Session 15

From Arispemage

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Current revision as of 01:26, 16 December 2007

Storyteller: So, a new day finds everyone. [21:15]
Storyteller: Signs of bad luck also find everyone. [21:17]
Storyteller: Black cats crossing paths, walking under ladders, seeing yourself in a broken mirror, class starting badly, things of that sort. [21:20]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian wasn't taking too kindly to these acts of bad luck. He had to talk to Peter later about these "pranks" of his. [21:20]
Peter Pan: "Hey man, not me. I don't like to sour other peoples' luck, just bolster my own." [21:21]
Peter Pan: Peter said as he proceeded to his normal spellcasting [21:21]
Adler: Adler blinks a few times after the first such instance, before concentrating and closing her eyes for just a moment, [21:21]
Peter Pan: roll 5#1d10 [21:21] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 9, 2, 8, 8, 2 [21:22]
Adler: summoning one of the least potent fate-detection spells she has avaliable [21:22]
Adler: roll 7#1d10 [21:22] Plentimon: Keighart rolled --> 2, 8, 9, 7, 1, 7, 7 [21:22]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Oh really? And zat time my shoe laces tied backwards on themselves? Coincidence?" [21:23]
Peter Pan: "Heh, maybe you've got a free spirit following you around, or Maybe Tink doesn't like you?" Tinkerbell, of course, proceeded to stick her tounge out at Brian [21:25]
Peter Pan: roll 10#1d10 [21:25] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 9, 4, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 7, 8, 8 [21:25]
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 [21:25] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 4, 6 [21:25]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Equan proceeded to give Tinkerbell "The Glare". [21:27]
Peter Pan: roll 6#1d10 [21:27] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 5, 4, 8, 5, 10, 2 [21:27]
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 [21:27] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 4 [21:28]
Genji: "...One of us HAD to have gotten cursed, right? This isn't normal. Who'd we piss off?" Ken is relaxing with his feet up on the table. [21:29]
Adler: "I'm getting a vague inking of pumpkins." [21:29]
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 [21:29] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 5, 9 [21:29]
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 [21:29] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 10 [21:29]
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 [21:29] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 6 [21:30]
Peter Pan: roll 5#1d10 [21:30] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 8, 5, 9, 10, 10 [21:30]
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 [21:30] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 9, 9 [21:31]
Storyteller: The pause in conversation is interrupted by the sudden sound of a door slamming. [21:31]
Adler: "What was that?" [21:32]
Storyteller: "It was a door slamming." [21:32]
Peter Pan: "Who's there?" [21:32]
Storyteller: "Me." [21:32]
Peter Pan: "Who are you?" [21:33]
Storyteller: "I know I don't speak much, being in a book and all, but I would think that I'm more memorable than that." [21:33]
Peter Pan: "What slammed the door?" [21:33]
Adler: "Hnnn...yes, indeed." [21:34]
Storyteller: "It was...

THE WIND!" Tax melodramatically bellows.

