Session 14

From Arispemage

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Current revision as of 23:32, 1 December 2007

<Storyteller> The Vamp, whose name you can't quite recall knowing, does offer to help transport the books for a few miles, if you want.
<Peter> "That'd be helpful
<Brian> Brian had already slipped a certain grimoire into his robes.
<Brian> His special black book of names and numbers.
<Brian> It had slipped from his pocket, and he didn't want to lose Gwendolyn Van Bilmur's phone number.
<Brian> In case he ever managed to get home without being hunted.
<Storyteller> The vamp goes up to one of the sleeping men "Andre. Andre. Andre! ANDRE! WAKE UP YOU SOPORIFIC FOOL!"
<Storyteller> He starts shaking the man.
<Storyteller> After a bit, the man wakes up.
<Storyteller> "Andre. Help the winners to move their prizes. Take the truck. Go where they ask."
<Storyteller> The man, Andre apparently, nods sleepily, and shuffles out of the room.
<Storyteller> "I would have to hire the two deepest sleepers in the world, wouldn't I?" the Vamp asks.
<Brian> "Good help ist hard to find."
<Peter> He grinned a little. "Well, you do have an odd condition."
<Storyteller> "Thank you. Also, if you need to buy something special, or have something to sell, I'd be willing to help. 10% if you're looking for money."
<Brian> "Nothink right now."
<Storyteller> "Well, if you ever do, you have my number."
<Storyteller> "Andre should have the truck started, so let's get this out of here."
<Storyteller> And he starts pushing the big box to the ladder.
<Storyteller> Short story even shorter, you guys get the box loaded, and now just have to tell Mr. Andre where to deliver it.
<Peter> Peter attempted to help him out
<Storyteller> Andre or the Vamp?
<Peter> The Vamp
<Storyteller> It's easy enough to help push the box.
<Brian> Brian got in the back of the truck with the box, not wanting to sit up near the front where things might get...un nice.
<Storyteller> Andre asks where to deliver this.

