints that kept it anchored to the coffins, the beast falls over.
Peter Pan: He stood up and groaned a bit, stretchign his arms out as far as he could before he walked up to the head. " rapier..."
Adler: Adler looks down at the book, which she has once again opened, almost absently, "Well Alan, what do you think?"
Brian: Brian got up slowly, using his stick to push up. He walked over to the creature, looking down at its cut and burned body. And with a nice whiff of his foot, kicked it in the side.
Storyteller: "To the best of my knowlege the thing is destroyed. Hopefully, there will not be another made."
Brian: "Vundaschied."
Storyteller: Is what The Work says.
Peter Pan: " there a guardian we should call to clean this up?"
Storyteller: The work answers "See Abuelo if you want clean up.:
Brian: roll 5#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 8, 4, 9, 8, 8
Adler: Adler walks over to the body and glances it over
Peter Pan: Peter took off his jacket and put it on the ground, he hoped he'd be able to get it cleaned. With it came most of the blood and ichor that had splattered him, leaving just a bit of it on his face and hips, and some in his hair. "I'll go get Abuelo, K?"
Adler: "That would be good, I think. I can head off any people that shouldn't see this mess."
Genji: Kentarou calms down after a bit and shakes off his transformation, banishing the claws and fangs... he still looks rather puppylike sitting on his haunches like that, though.
Peter Pan: He nodded and ran out to get Abuelo
Brian: "He should still be on the boat. If he moved, then I do not know where."
Storyteller: Genji, make a perception roll.
Adler: Adler, while she is thinking about it, lets the ward and the enhancement drop.
Genji: roll 8#1d10 Plentimon: Genji rolled --> 7, 3, 6, 7, 7, 4, 3, 3
Brian: Brian took a good look at the creature, taking note of the iron bars. The thing was made of organic and metal. A machine? But not quite. He didn't fully know about that kind of stuff.
Genji: "...bird?" Ken is glad he snapped out of his Transformation spell. He'd have to chase it otherwise.
Storyteller: Now, the rest of you can make a perception roll.
Adler: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1, 5, 4, 4, 5, 8
Brian: roll 5#1d10
Peter Pan: roll 6#1d10 Plentimon:
Brian rolled --> 8, 1, 9, 4, 7 Plentimon:
Peter Pan rolled --> 2, 7, 8, 6, 1, 6
Brian: (2)
Peter Pan: ((1))
Brian: Brian took a deep breath, pushing inside the feeling of having pure electricity shoved through your body, and began to move for the Warehouse. "There. That is vhere the doctor vaits."
Adler: "I think we should wait for backup first. We may not be injured, but I think we ran through a lot of resources in that fight." Adler nods. Almost as an aside, she says absently, "I wonder what Alan looked like..."
Peter Pan: Peter tried to stick to the shadows, hoping nobody would notice that he was missing his. He picked up the pace, breaking into a bit of a run
Genji: "Yeah. I'm not tired, but I'm drained."
Adler: "oh, hey, that's really neat." Adler sits down cross-legged and waves at the little Chibi-Alan.
Storyteller: Chibi Alan waves back.
Adler: "Its nice to meet you." ^.^
Storyteller: A litle speech bubble appears. "And the same for you.
Peter Pan: "Abuelo?!" He looked around. "Mr Abuelo, it's me, Peter!"
Peter Pan: He cocked a brow. "Ummm...hi?"
Storyteller: "Ah. Hello, Peter. I hope the stuff on you isn't your blood."
Storyteller: He's a bit tipsy.
Peter Pan: "No, not mine, I couldn't even get the thign to attack me, ummm, we need a clean-up operation if you could get sober fast?"
Storyteller: "Drag the thing into Warehouse 16. It'll be taken care of."
Peter Pan: "What about the trail of blood?"
Storyteller: "Hrm. Guess I'll have to arrange for an accident with some of the beef being shipped there."
Storyteller: "Sounds good for you?"
Peter Pan: "Ummm...sure?" He turned around and ran back out
Storyteller: "I'll make some calls to arrange it."
Storyteller: "Next time, bring the others with you, there's going to be a celbration."
Storyteller: He burps lightly.
Storyteller: "Excuse me."
Adler: Adler makes with the yakyak to the book. ^_^
Storyteller: The book is a surprisingly good conversationalist.
Storyteller: It's also a bit disturbing that it still tries flirting with you, as though it still had a body and could do thing.
Brian: Brian simply...stands around waiting.
Storyteller: s
Peter Pan: Eventually, Peter gets back. "He said to drag the thing into Warehouse 16."
Peter Pan: "I think we should burn or break the things that were in teh coffins though."
Peter Pan: "In case somebody gets funny ideas."
Brian: "Forces is destroyed. Dunno about the others."
Storyteller: Well, Forces is useless, but whole.
Storyteller: Space, Death, and Life are all in varying degrees of destruction.
Genji: Ken sighs and stands, taking hold of the beast's body and starting to drag.
Adler: "We should also destroy that iron bar, if we can."
Brian: Brian pumped the shotgun, leveling it at the statuettes. "I'll 'andle vhat's left."
Peter Pan: "Take care of them all will you Brian?" Peter went and moved to help Ken
Brian: Brian then stopped, and rubbed at the bristles on his chin. He lowered it down to hook onto a strap on his leg, then held out his free hand. "...Davka."
Brian: An almost perfect circle formed around the statuettes, the roof shooting down to the ground beneath them. It continued to push down and down, crushing the statuettes and floor into fine crumble.
Storyteller: The other coffins crumble, the contents of them destroyed beyond recognition by the method of destruction.
Adler: Adler whistles softly. "That's impressive"
Brian: "Forces. They're powerful, no?"
Adler: "Visually impressive and inspiring of visceral reations."
Storyteller: You get the feeling, as you approach warehouse 18 that something truely frightening is behind the doors.
Peter Pan: "Guys? Maybe we should save this for another day?"
Genji: Ken shook his head. "Nope. Let's just bite the bullet. Can't be any worse than what we just did."

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