Adler: Adler blinks. "...oooook." [21:35]
Storyteller: "THE WIND OF FATE." He's really hamming it up now. [21:36]
Storyteller: There's big dramatic gestures that accompany his proclaimation, if you care. [21:36]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked down at the book, giving it The Eye. [21:36]
Brian Steffanoskovich: " vodka broke zis mornink." [21:36]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Remember that." [21:36]
Storyteller: "Or my wayward apprentice. It could also be one of them." [21:36]
Adler: "Does that include me, or do I not count because of the whole you being dead thing?" [21:37]
Storyteller: "You aren't wayword." [21:37]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Zat is better." Brian took up his staff, heading down the stairs to see who is slamming doors. [21:37]
Adler: Adler focuses for a moment, spinning an imaginary stress ball in her hand and manipulating it and space at the same time [21:37]
Adler: Roll 7#1d10 [21:38] Plentimon: Keighart rolled --> 3, 4, 2, 7, 8, 1, 6 [21:39]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian called out to below him as he continued down the stairs. "Vat is it? Vat is vith the slamming of our door?" [21:39]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Stupid lock..." [21:40]
Storyteller: There is also a pumpkinhead that you can see. It's lieing against the fense. [21:41]
Adler: "Oh joy. Go away, go away, come again some other eon." Adler sighs. [21:41]
Storyteller: It's kinda not moving much. [21:42]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian's eyes narrowed. He moved outside to the fence, making sure the door was tightly closed behind him. [21:43]
Brian Steffanoskovich: The blunt end of his staff spear poked the pumpkin head, making sure it was no longer living. [21:44]
Storyteller: It's debatable if the things are ever really alive, but this one's less alive (more dead) than normal. [21:45]
Brian Steffanoskovich: He mumbled to himself in Russian, looking up to the top of the Clocktower, then back down at the Pumpkin head. The latch was broken...pumpkin head here where there wasn't one before... [21:45]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Vhat killed it..." [21:46]
Storyteller: From a casual glance, you can't see anything other than a sewn up neck wound on the thing. [21:48]
Brian Steffanoskovich: He contemplated for a moment, then reached down, hefted up the pumpkin head body, and rested it on his shoulder. He turned and headed back into the Clocktower, securely closing the door behind him, and began the walk of bringing the Pumpkin head up the stairs. [21:50]
Storyteller: It's a slow walk, and made noisier by the leering, dark green pumpkinhead's pumpkin head hitting the wall on occasion. [21:51]
Genji: Ken peeks out at the street below. "...What the hell is Brian carrying?" [21:52]
Peter Pan: "I'm not sure..." [21:53]
Adler: "Inanimate pumpkinhead, I think." [21:54]
Genji: "...IS that a good thing to be taking into the Sanctum? Maybe we should go down there..." [21:54]
Peter Pan: "No, if we all gather around it, it'll just draw attention." [21:54]
Genji: "True..." [21:56]
Adler: Adler murmurs to herself, in what is clearly high speach, cupping her hands as though hiding something between them as Brian comes into view. [21:57]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian places the pumpkinhead down on a table, letting it sit there while he went to get a sandwich. [21:58]
Adler: roll 12#1d10 [21:58] Plentimon: Keighart rolled --> 9, 6, 5, 5, 1, 9, 9, 2, 10, 3, 4, 1 [21:58]
Genji: Ken examines it curiously, one eyebrow raised. [21:58]
Adler: roll 1#1d10 [21:58] Plentimon: Keighart rolled --> 7 [21:58]
Storyteller: The thing is grinning back at you. [21:58]
Storyteller: Not that it has much choice, the grin is carved into the head. [21:58]
Adler: "Ok, there. They shouldn't be able to find us with it." [22:00]
Peter Pan: "Good thinking." [22:00] *** Keighart is now known as Adler. [22:00]
Storyteller: It's wearing a blackish acid wash t-shirt, canvas pants, and has a sewn up neck wound. Other than that, and the pumpkin head, it's fairly unremarkable. [22:01]
