Session 23

From Arispemage

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Current revision as of 00:51, 12 October 2008

Storyteller: And now night has fallen, making a lot of noise.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian muttered under his breath. At least the house was now quiet, and he wouldn't have to worry about it trying to screw around with his cave anymore. Not that fixing it exactly made it safe.

      • Nacht is now known as Peter_Pan.

Storyteller: But at least it's not a threat to people outside it.
Storyteller: I'm assuming everyone goes and parties, right?
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian takes the money he has saved up, and he goes out, and gets a nice $50 steak dinner.
Adler: "Well...that was...interesting."
Brian Steffanoskovich: The really big steaks, with salads and potatoes.
Genji: Oh yeah. Parties. Ken goes home, he also tells Brian that his couch is free if the big Russian needs somewhere to sleep that's not a cave when the house does... whatever it does sometimes.
Genji: He just feels THAT BAD about him having to live so close to it.
Adler: "So...lets see...what should we do?" Adler asks Peter
Peter Pan: Peter looked deep in thought for a second. "I...I don't know..."
Adler: "Well...we could go out to get something nice to eat."
Peter Pan: "That sounds nice" He smiled a bit
Storyteller: Adler, your book has some suggestions for you, if you look at it.

  • Adler glances over the book, and simultaniously tries to recall movie schedules and if there is a good movie in theaters recently

Storyteller: Adler recalls a few movies, depending on what she's thinking of.
Storyteller: Brian, the dinner goes very well.

  • Peter_Pan has no monies D=

Storyteller: You also hear something about a place called the Astor, but not much.
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian has monies for when he needs monies. Like an incredible dinner.

  • Adler picks a reasonably good movie, and hustles Peter off to get dinner at her favorite resturant
  • Adler does a little happy dance in her head

Genji: Speaking of monies, Ken will go home and sleep and get ready for the next day. Some people are personal trainers for a living.
Storyteller: Adler, Peter, the dinner and a movie goes well.
Storyteller: And, fortunately, the night passes into day with no troubles.
Peter Pan: That's a first
Storyteller: Yep.
Adler: The date, too
Adler: XP
Storyteller: Around noonish, though, a letter does end up accidentally making it's way into Peter's hands.
Storyteller: It's got no return adress, no stamp, and no adress to be delivered to.
Storyteller: The Fed-Ex guy, if questioned, does insist that Peter is the proper recipient.
Storyteller: For everyone else, the day goes extremely smoothly.
Peter Pan: Peter cocked a brow and tilted is head to one side quizzically before opening the letter and walking back up inside the tower while he read
Storyteller: It's a letter. From Miss Rhodes.
Storyteller: A bit long, rambly, but congratulatory on you and your friends fixing the House.
Storyteller: There's also a sample of cologne in the envelope.

  • Peter_Pan bit his lip and read the letter to himself while he walked

Storyteller: Unless you read fast, or walk slow, you're going to be to the top before you finish the letter.
Storyteller: Brian, your day has gone pretty well so far.
Peter Pan: Peter shrugged and went over to set the letter in a shoebox where he kept a lot of his things
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian had the first restful sleep in his cave in weeks. He fed the cat, finished his hunting early, tidied up his cot, lantern, rugs, and many many boxes. After making sure everything was set, he headed off for the Clocktower, ready to eat something packaged there. Like cheese in a can.
Storyteller: Brian, the canned cheese is at the perfect temperature.

  • Adler rolls her eyes and sighs

Brian Steffanoskovich: And all is right with the world, as he eats it from the can. "Nothink new today?"
Adler: "Hey, Peter, what was that letter?"
Peter Pan: "Oh, just a letter form an ex-boyfriend"
Peter Pan: He held it up in one hand with a wry grin
Adler: (Girlfriend, you mean?)
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Never vanted to mention how veird it vas the vay you dressed and 'ad a fairy...not makes sense, yes?" He took another shot of the cheese.
Peter Pan: (No, was trying to mess with Adler x.x)
Brian Steffanoskovich: *now makes
Adler: "Whahuhwhat?" !!!!
Peter Pan: Peter put the letter back in the shoebox and pulled out the sender's ring to try it on
Brian Steffanoskovich: He raised an eyebrow. "Ring from boyfriend, too? America ist veird..." Another cheese shoot.
Storyteller: Ken, dramatic timing says that now would be a good time to enter the scene.
Peter Pan: "I thought Russia was a land where two men could share a close moment in the winter over some of the world's finest vodka?"
Storyteller: While the awkward silence is still in the air.
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Rare, and never left rings or letters." He moved on from the cheese to make a sandwich.
Genji: Ken makes his way up after a successful training session with a holeplessly lazy celebrity client.
Genji: "Hey everyone. What's news?"
Adler: o_@
Genji: "...Who broke Addy?"
Peter Pan: "I think I did...are you ok Adler?"