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<Genji> Hallo miloves. =3
<Genji> Just home from a thnig with my dad that ran much later than expected.
<Adler> Adler shrugs and directs him to the tower
<Storyteller> He drives just as close to it as he can and then helps unload it.
<Storyteller> Andre then goes and drives back.
<Genji> Ken is wondering if he should go the whole nine yards and actually shapeshift into a pack mule to help...
<Brian> Brian looked down at the crate.
<Adler> "Why not just open it and carry the books up?
<Adler> "
<Peter> "We could use a pulley?"
<Adler> "...fine. I reaaly didn't want to have to do this."
<Adler> Adler twists her neck to make it pop, then does the same for her hands.
<Genji> Very insterested in what Addy is planning, Ken stand back... farther back... yeah, right there.
<Adler> she pulls a piece of chalk out and draws a little circle under the crate, scribbling a few symbols here and there.
<Adler> And then stands back. She uses her fingers to make a little frame, and sights in on the top of the clocktower. "Hmm..." She moves a little to the left. "Ok."
<Adler> She takes a solid stance, feet a little more than shoulder width apart, holding her hands as though she has some sort of ball in them, and starts chanting in High Speach
<Adler> As she does so, to your eyes, strange and jagged letters, symbols, and formulae begin to appear in the air around her, seeming to be scratched into being by some sort of claw or blade, with the accompaning screech of something scraping across a chalkboard (fingernails? Talons?)
<Adler> Her hands make a motion describing the sphere, and then pushing two opposite points slowly together...and as she does that, a small shimmer begins below the crate, slowly...
<Storyteller> !ex 1
<Lioness> Arispe (1), 5, Successes : 0
<Adler> !ex 9
<Lioness> Wildfire (9), 6, 8, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 5, 5, Successes : 1
<Adler> ...expanding into a flat grey plane, that suddenly turns in on itself and shows what appears to be a view of the upper room in the tower. Adler presses both hands to the crate, and it slowly sinks through the portal before it snaps shut
<Adler> there is an accompaning faint 'thud' from upstairs when it falls through and down the last few inches.
<Peter> ""
<Peter> Peter went and zipped upstairs to see it.
<Brian> Brian started the long...long walk up the tower steps.
<Adler> Adler shudders, "I hate vulgar magic..." she wanders up the stairs
<Brian> Not before, however, picking a few...plants from the ground.
<Storyteller> Upstairs, you notice that the box has a This Side Up arrow. It's currently pointing towards the ground.
<Nacht> Peter attempted to keep one edge to the ground and flip the box
<Brian> "...might need more practice."
<Adler> "...shuddup"
<Storyteller> As you right it, you see another This Side Up arrow. It's pointing in a different direction.
<Adler> "ALAAAAAAN!" Adler's voice is planitive
<Storyteller> "... Yes?"
<Peter> Grunting a bit from effort and looking mildly annoyed, Peter attempted to just flip it onto its side
<Adler> "Is this YOUR fault, or does the vampire have your sense of humor?"
<Adler> "Just open the box and unpack it, I think."
<Brian> " can just break open, yes?"
<Storyteller> "I have no idea about Gus and his sense of humor."
<Storyteller> "However, it lacks the requisite number of arrows for it to be my work."
<Brian> Brian took the rustic iron end of his spear staff, jamming it into a corner of the box, careful not to pierce anymore of the books.
<Brian> He worked on prying it open, using his staff as a crowbar.
<Storyteller> The box opens up easily enough.
<Storyteller> There's lots of packing peanuts in there.
<Storyteller> And underneath the peanuts, books.
<Brian> Brian gave a small sneeze. Stupid dust...
<Adler> "oooh...."
<Brian> He reached down, picking up the book he had accidentally pierced when he attacked the vampire.
<Genji> Ken got down on his knees and started sifting through the dusty packing foam. "Glad I don't have allergies..."
<Peter> "Yeah, I know what you mean"
<Storyteller> There's a hole in it, but you can read Vam re on the cover.
<Adler> "mmm...boooks..."
<Brian> Brian's eyebrow raised. "Adler, ist there an undamaged version of this?"
<Peter> "We wouldn't need one if you hadn't rushed in with staking him in mind."
<Adler> " moment."
<Adler> Adler picks through the other books
<Storyteller> Yeah, there's one with the Vampire on it.
<Storyteller> And Werewolf.
<Storyteller> And then Acanthus, Moros, Magistos, Obrimos, Thyrsus.
<Storyteller> There's a few copies of most of them.
<Brian> Brian picked up the Vampire and Obrimos books.
<Peter> Peter picked up a book on faires with a bit of a grin on his face, causing a slightly agitated Tink to fly in front of it. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What'cha need this for, 'eh sherlock?" Peter just laughed a bit
<Genji> "Huh, some sort of supernatural info library set here? Encyclopedia Occultica or something?"
<Adler> Adler picks up the Mastigos book
<Adler> "Well, that's...potentially aggrivating."
<Brian> Brian's eyes narrowed. "...I'm keepink this book." Better for an arrow to keep this book, and out of the hands of those that might use it against an Obrimos...or even himself.
<Brian> He closed the book, instead choosing to read the Vampire book.
<Storyteller> There is also a note, at the bottom of the pile.
<Brian> Brian flipped through it, chuckling at some.
<Peter> Peter went to read the note
<Storyteller> It reads "General Help. For Future use. Also, look carefully under Structures."
<Peter> "Structures...?" Peter furrowed his brow and started looking at the titles of books for anythign that siad structure
<Storyteller> There's just one book that says Structures.

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<Peter> Peter took the book and sat down in teh corner to start reading
<Peter> Peter had been almost falling asleep reading it. He didn't want to be a destroyer, and that was all this book seemed to talk about. Suddenly, he saw the slip come loose and reached to pick it up?"

  • Peter kills the "

<Petert> His eyes went wide. He leaned in close to read the message
<Peter> "Guys?"
<Brian> "Vhat?"
<Peter> "There's instructions on destroying Pumpkin-Heads"
<Brian> "Easier than lightink them up?"
<Brian> "Fire vurks vunders."
<Storyteller> A tumbleweed blows through the room.
<Peter> "Well, it looks like more specialized answers at least"
<Brian> "Maybe against the casters."

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