Peter Pan: Peter began to give it a cursory examination, looking for anything unusual on the surface. [22:03] *** Hundred_Silver_Fangs is now known as Brian_Steffanoskovich. [22:04]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian came back with an apple in his mouth. He looked at the face of the pumpkin. "...nuthink so against Gaia should smile in death." [22:04]
Brian Steffanoskovich: He reached under his robes, flipping up the securing flap on his combat dagger and pulling it out. The True Damascus Steel of the blade almost seemed to glimmer in the light, like the metal wasn't fully on this plane of existance. [22:04]
Brian Steffanoskovich: With it he went to quick work, giving a grin as he finished. The pumpkin face now looked like it was frowning, with bix X's for eyes. [22:05]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Bettur. Much bettur." [22:05]
Storyteller: The pumpkinhead has on it a cellphone, a wallet, and a bag of some odd white stuff. [22:06]
Storyteller: The head is a a big, carved pumpkin. Doesn't seem to be too odd, other than it seems to be rather unnaturally attached to the neck. [22:06]
Genji: Ken laughs. "Nice, Brian." [22:07]
Peter Pan: roll 8#1d10 [22:07] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 4, 2 [22:07]
Storyteller: As you start to reach in to examine the head better, the cell phone suddenly goes off. [22:07]
Brian Steffanoskovich: The Russian cleaned his blade on a piece of steel wool, careful not to let it cut right through the material, then put it back in the pouch. [22:07]
Storyteller: Beep, beep, beep. [22:08]
Adler: roll 6#1d10 [22:08] Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1, 6, 4, 4, 10, 3 [22:08]
Adler: Adler looks for any symbols or other identifying marks, as well [22:08]
Adler: and she ignores the phone [22:08]
Adler: roll 1#1d10 [22:08] Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1 [22:09]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked at the phone, taking a few steps back. Didn't want to fry the thing. [22:09] *** Snafu has joined #arispemage. [22:09]
Genji: ...Ken is very tempted to pick up the phone. He does so and looks at the call screen. [22:09]
Storyteller: It's an alarm. [22:09]
Genji: ...Ken checks the event it's set for. [22:10]
Storyteller: The alarm reads "10:30 PM, West and Plano" [22:10]
Genji: "...I think we've been called out." [22:10]
Genji: He holds up the screen to the others, reading it to Brian. [22:10]
Storyteller: However, there is no Plano street in Corpus. [22:11]
Genji: Odd... [22:11]
Peter Pan: "Ummm...where's Piano street?" [22:11]
Adler: Hmm...Adler pokes the necklace with a pencil [22:12]
Storyteller: There's some etching on the back of it. [22:12]
Genji: "I don't think there IS one... Which begs the question, is it just hidden from Sleepers?" [22:12]
Adler: she leans closer to read it [22:14]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Could be a Mage Market. There's plenty in big cities. One vay out here, though, is rare. But, vill be good place to look into." [22:15]
Genji: Ken nods. [22:19]
Storyteller: Suddenly, the pumpkinhead sits up and flops foreward. [22:19]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian turns, his spear out and at the ready, the point pressing against the pumpkin. " seemed dead." [22:20]
Peter Pan: Peter reached out and pushed Adler back immediately with his right hand, as his left drew his blade and pointed it at the side of the Pumpkin's head opposite form Brian [22:20]
Storyteller: Gravity causes the body to sink onto the point of the spear a bit. [22:20]
Storyteller: Still seems dead. [22:21]
Adler: ... [22:21]
Genji: Ken is in a ready position with his fists up. "...Anything else?" [22:21]
Adler: "..." [22:21]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...Genji. Sniff around Clocktower. See if somethink is playing games." [22:22]
Genji: Ken straightens up and nods. "Right, nothing's hiding from me." [22:22] *** Adler has left #arispemage. [22:22] *** Adler has joined #arispemage. [22:25]