  • Adler gives him a flat look

Genji: o_O "Riiiiight."

  • Adler reaches over to grab his pillow on the cot and throw it at him

Peter Pan: He let it hit him. "Awww, come on, I was just fooling around, it didn't mean anything"
Genji: "What didn't mean anything?"
Adler: "He was talking about getting a letter from his ex-boyfriend."
Peter Pan: "Would you prefer I told you it's from another woman?"
Genji: "Oh. Huh. Exes suck. But he's an EX, right? I don't see what the problem is." He takse a seat and leans back, whispering to himself. "Makes sense now, though..."
Adler: "..."

  • Adler throws things at both of them

Adler: Mostly soft things. And gently
Peter Pan: "Why does everyone thing me being gay makes sense?" He turned and asked tinkerbell, who made faces at Adler

  • Adler attempts to sneak up on Peter while he's talking to Tinkerbell

Brian Steffanoskovich: "Fairy dust." He devoured the sandwich he made.
Storyteller: "Kid, if you need the answer, I don't think you'll ever know."
Genji: "Mmhmm."

  • Adler pounces on him once in range

Peter Pan: "I dunno, do you wanna go out sometime Ken, there's a cool movie out, and I know a great place for dinner?" He listed off his movie and dinner from Adler
Peter Pan: "Gah!"

  • Nacht is pounced

Adler: "MINE!"
Genji: "Hahaha!" Ken just laughs. "I'd rather not get brainwiped by Addy, thanks."
Peter Pan: Peter gave Ken a thumbs-up form the gorund. "It's cool!"
Storyteller: "You know, all this needs is some pumpkin pie thrown around, and it's thanksgiving twenty five years ago."
Brian Steffanoskovich: " today." Another sandwich starts its way down.
Adler: "I'm gonna start making you go shopping for us if you keep eating all of our food."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "You never buy it anyvay."
Adler: "Yes I do." Adler frowns.
Peter Pan: "You had a thanksgiving where everyone thought you were gay Mr. Tax?"
Storyteller: "Yes. That was one of the more normal ones."
Genji: "Or found out" *coughcough* Wherever did that come from?
Storyteller: "Granted, then my family got brought up, and that just made things worse."
Brian Steffanoskovich: A third sandwich goes down. "Vell, somethink ve should be thinkink on. Pumpkinheads."
Adler: "Ya...."
Peter Pan: "So, I forget, can you puree them with enough damage?"
Genji: "I never want to think on those THINGS... Just knock the heads of Peter."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "One vas out attackink trees."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "They von't simply go avay. Especially not vith that... /vomen/ around."

      • Nacht has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client).
      • Peter_Pan has joined #arispemage.

Genji: "Yeah... Especially since she seems to just KNOW what we need at any given moment and makes sute one of those things tries to beat us to it. Not to mention those highly selective termites."
Peter Pan: "Not to mention that she knows where we live. She sent me a letter"
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian paused for a moment. He turned and looked. Down at Peter's hand. " not be letter you hold in hand."
Peter Pan: "Why do you say that?"
Storyteller: Tax starts humming a song.
Genji: ...What song?

  • Adler takes a look at the letter with The Hidden Meaning active

Brian Steffanoskovich: " claim to be Arrow, you vere at meeting, yet this voman gives you things and you TELL NO VUN!?"
Brian Steffanoskovich: It's best to not hold that letter too long.
Storyteller: Ken, the song is The Letter.
Genji: Oh. How horribly appropriate.

      • -RPGServ- <Roll for Adler [11[1d10]]: 9 5 8 9 6 4 3 3 6 9 5 >
      • -RPGServ- <Roll [11[1d10]]: 9 5 8 9 6 4 3 3 6 9 5 >

Adler: "Well, now that that's done...I wonder why she sent this?"
Peter Pan: "Back off Brian. God forbid you find out about something five minutes later. Last I checked it's not our job to divulge every aspect of our lives to one another"
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Oh? Vhat else have you gotten from her? Anythink used for her to vatch us? Hard to believe she knows so much about everythink ve've done by simply listenink."
Storyteller: "She was my student, do remember."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "And vhen ve just had a meetink saying zat she is dangerous and ve must report anythink involving her, YES, IT IST OUR JOB."
Genji: "Yeah, actually. It kind of is, when it comes down to something like that."

  • Adler tosses the letter aside

Adler: "Eh, its nothing important. At least in terms of how it could be used."