Genji: !em 7 [22:25] Plentimon: Genji (7), 10, 10, 9, 7, 4, 1, 10, Successes : 5 [22:25]
Genji: !em 3 [22:25] Plentimon: Genji (3), 5, 7, 10, Successes : 2 [22:25]
Genji: !em 1 [22:25] Plentimon: Genji (1), 1, Successes : 0, Botch [22:26]
Genji: !em 11 [22:26] Plentimon: Genji (11), 8, 2, 7, 3, 10, 2, 7, 10, 5, 8, 3, Successes : 6 [22:26]
Genji: !em 2 [22:26] Plentimon: Genji (2), 8, 9, Successes : 2 [22:28]
Genji: !em 6 [22:28] Plentimon: Genji (6), 9, 7, 6, 9, 7, 10, Successes : 5 [22:28]
Genji: !em 1 [22:28] Plentimon: Genji (1), 10, Successes : 1 [22:29]
Genji: ! em 1 [22:29]
Genji: !em 1 [22:29] Plentimon: Genji (1), 3, Successes : 0 [22:31]
Genji: Ken mumbled to himself in atlantean, making a series of fast mudras as his eyes rolled up into his head, his whole body swaying. The vision was mesmerizing, almost tantric, and when he came down from his spellcasting high he hunched over a bit, sniffing the air and moving out. "Back when I'm done." [22:34]
Genji: He returned a few minutes later. "Well, there are no spirits that I can detect at all around here, the pumpkin head is head and rotting... and I think a couple tried to get into the tower last night, but they were just drunk and... *SNIFF* horny. Yep. And the smell of fresh cut grass gets me every time." He grins. "So I can't sense any foul play from in here... Which is even wierder." [22:36]
Storyteller: In the silence, the drip, drip of blood from the pumpkinhead sounds so much louder. [22:36]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "And yet, ve have here a dead pumpkinhead. Vhat killed it, and vhat vas it doing here?" [22:37]
Genji: "...In fact it's woo wierd. There should be SOME spirits around here attracted to the Sanctum, right? And yeah, THAT... I'm going back out to the fence, see what I can't sniff out." [22:37]
Genji: Ken does so, finding the spot where Brian took in the Pumpkinhead and sniffing around. [22:38]
Peter Pan: Peter gritted his teeth and drew his other blade, keeping a sharp eye out. He didn't like this one bit. [22:38]
Genji: !em 8 [22:38] Plentimon: Genji (8), 4, 6, 4, 10, 10, 1, 4, 10, Successes : 3 [22:39]
Genji: !em 3 [22:39] Plentimon: Genji (3), 4, 6, 9, Successes : 1 [22:41]
Genji: Ken looks left and right, a powerful presence making his hair stand on end... It was fading, but it was once mighty, perhaps still was. A Spirit of some high rank... He went back to the others. [22:43]
Genji: "...There are the fading traces of some sort of REALLY nasty spirit entity. It's starving and just kind of... hanging there. I'm not sure, but it MIGHT have either brought the pumpkinhead here or WAS the thing animating it? Maybe? I'm not good at this sort of thing yet." He scratches the back of his head. "Any clues Adler?" [22:44]
Adler: " moment." [22:44] * Adler thinks over her occult lessons [22:45]
Adler: !ex 11 [22:45] Plentimon: Adler (11), 1, 3, 7, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 7, 4, Successes : 2 [22:46]
Adler: !em 7 [22:46] Plentimon: Adler (7), 5, 7, 8, 2, 1, 3, 5, Successes : 2 [22:47]
Adler: !em 9 [22:47] Plentimon: Adler (9), 4, 8, 4, 2, 8, 1, 1, 10, 2, Successes : 3 [22:47]
Adler: !em 7 [22:47] Plentimon: Adler (7), 3, 5, 2, 1, 4, 8, 7, Successes : 2 [22:49]
Adler: "The higher-order pumpkinheads are animated by spirits, so I suppose that that is certainly a possiblity." [22:50]
Adler: "And it appears to be the case here." [22:51]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian gave a low muttering, the flowers of the Aether entering his mind, letting soft bits of pollen fall from his eyes. "...enchantments on the pumpkin." [22:55]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Many enchantments on this pumpkin...all of vhich vill disappear should they run out of mana..." He turned to Adler. "Do ve vant the enchantments kept?" [22:56]
Adler: "...I...don't think so, no." [22:56]
Adler: "Unless someone else can see a reason to keep them around." [22:57] * Genji shakes his head. [22:57]
Peter Pan: "Let's get rid of this thing." [22:57]
Peter Pan: "The whole affair feels rotten" [22:58]
Storyteller: With rather ironic synchornisity, when Peter says that, Brian, the matter and life enchantements go, and the pumpkin starts to collapse, rotten. [22:59]
Genji: "Ugghhh..." Ken covers his sensitive nose. [22:59]
Storyteller: And a little afterward, the others follow. [22:59]
Peter Pan: "Can I see that note that talked about West and Piano?" [23:00]
Genji: Ken hands to phone to him. "Plano." [23:00]
Peter Pan: "I'll be back in a bit, I'm gonna go check somthing." [23:01]
Peter Pan: "Make sure nothing messes with the clocktower and leaves another nasty present for us." [23:01]
Peter Pan: He nodded to Tinkerbell, who flew to his shoulder and ducked in like usual as he headed out the door and down the stairs [23:02]
Adler: "Could someone please get rid of the pumpkin? [23:02]
Adler: " [23:03]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian plucked the pumpkin off the main body, which was easy thanks to the rot, and tossed it out the window. [23:03]
Genji: "THANK you Brian." [23:05]
Storyteller: There's still some pumpkin flesh attached to the head, but it's not rotten. [23:08]
Storyteller: You can see some hair. [23:09]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked at the body. "You two, study the body. See if you can find somethink. I'll go down ze perimeter." [23:11]
Adler: Adler murmurs to herself for a moment, pulling in the mana thrumming in the air and brushing it onto the side of her head in strange spirals as she casts a mind spell [23:12]
Adler: !em 7 [23:12] Plentimon: Adler (7), 3, 9, 8, 1, 4, 7, 4, Successes : 3 [23:12]
Adler: !em 7 [23:12] Plentimon: Adler (7), 4, 7, 1, 5, 3, 7, 10, Successes : 3 [23:12]
Adler: !em 1 [23:12] Plentimon: Adler (1), 2, Successes : 0 [23:12]
Adler: !em 8 [23:12] Plentimon: Adler (8), 4, 8, 10, 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, Successes : 2 [23:12]
Adler: !em 7 [23:12] Plentimon: Adler (7), 4, 2, 8, 9, 4, 3, 6, Successes : 2 [23:14]
Peter Pan: Peter walked back into the tower. "Guys, we've got a trip to make, Adler, how well can you secure the tower before we go?" [23:15]
Adler: "Should really have some forensics gear for this...I'm going to have to get some of that..." Adler glances up from her examination of the body, " long do I have?" [23:16]
Peter Pan: "WE need to head out to a small town in the DFW area. I found Plano." [23:17]
Adler: "...hmm...." [23:17]
Genji: "Huh. So it wasn't in town after all." [23:17]
Brian Steffanoskovich: !em 5 [23:17] Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich (5), 9, 3, 7, 2, 9, Successes : 3 [23:18]
Peter Pan: "There's a town nearby called Plano wiht a street by the same name running through it. This person wants to call us out, let's give them a visit." [23:18]
Genji: "What do you think, guys? Should we take a road trip? [23:19]
Storyteller: It's also an almost eight hour drive. [23:19]
Adler: "...If we're going to get there..." [23:20] * Adler 's head pounds at the prospect [23:20]
Storyteller: Only six and a half if you can manage to avoid traffic. [23:20]
Storyteller: And not get lost. [23:21]
Adler: "We need to cut that time down." [23:22]
Adler: "Let me do what I can to make this place safe, and then we'll go about doing that." [23:22]
Adler: !em 13 [23:22] Plentimon: Adler (13), 8, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 5, 9, Successes : 2 [23:22]
Adler: !em 11 [23:22] Plentimon: Adler (11), 7, 5, 10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 2, 8, 5, 4, Successes : 6 [23:24]
Adler: Adler turns around, chanting quickly as she spins defenses about the tower [23:24]
Adler: !em 9 [23:24] Plentimon: Adler (9), 4, 9, 2, 5, 10, 7, 4, 1, 4, Successes : 3 [23:24]
Adler: !em 1 [23:24] Plentimon: Adler (1), 1, Successes : 0, Botch [23:24]
Adler: !em 9 [23:24] Plentimon: Adler (9), 7, 10, 2, 3, 2, 2, 8, 2, 10, Successes : 4 [23:24]
Adler: !em 1 [23:24] Plentimon: Adler (1), 6, Successes : 0 [23:31]
Adler: "...have any of you ever been down that direction? [23:31]