      • -RPGServ- <Roll for Adler [8[1d10]]: 2 4 6 2 2 8 3 2 >
      • -RPGServ- <Roll [8[1d10]]: 2 4 6 2 2 8 3 2 >

Adler: "I'm more irritated at the implication that she's probably going to be targeting us. Especially Peter."
Peter Pan: "Fate and Space. Simple means to get things to people or find out about them. Lay off."
Brian Steffanoskovich: "No. Vhat else hast she given you. Phone calls? Home visits?"
Storyteller: "He has a phone?"
Peter Pan: "Yeah, and we get out hair done together every friday and gossip."
Adler: "Back off, EMP." Adler glares at him, clearly upset
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...she give you anythink else. Yes. Or. No."
Peter Pan: "I'll prefer to not be interrogated in my home EMP."
Storyteller: "I would venture to say no. She never did make much that's not her Pumpkinheads."
Brian Steffanoskovich: The point of his staff hit down on the floor. "...I vill be outside then, to settle down." He turned and headed for the stairs. "Just remember, Peter. If I find out you have, and have not reported it...I vill not keep it quiet." He headed down the stairs in a huff.
Peter Pan: Peter waited until Brian rounded the bend and stuck his tounge out at him
Storyteller: "I'd say you were playing with fire, but that's not his style."
Brian Steffanoskovich: There is the sound of thunder outside. Probably nothing but an angry man releasing some stress.
Genji: "Yeah... More like playing with a toaster in the bathtub."

  • Adler glances over all of them with mage sight on, just to make sure

Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian will pretty much just be walking and standing around outside until you guys are done with the conversation.
Peter Pan: "Anyways, letter form her, mentioned the ring she gave me a while back, and talkin' about a few other things with Tax's soul she's found."
Peter Pan: "Didn't seem relevant?" He shrugged a little
Adler: "Lemme take a look at all of it."
Genji: "Ring? ...Ring?! Wait, are you, like, wearing it now?"
Storyteller: Adler, the letter is long, rambly, it more or less offically says for him to keep the ring, that she's found one of the other things that has Tax's soul in it, and congratulates all of you on fixing the House.
Peter Pan: He pulled off the ring. "Yeah, neat little bugger" He held it out to Adler "She slipped it in my pocket a while ago
Adler: "Hey, Tax, what did you do to this?" Adler holds up the ring
Genji: "...And you just wore it? What if it's what she's been spying with?"
Genji: "What if it hada curse or something?! You coulda been seriously damaged, man!"
Storyteller: "Mostly to keep Deneb occupied. You could find my other things with it."
Peter Pan: "And when I walk out today a plane might crash on me, or I could get sick and die eating anywhere?" He shrugged
Peter Pan: "My instincts didn't say not to"
Storyteller: "Also, as a joke, whenever Pumpkinheads get brought up, it shifts to locating them."
Adler: "What does it do other than the locating thing?"
Storyteller: "Keep other stuff from being done to it."
Genji: "Ugh. There's a difference between random chance and not taking things from strange mages who might want to kill us all."
Storyteller: "Like say, altering the enchantments. Or turning off the Pumpkinhead thing."
Genji: He whaps Peter on the back of the head lightly. "I know you're into Fate and luck and all that, but caution isn't fucking something to drop altogether for the hope thet shit's going to turn out all right."
Peter Pan: He winced at the tap. "It felt right to me, so I went with it. I trust my instincts, they're what got me here."
Storyteller: "Also, for what it's worth, she's probably not trying to kill you."
Adler: "What is she trying to do, then?"
Genji: Ken sighs. "And it didn't occur to you that as Mages we run into people who can fuck with our instincts, all of them, all the time?"
Genji: "...And yeah, what? Enslave us? Use us? Gotta be something."
Storyteller: "No real clue. I just know she's not trying to kill you becuase you haven't had a Don't Taunt the Happy Fun Pumpkin moment."
Peter Pan: "Hasn't happened yet, I figure out I must be doing something right?"
Storyteller: "Unless, as she thinks, I am actually alive, and manipulating things to some end. Then it's more likely that things are just waiting to bite you in the ass."
Adler: "Given that the second option is probably what most people think?"
Storyteller: "Yeah. It doesn't say good things about my remaining sanity."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Thunder clap rang out after sanity. Like a laugh. A very sad laugh.
Genji: "Yeaaaah."
Storyteller: "Assuming I am alive, I really should do something for the Russian."
Storyteller: "Any ideas what would be appropriate?"