Adler: " [23:32]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian came back up the stairs after making the pit. "Vatch your step vhen leavink through the door. Is a doozy." [23:33]
Peter Pan: "Not me" [23:35]
Genji: "I'll mind the gap... And nah, I'v enever been there either." [23:40] *** Snafu is now known as Lavos. [23:41] *** Lavos has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: Trillian ((Link: [23:42]
Adler: "Grr...I can get us to DFW, but we'll have to drive from there. Maybe" [23:44]
Adler: "and we need to go to some seculded spot where I can open the portal. Because I don't want to make this more complicated than it already is." [23:48]
Adler: "Peter, grab the third book on the middle shelf of the bookcase to the left of the stairs while I get some stuff together." [23:49]
Peter Pan: He ran to do Adler's bidding [23:49] * Adler busies herself gathering quite a few things, including some strange chalk and an extra map of the D/FW area, upon which she draws a circle around the area they are traveling to with a needle and her own blood. [23:52]
Adler: "Well, are we going?" Adler asks as she tucks things into her shoulder bag, including her iPod and headphones and a small reading book. [23:52]
Peter Pan: "Let's." [23:56]
Genji: "I don't see why not." [23:57]
Adler: "ok...hmm...there's a road over by.... *fades to black, resumes with them there* [23:58]
Storyteller: You re-appear about an hour outside Dallas, by a bit of road near a prison. [23:58]
Storyteller: There's very little traffic, and little to see for miles but trees and more trees. [23:59]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian is sitting in the very far back of the track. He didn't want the car battery to sputter out. [00:01]
Adler: !em 7 [00:02] Plentimon: Adler (7), 6, 4, 8, 8, 9, 1, 6, Successes : 3 [00:02]
Adler: !em 7 [00:02] Plentimon: Adler (7), 9, 5, 10, 10, 4, 3, 5, Successes : 3 [00:02]
Storyteller: !em [00:02] Plentimon: Arispe (), 7, Successes : 1 [00:02]
Storyteller: !em 1 [00:02] Plentimon: Arispe (1), 1, Successes : 0, Botch [00:05] * Adler then turns to the car and waves her hands over the engine block, chanting in Atlantian briefly. [00:05]
Adler: !em 7 [00:05] Plentimon: Adler (7), 2, 1, 7, 7, 2, 1, 7, Successes : 3 [00:05]
Adler: "Peter, could you try that?" [00:06]
Adler: Adler drags all of them through the portal before he lets Peter try, though, including the car, and it snaps shut right after. [00:07] * Adler then collapses on the back seat, mentally and spiritually exausted from the ritual, and her voice more than a little rough as well. [00:09]
Peter Pan: Peter shrugged a litttle, waving his hands around, feeling silly as he chanted in Atlantean over the car, hoping it woudl work well [00:09]
Peter Pan: roll 3#1d10 [00:09] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 6, 3, 5 [00:10]
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 [00:10] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 2 [00:10] * Adler groans [00:10]
Peter Pan: "Ummm....I got nothing...." [00:10]
Adler: "Do you want me to try again?" [00:11]
Peter Pan: "Do we need to?" [00:11]
Adler: "I dunno. EMP could just....oh, hey! [00:11]
Adler: " [00:11]
Adler: "EMP, shield the car from electrical forces" [00:13]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...I'll try." [00:13]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian grunted, chanting in Atlantean as he pressed his hand against the car door. [00:14]
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 10#1d10 [00:14] Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 8, 9, 8, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9, 5, 3 [00:15] * Adler flops across the back seat, buckling the center belt on awkwardly and patting the seat behind Genji [00:16]
Adler: "Peter, sit here...Brian, go ahead and scoot the front seat all the way back so you have leg room." [00:17]
Adler: "...We've got about...oh...5 hours to get there, or so." [00:17]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian moved to the front seat, scooting back his seat. His staff hung out the window. [00:18]
Peter Pan: Peter scrambled into the back seat, he was small and skinny, so it wasn't too hard [00:19] * Adler rests her head on Peter's lap, tucks her feet up on the seat surface behind Brian's chair, and tugs her headphones on. [00:19]
Adler: she's asleep within minutes [00:19]
Peter Pan: Peter put his hand on Adler's shoulder to make sure she didn't get jerked around in the ride, only after he was certain she was already asleep though. [00:19]
Storyteller: The ride's uneventfull. It takes a few odd turns, but you get to the intersection mentioned. [00:20]
Peter Pan: "And now, we wait." [00:20]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian slept on the way there as well. Not often he gets to sleep on a padded chair. [00:20]
Storyteller: It's around 9 now, are you guys going to prepare anything or just wait? [00:22]
Peter Pan: roll 5#1d10 [00:22] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 8, 6, 7, 3, 8 [00:22]
Adler: !em 7 [00:22] Plentimon: Adler (7), 9, 7, 7, 4, 7, 8, 6, Successes : 5 [00:22]
Peter Pan: roll 6#1d10 [00:22] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 5, 2, 4, 9, 8, 3 [00:22]
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 [00:22] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 8 [00:24]
Peter Pan: roll 8#1d10 [00:24] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 7, 2, 10, 4, 6, 7, 4, 8 [00:24]
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 [00:24] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 1 [00:24]
Peter Pan: roll 5#1d10 [00:24] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 8, 1, 1, 4, 4 [00:29]
Storyteller: It's 10:30. A large van pulls up a few spots away from you guys. [00:29]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looks at the van from the car, not getting out just yet. [00:29]
Storyteller: After a short while, two guys get out. [00:30]
Storyteller: You can't hear what they're talking about, though. [00:31]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian reaches up to his ear, pressing a finger against it. [00:31]
Storyteller: 10:45. The two men have been pacing around for a bit. [00:31]
Adler: Adler whispers, "EMP, could you bring that sound over here for us?" [00:31]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Vurking on it." [00:32]
Brian Steffanoskovich: He muttered Atlantean under his breath, letting electricity flow through his ear and into the area around him. [00:32]
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 10#1d10 [00:32] Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 3, 1, 5, 9, 3, 10, 9, 6, 5, 10 [00:32]
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 2#1d10 [00:32] Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 4, 2 [00:33]
Storyteller: One controll of sound later, and you can clearly hear them speak. [00:34]
Storyteller: It's a somewhat onesided conversation, mostly about food and good places to get different types of food. [00:34]
Storyteller: Places from DFW, to Austin, to Corpus. [00:34]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian raised an eyebrow. "...stupid vuns. Very stu-...interesting." [00:34]
Storyteller: They're also waiting on some guy called Brian to show up. [00:35]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian opens the door over the car. "Stay here. I'll leave sound up. Come if it goes wrong." [00:35]
Brian Steffanoskovich: He got out of the car, closing it behind him and walking toward the two men. [00:35]
Storyteller: They look at you, kinda questioning. [00:35]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked back, just as questioning. " left a phone on my lawn, yes?" [00:36]
Storyteller: "The hell?" one of the pair says. [00:36]
Storyteller: "Nope," goes the other. [00:36]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian stared back at them. "...Brian Steffanoskovich. You vere vaiting for me?" [00:36]
Storyteller: "Nope." they reply in unison. [00:37]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "...vhy are you here, then?" [00:38]