  • Adler picks up the ring and sets it on a table

Adler: "I have no idea. I think, however, that EMP, while his behavior was totally unacceptable, was right about one thing."
Brian Steffanoskovich: It's a good steady rain and lightning outside now. (Already spent the work on it. Change weather.)
Adler: "We need to report the fact that Rhodes is clearly in town. And that we've seen some of her pumpkinheads."
Genji: "And turn in this ring to the consilium for examination. I'm sure your friends in the Mysterium can do that, right Addy?" Ken crossed his arms. Was he actually making a stand?
Adler: "What, so they can use it to find Pumpkinheads?"
Adler: "Or Alan's leftover fragments?"
Peter Pan: "Hey, don't I get a say? IUt's kind of my ring..."
Adler: "It literally CAN'T have any more spells on it than what Alan put on it, its got one hell of a Prime shield set up to prevent tampering."
Genji: Peter was ignored outright. "Hmm... If that's true that we could at least share it's ability to detect pumpkinheads, right?"
Adler: "Not without the other part. Which would lead to awkward questions, especially about the Shotgun and the Book."
Storyteller: "Yeah. Trust me. Anyone ever finds out the full extent of this book here, and you'll have every self-interested mage from here to Tripoli interested."
Adler: "Which means we would ALL die in the magical crossfire."
Genji: "Hnnn... Dammit... Why do you have to be so damned right all the time, Addy?"
Genji: Keeping his skin and making sure his cabal could take care of things as well as themselves was more important to him than the Consilium and what they thought.
Peter Pan: "So I keep it in my shoebox or my pocket and everything's happy-peachy?"
Adler: "Not really. I'd actually rather set up some hideously nasty trap for Rhodes if she tries to scry on it, but I can't enchant the thing."
Genji: "Yeah, that would be a great idea if we could pull it off somehow..."
Adler: "On the other hand, that could make her target us."
Brian Steffanoskovich: On a side note, it feels like The Perfect Storm is rolling up outside.
Peter Pan: "I really think you guys are making a bigger deal out of this than it is"
Genji: "That or you are incapable of seeing how big a deal it is."

  • Adler picks up the ring and sets it on an out-of the-way shelf for the moment.
      • Nacht has joined #arispemage.

Peter Pan: join#thefreedomstone

Adler: "For now, I think the best thing that we can do is bury the ring somewhere, so that scrying on it is less than useful."
Adler: "Furthermore, I think that we need to involve ourselves more with the rest of the Consilium. Much as I dispise politics, building a social network is probably going to be helpful in the future."
Storyteller: "... Put it in the house."
Adler: "If it wasn't a gaping maw to what amounts to Hell, I might agree there."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Were Brian still in the Clocktower, he would have made a comment about staying the hell away from the house that was trying to eat him in his sleep. But instead, he's outside admiring his storm. Sure hoped the gutters in people's houses were cleaned out...
Storyteller: "Hey, I can only think of two other possibilites, if the House is out."
Storyteller: "And I don't think you're going to like one of them any more than the House."
Adler: "I don't suppose you have any Lunar Dust?"
Storyteller: "No, but I do know where we can get access to a replica of the moon made of cheeses."
Adler: "..."
Adler: "I suppose I'm the one that should go into the house, if any of us do."
Storyteller: "If you feel especially daring, go past the gate to hell, and you could put it with the rest of the things there."
Storyteller: "Anybody gets it then, and it really won't matter."
Storyteller: "And I'm regretting my lack of a body now."
Peter Pan: "I could take it there?"
Storyteller: "Yes, but you are pretty much guranteed to get lost in there."
Peter Pan: I can keep a map in my head, I know space"
Storyteller: "Can you keep it when the place changes, and you've got a demon on your trail, trying to kill you?"
Adler: "That's pretty much something only a Sphinx can do, I think."
Peter Pan: "I can make right turns and run pretty damn fast"
Storyteller: "And if you make a right turn that suddenly turns into a wall?"
Storyteller: "Or a wall of spikes?"
Adler: "Following one wall only works if the maze is constant."
Adler: "In any case, I'd rather not do it myself."
Peter Pan: "No, I meant right like correct. That's what Time is good for"
Adler: "Look, I don't think either of us should really go down there."
Storyteller: "Yeah. If it really worries you, I can get you guys some help."
Adler: "In any case, we can't do anything about it at the moment."
Storyteller: "I do, however, think you should do something about the Russain before he calls down the Perfect Storm.

  • Adler sticks her head out a window

Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian is standing in the rain. His hood is up. The storm is...well, Tax was a little late in his warning.
Peter Pan: He crossed his arms indignantly. "I'm not apologizing for receiving mail"
Storyteller: "I'm talking about the spirit, not what he's doing right now."
Brian Steffanoskovich: Lightning flashes and thunder claps outside, rain barreling down on the Clocktower, the forest, and the town.

  • Adler ducks back inside

Adler: "Peter, we're not saying you should. Especially since there's no real way for you NOT to recieve something like that."
Peter Pan: "Than what's he being all uppity about? I let you guys know about the letter as soon as it really came up, no big."

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