Storyteller: "Waitng for our friend Brian, because I want him and him (he points to the other guy) to try this place." the shorter of the two says. [00:38]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian looked at the building. "Vhat place is it?" [00:38] * Adler waves her fingers over her eyes, casting a spell to reveal their aura [00:38]
Adler: !ex 7 [00:38] Plentimon: Adler (7), 8, 5, 3, 6, 10, 4, 7, Successes : 4 [00:39]
Adler: !em 1 [00:39] Plentimon: Adler (1), 6, Successes : 0 [00:39]
Storyteller: "Mongolian stir fry place called the Genghis grill." Again this is the shorter one. [00:40]
Storyteller: "You should really try it, very good, and it's a buffet." [00:41]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Ghengis Grill." The words rolled weirdly in his mouth. "...a buffet you say?" He WAS a bit hungry. [00:41]
Storyteller: "Yep. All you can eat mongolian stir-fry buffet." [00:41]
Storyteller: He nods enthusiastically. [00:42]
Storyteller: He gives you the driving directions. [00:43]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "Sounds good. I'll give it a try. Sorry for the confusion." Brian turned back to the car, getting into the front seat again. "I assume you all heard?" [00:43]
Adler: Adler grimaces and chants quickly and quietly, weaving a scrying spell back on the sanctum [00:44]
Adler: !ex 9 [00:44] Plentimon: Adler (9), 3, 6, 9, 1, 2, 2, 7, 4, 4, Successes : 2 [00:45]
Peter Pan: "I hope this isn't a wild goose chase." [00:46]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "There's also the chance they left the phone to tell us vhere to go. And I'm hungry." [00:46]
Brian Steffanoskovich: "You heard the directions, right Genji?" [00:51]
Genji: "Yes. I'm starved too! Let's tear up that buffet." [00:52]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian leaned back in his seat, waiting for the grilled meat that he didn't have to hunt. [00:53]
Storyteller: Price per person, around 11 dollars for buffet and a drink. The wonderful sensation of seeing lots of food being cooked and then getting to eat it, having chosen the spices and vegetables, for Brian is priceless, then. [00:53]
Genji: Kenji is drooling. Mmmmmmmmmm... MEAT. YES. [00:56]
Adler: Adler insists that she and Peter get a seperate table across the room, the 'better to keep a look out' [00:57]
Adler: !ex 3 [00:57] Plentimon: Adler (3), 9, 4, 4, Successes : 1 [00:58]
Brian Steffanoskovich: It's fine, since Brian's staff and the plates he grabbed take up his half of the table. [00:59]
Genji: Ken doesn't exactly help with the space. The copious amount of exercise he does gives him a lion's appetite. [00:59]
Storyteller: You guys hear a damnednably familar voice talking a few tables over. Really, you're certain you've heard it before. [01:00]
Storyteller: Unfortunately, the speaker manages to have his back to both groups. Somehow. [01:00]
Brian Steffanoskovich: Brian's ears perked up. His head turned to the speaker, a piece of meat in the corner of his mouth. [01:01]
Adler: That's not a problem, Adler thinks, expanding her perceptions in order to identify the Mind of the person [01:01]
Genji: Ken also looks... His back was to them... Hmmm... [01:02]
Peter Pan: Peter got up to go get soem more food, taking care to get a look at the person in question [01:02]
Adler: Adler takes a survey of all the different types of Minds in the room [01:03]
Adler: !em 7 [01:03] Plentimon: Adler (7), 5, 9, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, Successes : 3 [01:06]
Peter Pan: roll 5#1d10 [01:06] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 10, 2, 2, 6, 6 [01:06]
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10 [01:06] Plentimon: Peter_Pan rolled --> 4 [01:08]
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 4#1d10 [01:08] Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 4, 10, 8, 5 [01:08]
Brian Steffanoskovich: roll 1#1d10 [01:08] Plentimon: Brian_Steffanoskovich rolled --> 4

Quotable Quote: Adler: well, our Cabal went that distance for a stakeout, and now it seems to have turned into a steak out

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